CraftMine pack - would you play it?

Discussion in 'Community Talk' started by Paint_Ninja, Jan 11, 2016.

  1. Paint_Ninja

    Paint_Ninja New Member

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    Hey FoxFire_MC, I can honestly tell you that I am not posting on here solely for my own benefit but I understand your concern. I have spoken with Slind for a while before posting this thread, and you can check with him if you don't believe me. I am posting here because I am genuinely interested in getting more communities involved in CraftMine, would like to see how much interest the MineYourMind community has in this pack and if a fair amount of people are interested, possibly get CraftMine on the MineYourMind launcher and a server for it, which by the way I'm offering to setup the server for MindYourMind if that's preferred.

    CraftMine has been around for a long time and has never died off. Yep, it's had it's ups and downs but that's normal for any pack - even the more popular ones. This pack has never been hugely popular because it aims at a market that is quite new to some players and appears to be alienating for some as I've found, (as the pack is marketed in a way that's a bit vague and isn't a common genre of modpacks) but the overall feedback from this pack is overwhelmingly positive with a very high runs to downloads ratio which exceeds some more popular packs (a high runs to downloads ratio shows a lower amount of people starting up the pack once and then deleting it, meaning that most people who try CM usually play it again)
  2. SirStudMuffin

    SirStudMuffin Well-Known Member

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    Only thing i can see atm is SOMEONE wanting to put this into a PVP server
  3. 123hotdog1100

    123hotdog1100 Well-Known Member

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    you know what they say assuming just makes an assout of you and me
    And not to backfire what you said in the first quote but im going to your advertising your server or modpack on the fourm aswell i mean look at the picture under your posts i think its called a splash or bio i dont know anymore[DOUBLEPOST=1455912663][/DOUBLEPOST]
    i allready like this guy cus hes from the uk :)
  4. FoxFire_MC

    FoxFire_MC The Walking Mineapedia

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    Im afraid that your wording confused me..pls explain what you mean?
  5. 123hotdog1100

    123hotdog1100 Well-Known Member

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    you know the thing under your post "foxfire_mc"
    thats kinda looks like an adress at first for a minecraft server
  6. FoxFire_MC

    FoxFire_MC The Walking Mineapedia

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    Hmm OK... I'm not quite sure what you mean by that but OK.
  7. SirStudMuffin

    SirStudMuffin Well-Known Member

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    "i allready like this guy cus hes from the uk :)"

    What you trying to say ;) ;)
    I'd play it obviously to see how it plays so
  8. Arcanuo

    Arcanuo Old School Poster

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    The pack is different from many others I have seen. I cannot verify if this is a good or bad thing from just squinting at it though. While originality is something I highly value in any pack I play. I worry that the lack of "normal" "highly" used mods will be a turn-off to the general MyM community. I find that the MyM community enjoys different themes, and concepts but most of the player base has mods THEY must have, or they will not play a pack. How many times have I heard "Oh dang-it,darndee, ruffinlinksins sketcher muffins, this pack doesn't have ____ I AM NOT PLAYING". This is one of my key concerns.
    FoxFire_MC likes this.
  9. 123hotdog1100

    123hotdog1100 Well-Known Member

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    What you've heard of team america what about team uk
  10. SirStudMuffin

    SirStudMuffin Well-Known Member

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    Yes i would know as you can see im but a humble britian myself
  11. Paint_Ninja

    Paint_Ninja New Member

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    I understand your point which is exactly why I attempt to market CraftMine in the way I do. I don't state the mod list like most packs do, nor do I just add mods and configure them and brand it like some also do. Infact, there's no mention of mods in the o.p. of this thread at all, which on its own can spark curiosity as to what the pack actually offers.

    The point I'm trying to make here is that CraftMine isn't just a generic "modpack" but with some fancy marketing gimmick to make it seem unique (I'll admit it now I'm not great at marketing. At all.) Reason being that it offers so much different to a generic modpack. CraftMine isn't a pack that just puts mods together and makes them work, with maybe some custom configs thrown in. In CraftMine, all of the mods have been modified by our development team in some shape or form - be it new features, replaced enhanced textures, bugfixes, feature removals, optimisations and other changes. It would be misleading to show you a list of mods because if you got all of them mods and put them together, you wouldn't have the same experience as CraftMine - even if you copied over the config folder from CM. Why? Because CraftMine has a lot of exclusive content made in-house and includes more than just mods. It has its own in-house developed sound engine, textures, features... you get the idea.

