Implemented Return of griefed items promised by moderator...still waiting

Discussion in 'Monster' started by Colindapieman, Jun 6, 2014.

  1. Colindapieman

    Colindapieman New Member

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    Local Time:
    8:28 PM
    (No monster south option yet)
    A moderator came over to help with my ticket for griefing. He made me tell him a list of items we lost because he was able to ban the one who was responsible, but we still haven't gotten our stuff back.
    Just missing
    -20 blood runes
    -blood altar (we replaced it ourselves but would still like compensation)
    -8 open blocks tanks full of lava (also replaced ourselves)
    -Most importantly, 2 Magenta Cave Crystals
    Sunundrade likes this.
  2. mortenmkl

    mortenmkl New Member

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    2:28 AM
    I didnt say i promissed your stuff back i said. that if you wrote me the lost items the upper staff might be able to restore your items. I didnt promiss any thing m8 :)
  3. Colindapieman

    Colindapieman New Member

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    8:28 PM
    And this is a thread asking if the upper staff will do anything
  4. cbrozak

    cbrozak Well-Known Member

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    7:28 PM
    No, I am sorry. Our policy is we don't refund or restore anything (unless in extreme circumstances). If the culprit was found, the mod typically will go search the other players inventory or home to find the missing items, if they are not found then it is unfortunate.

    In the end, we urge you to protect your stuff with the provided Grief Protection plug-in we use. Thank you for your post. Sorry it can't be resolved to satisfaction.
  5. Colindapieman

    Colindapieman New Member

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    8:28 PM
    Well thank you at least for settling the matter. I didn't want any false hope. You guys responded quickly and I should have definitely protected my stuff. Still more than most server staff would do.
    cbrozak likes this.

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