Hello lovely community, For those of you who don't know me, I am Zxirl (previously known as Constructl0n). I have been part of the MindYourMind Network since back in December of 2014! I quickly fell in love with friendly atmosphere maintained by the players and the staff team. After about 6 months of playing off/on, I ended up applying for staff position which was Moderator back at the time (Now we start new staff members off as Jr. Mods for those who don't know ). I was accepted and quickly rose to the rank of Co-Admin (old rank, now replaced by the roles of Jr. Admin and Sr. Moderator). I really enjoyed the position and really grew as an individual! Sadly, life interrupted and the free time that I had once used to help players and play Minecraft quickly disappeared. I made the decision to resign with the hope that one day I would have free time again to come back to this lovely community. I was blessed by an easy class-load in the Fall 2015 and ended up having lots of time to play and immediately re-applied for a staff position when I came back. For me, it just didn't feel right knowing that I could be helping the players. I had been playing Infinity Expert, Thaumic Skies, and Civilization for the past few months. I was putting in quite a bit of time here on the network and considered the possibility of apply for Sr. Moderator/Jr. Admin over Winter Break; however, I decided against the idea because I wasn't really sure how busy I would be during my spring semester. Which brings us to present day: After taking the past month off to focus on my classes and try to find time to give to the Network, it brings me great sadness to have to say this: Due to an extremely heavy class-load, I have been unable to find time to spend helping the community and will be resigning from my Moderator Position. Lastly and most importantly, I just want to say one last thank you to the staff team and the fantastic community. MindYourMind Network is greatest modded Minecraft communities around. That only exists due to the hard work put in by the dedicated staff team which tries to resolve issues as quickly as possible, but most importantly: The Players. Without the players, the community wouldn't exist! Farewell for now, Zxirl <3
[DOUBLEPOST=1456462473,1456461716][/DOUBLEPOST]Dont be a stranger. It's good that you're focusing on the important stuff. Education > Gaming.
It was a blast playing with you in Thaumic Skies Zxirl. I feel a little bad for leaving the server and leaving you there hehe but i hope when you comeback we can play together again you, me and Endavor Good luck and that your path shines like the sun
Sad to see you leave, we dont know eachother much but we had fun speaking in Chileno haha. I hope you come back some day. I'll be here i guess. No te pierdas por mucho tiempo po wn. Chau!
We never talked. Pretty sure you answered one of my numerous tickets, though. You seem rather nice, good luck.[DOUBLEPOST=1456684251][/DOUBLEPOST]Apparently I'm double posting...
It was a pleasure working with you, Zxirl. Good luck in all of your future endeavors, hope to see you around in the future!
There is no point in posting things like this.[DOUBLEPOST=1456715077][/DOUBLEPOST] I wish you all the best in your future endeavors and it was a pleasure having you as a staff member. God speed.