    Another thing to note is that even if CraftMine doesn't have mods that some players want - which has happened in the past as I've seen on the official CraftMine server - I show them players that they can already do most of the things they want from the missing mod, as similar features are already there. A good example of this could be someone leaving because NEI is 'missing'. I ask them what they use in NEI and they say crafting recipe search, so I explain to them that they can already do that in the pack with our more lightweight implementation, simply by pressing "G" on your keyboard and then clicking "Set item" to search all recipes but without any of the performance hit NEI causes for some players. This is just an example but I hope you better understand what I mean now. ;)
  12. SirStudMuffin

    SirStudMuffin Well-Known Member

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    I have to say this is one of the better applications as many just give 2 or 3 lines on why they want the pack, atleast he stays and answers questions and gives detailed analysis of the pack
    Just have to wait for an owners decision on this and if there is enough space of the network
    newabcd, AlphaRue and Paint_Ninja like this.
  13. Paint_Ninja

    Paint_Ninja New Member

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    Thanks, I am keen on gaining more recognition of the pack and hope to get this on MineYourMind eventually if I'm lucky. ;)

    I'm a bit new to the MineYourMind community so please correct me if I'm wrong, but I believe the current "Vanilla+" pack on the MYM network has plans on being replaced? If so, I think CraftMine would be a fantastic alternative with a similar kind of feel to the old Vanilla+ pack without any of its problems such as the lack of updates. To give you an idea of how often I update CM, the target is monthly, and clients are usually backwards compatible with older servers so there's no real hassle of having to update the server often. :)
  14. SirStudMuffin

    SirStudMuffin Well-Known Member

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    Right it's not oficial that Vanilla + is going but it's likely, next your competing with @FoxFire_MC 's pack for such a slot so I wish you the best of luck
    And thirdly I doubt this would happen in the near future as admins are stretched extremely thin
  15. Jamie_Day

    Jamie_Day Title of titles

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    Ah CraftMine i stumbled across that when i was looking for packs like Life in the woods! downloaded it and saw the crafting guide....ugh major headache btw but I could live with it I think that CraftMine would make for a amazing MyM sub-community :D ive been slowing down with minecraft lately because of the crappy kitchen-sink packs and gimmicky quest packs same old same old a jumbled mess of annoying crap! dont get me wrong they have got there worth but they dont last in my heart they die off and they die off faster with big community's and i cant stand super small community's or single player and this pack would cut through the random mym people and a few of the regulars that "beat" the game and only goto endgame stuff never focusing on the beauty of the world or simple pleasures and with vanilla + dying off this would be a great replacment one that i would actually enjoy of course there would be randos and stuff but i see mainly a decent sized sub-community with dedicated players

    Also as for the mod suggestions keep the "norms" out thaumcraft, bloodmagic, ender io ect find obscure but not absurd unique mods or heck even get your team to make some and stick to being neutral you arnt a magical pack your not a technical pack and your not a kitchen sink pack
    you is you :p
    Paint_Ninja likes this.
  16. FoxFire_MC

    FoxFire_MC The Walking Mineapedia

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    I'm not competing with craft mine, I had been planing to make a new pack for quite a while and this just gave me an opportunity to make one, which is something that I enjoy doing. Now if everyone is wanting craft-mine instead of communi-craft then I of course will step down and discontinue the pack. I only have about 40 hours put into the making of it so it's not that much of a waste. I was making the pack with the COMMUNITY in mind and was trying to tailor it to the mym network and the wishes of the players. Communi-craft was supposed to have the same feel as V+ but with those mods that everyone was missing without making it a black hole of tech or magic.
    If craft-mine will be stable and is the perfect pack that everyone is looking for then by all means choose that.
    One last thing that I would like to make crystal clear is that I am NOT in a competition with @Paint_Ninja or craft-mine.
  17. SirStudMuffin

    SirStudMuffin Well-Known Member

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    I thought V+ was meant for the ones with poor compyters, how will craft mine cater to these
  18. Paint_Ninja

    Paint_Ninja New Member

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    CraftMine comes in three editions which can be easily switched so that the pack is tailored to each kind of PC.

    - For most gamers, the Standard (the default) edition of CraftMine is ideal.
    - For people with poor, slow or old computers or computers not designed for gaming, the Light edition is ideal. This looks similar to the Standard edition but is tuned for the less powerful computer audience, so the game runs a lot better at the cost of slightly worse appearance (but still better than most packs out there today)
    - For people with top-end gaming machines, the Ultra edition is probably best for them. It's the same as the Standard edition except I've increased the visuals dramatically and it looks a lot better than the Standard edition at the cost of FPS, although if people are running the Ultra edition it is assumed FPS is a non-issue.

    All of these editions are cross-compatible so that players with CraftMine Light can play with others on a LAN party or server running CraftMine Standard or Ultra. These editions also have the same universal and server-side mods, with only some client-side aspects being different, to ensure full cross-compatibility and so that all editions of the pack can be published for the same pack version simultaneously.

    On top of the editions, you can also type commands to load preset video options which simplifies improving performance for most players - especially those unfamiliar with the video settings menu or are unaware about which options being changed could cause graphical glitches. For example, if someone is lagging on the Light edition they could type "/profile load Fast" in-game and instantly the settings change and their FPS goes up. You could also type "/profile load Faster" or "/profile load Fancy" and so on to adjust your settings according to presets just like you can do with Triple-A games. ;)

    We really have thought of everything... :)
    Last edited: Mar 3, 2016
  19. terrorfreeze

    terrorfreeze Well-Known Member

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    i' give it a shot
    Paint_Ninja likes this.
  20. FoxFire_MC

    FoxFire_MC The Walking Mineapedia

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    If I may ask, how many mods are there? The amount of mods is the biggest lag factor because the more item / block id's there is for the computer to remember, the slower it is to render a block either in the world or in a inventory because it has to call up the correct Id and it's like a large hunt for the computer everytime you look at something.

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