Done Limitation of Efficient Energy Production

Discussion in 'C-Team' started by Vouch, Feb 21, 2016.

  1. Vouch

    Vouch Trash

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    Hello, I've seen recently as I've been getting further into the modpack that there's not a very efficient source of RF production. For example, I've got a tree farm which barely produces enough for a few dynamos which is hardly any RF production plus with machines running constantly and occasionally. Many players have agreed with me on this. The Sirwilli tank cannot be added I don't think as mods can't be added to the modpack.

    A few ideas have sparked up from players;
    1. A custom recipe for full lava drums that are craftable for magmatic dynamos, which is possible.
    2. Make a Sirwilli tesseract (tesseract from Thermal Expansion).
    I'd like other players input on this and any other possible ways to boost energy production within the CTeam modpack.
  2. SirStudMuffin

    SirStudMuffin Well-Known Member

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    I mean sure why not?
    I always used 5 steam gens and tree farm for power but that has massive limitations and clogs up easily XD
    Vouch likes this.
  3. CommonExplosion

    CommonExplosion Well-Known Member

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    I see it has advanced generators and extra utilities. Why not give those a try? :)
    You could also get creative and use a lava crystal from Blood magic for blood -> rf. Won't it be more fun to make a custom setup rather than a simple infinite lava setup?
    BookerTheGeek likes this.
  4. SirStudMuffin

    SirStudMuffin Well-Known Member

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    I think @profrags had something with a blood magic making lava then pumping it out to generators when we did regrowth
  5. Vouch

    Vouch Trash

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    I guess you're right, but you could say that for most of the other modpacks that have infinite lava sources too. As for blood magic, many players don't have interests in it and don't do it. I have but not sure how I'd get enough LP to keep lots of dynamos going. Thanks for your replies.
  6. SirStudMuffin

    SirStudMuffin Well-Known Member

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    Witches are your friend XD
  7. profrags

    profrags Well-Known Member

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    No, keep quiet or I destroy your "party room" >;-c

    There's no need for either of those Vouch, there are so many combinations of power creation using ExU gens and other machines or mods! You just need to give them a try and see if it works :D RN I'm using burger power for my base :p
    You could also try solar panels or black hole power.
  8. Vouch

    Vouch Trash

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    Not sure how to get black holes. Also, advanced generator's got recipe conflicts with brewcraft so can't use them.
  9. profrags

    profrags Well-Known Member

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    You find them in the world naturally, why didn't you just google that? -_-
    (Not ment to be taken in a rude way)
  10. Vouch

    Vouch Trash

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    @aiky_ found this post on reddit. Power Generation : RevengeOfTheCTeam . This is very long but in general, it says that you're basically best off using advanced generators as all the other power generators are a waste of time. The problem at this moment is with the iron plates conflicting with Brewcraft's ring. However, the eucalyptus sapling grows really quick so it's easy log. Possibly use the ideas as I temporary option?
  11. xXxNahanxXx

    xXxNahanxXx Well-Known Member

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    Powers not hard to get. i have 8 x8 generators that produce enough power to charge my 10 resonant energy cells, all my machines, and my ender quarry. It doesn't take that much. Just make a lava crystal, put it on a lumber axe, get a sacred oak sapling, and a deep storage unit. It does require some grind, but you'll get around 150-200 levels of exp =D
    Vouch likes this.
  12. Adrianfish

    Adrianfish Well-Known Member

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    i dont find getting power hard at all with my setup i can run a ender quarry at full speed with silk touch and speed 2 upgrade, and all my machines/myself. and thats all on 10 steam dynamos with efficiency augments in them

    2016-02-21_14.15.20. 2016-02-21_14.15.34.
    Vouch likes this.
  13. profrags

    profrags Well-Known Member

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    Are they with Max eff upgrades?they go up to tier 3?
  14. Adrianfish

    Adrianfish Well-Known Member

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    yea they are pro
  15. Ash00182

    Ash00182 Well-Known Member

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    Possible temp lava implementation could be setting the MineFactoryReloaded Lava fabricator to cost no RF to produce lava.[DOUBLEPOST=1456084747,1456083370][/DOUBLEPOST]Looking into the tesseract solution atm.[DOUBLEPOST=1456095574][/DOUBLEPOST]I currently have two solutions:
    • Lava fabricator cost 0 RF but has a fixed lava production per tick
    • A restricted sirwill tesseract linked to creative lava tank
    Only down side of the tesseract is that you will need to use other means to break it. Block breaker/precision shears...[DOUBLEPOST=1456098942][/DOUBLEPOST]What would you rather have?
    Vouch, profrags and Adrianfish like this.
  16. profrags

    profrags Well-Known Member

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    I would vote for the lava fab. It restricts people from over abusing the fact that's it infinite so they can't have 100 lava gens or magmatic dynamos and feed them all from a single block, so they would be forced to make a couple more :D
    Vouch likes this.
  17. Ash00182

    Ash00182 Well-Known Member

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    True. But isnt it better to have one block that has infinite lava than 20 lava fabricators per player?
  18. Adrianfish

    Adrianfish Well-Known Member

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    I like the lava fabs idea more that way it restricts people a bit on there lava setups
  19. Bangarang86

    Bangarang86 Well-Known Member

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    In my opinion, I think it'd be better to not even restrict the lava if this is done. I know I would personally build many lava fabricators and try to get as much power, just so I know I have unlimited power. If the lava fabricator produced unlimited lava, there wouldn't be a need to build more fabricators to produce more power, when I/anyone would want unlimited power anyways. I have near the same setup as Adrianfish for power, and, while it's relatively slow, I have it chunkloaded to gain power.

    I understand what Adrian is trying to say though, since it would cost more materials to make them, and because of that, it would restrict some people. But from my perspective, if lava power became a do-able thing, I know I'd personally want to make as much power as possible (unlimited). I guess that would all depend though on how much the lava fabricator would produce as the limit will restrict it.
  20. MrWisski

    MrWisski Well-Known Member

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    I've fixed the recipe for the advanced generator part - its now craftable. They were nerfed from what they were a while ago, but i believe the Advanced Generators are still _seriously_ good for RF gen.

    Please bear in mind, that if you show no regard for your fellow players, and try to greedily eat up all the available server resources by abusing the lava sources we provide FOR EARLY GAME, we (MyM staff) WILL step in and stop it.

    Please show basic respect to your fellow players, and refrain from building enormous, unnecessary power setups just so you "feel like you have more power than you'll ever use". We have in the past, and will again, use bedrock to enforce this law if we must - but how about just showing some restraint and not forcing us into that position in the first place?
    BookerTheGeek likes this.

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