Thaumic Skies and Avaritia

Discussion in 'Archive (Suggestion and Feedback)' started by CaptainPrice_, Mar 12, 2016.


Should limited Avaritia recipes be enabled?

  1. Yes

  2. No

  1. CaptainPrice_

    CaptainPrice_ Well-Known Member

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    I've been thinking it might be fun to enable Avaritia. Only some of the items would be enabled. (Sword, Orb, and Wand would not be enabled as just too OP.)

    Argument on the wand: Make it almost impossible to acquire - the equivalent of say 100,000 hours of neutron collectors running 24/7 to get enough to make the wand. Yes it insta-refills itself, but it is a Thaumcraft pack and would allow the player to feel like the 'ultimate thaumaturge.' Just a thought.

    Mostly enabling Avaritia recipes would be for the armor, the wither head sword, and integration with TiCo. I think infinity tools/weapons would be awesome - and if not for the utility then just to say "because I can."
  2. ultratutu9

    ultratutu9 Greater Band of Mana, of stored power.

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    Well, @kindlich disabled them for a reason. If you want a good armor, you have plenty options, blood magic, thaumcraft and his addons and even botania. If you want a good sword, you can use TiCon to make it.
    Idk how the TiCon integration with Avaritia works, i can't talk too much about it, but i guess is also disabled for a reason.

    The main reason all this recipes are disabled is because the modpack would be easier.
  3. CaptainPrice_

    CaptainPrice_ Well-Known Member

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    but the stuff i'm talking about requires neutron collectors - lots of them - running for many many hours before you even begin to see and fruition or anything useful. and @kindlich and i have talked and he said if popular opinion wants them re-enabled then that's what we'll get. he disabled avaritia entirely only because he wanted the dire crafting table for other things. he's not opposed if it's what everyone wants.
  4. ultratutu9

    ultratutu9 Greater Band of Mana, of stored power.

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    Well, if that's the case, i guess making a poll was the best choice
  5. kindlich

    kindlich Well-Known Member

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    When I updated Avaritia and saw the new items, I thought about whether I should just disable the recipes, let them be, or set in the configs that only the dire crafting table is registered as item (so the other items wouldn't even exist)...

    I then decided on disabling most of the items, because I thought of them being too OP, though if you guys want them, I can/will re-enable them

    Just to make sure we all are on the same status, I will list the items in question, and what they do:
    • Infinity Catalyst - Crafting item
    • Infinity Ingot - Crafting item, can be used as TConstruct Material
    • Blood Orb of Armok - Instantly sets your Soul Networks LP to
    • Asgardandelion - Botania "generating" flower - instantly refills connected mana spreader
    • Nature's Ruin, aka. Infinity Axe - Axe that instantly mines a tree, as if using veinminer - Infinite durability
    • Planet Eater, aka. Infinity Shovel - Shovel that instantly mines whatever a shovel mines - Infinite durability (Only banned it because I banned the other tools as well)
    • Cosmic Meatballs - Food that give 10 foodpoints and 10 saturation points
    • Ultimate Stew - Same as Cosmic Meatballs, only gives Regen II for 5 minutes as well
    • Infinity Armor - When fully worn 80% Vis Discount, moderate speed buff(in air and on land), mobs wont hit you anymore (they will follow you and try to, but its like you are in creative)
    • Endest Pearl - Thrown like an ender Pearl, creates a sphere with a diameter of about 7 blocks at the block it hits, destroying/killing everything in it before exploding - Would stay banned because of possible claim bypasses / grieving
    • World Breaker aka. Infinity Pickaxe - Insta-Mines whatever a pick mines, turns ores into Fractured ores, that give more material
    • Skullfire sword - "Beheads skeletons and scorches them black."
    • Longbow of the Heavens - If arrow hits, does about 37 dmg without enchants, if it doesnt hit, it will summon an arrow hail in a small area around it, with about 8 arrows coming from the sky dealing 18,5 dmg each
    • Matter Cluster - Crafting Item
    • Infinitatio - Like tiny Potato from Botania, just gives buffs when rightclicked: Night Vision, Speed, Haste II, Strength III, Absorption, Saturation, Jump Boost, Regen II, Resistance II, Fire Resistance, Water Breathing, each of them lasting 3 minutes. The Infinitatio wont be used up upon use, so you have those buffs theoreticly without time limit xD
    • Crystal studded Neutronium Wand - Thaumcraft wand, having a 10% Vis discount, 9.999.999 Capacity per primal and insta-refills itself once in a player's inventory
    • This mod adds its own recipes for the Thermal Expansion and AppliedEnergistics Creative Energy Cells, those would stay disabled
    • Sword of the Cosmos - Sword that deals literally infinite Attack dmg (can still be enchanted with sharpness xD)
    Those were all Recipes I made unobtainable (or at least I think so)
    Please also say which of the items should be brought back, because the Cosmos Sword is way too OP in my opinion, though, if the majority wants it....
  6. ultratutu9

    ultratutu9 Greater Band of Mana, of stored power.

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    I think the best is to craft all these things without breaking the progression of the mods.
    To make the asgardandelion you should need lots of gaia spirits/ingots.

    I think the items which are too much op like the Blood Orb of Armok and the Infinity Armor should remain uncrafteables.
  7. julio1237878

    julio1237878 Game enthusiastic

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    11:37 PM
    I had play Thaumic Skies but got boring after awhile because i did't have anything end game to look forward to. Take a look at Infinity Expert mode what is the 3 things that players look forward to make because of how op they are the creative energy cell , portable tank and mana pool but expert does it in a way that you can't get those in a week or 2 without expending massive amounts of time making the components. Op items most players won't like it because of the ridicule stuff they do but hey imo items like those is like a magnet to me and maybe other players, its something we look forward to get our hands on. As every OP item it should not be easy to obtain with Avaritia the dire crafting table makes a good part because of the crafting window "Seriously that thing is massive" which you can take advantage to make a recipe for those items

    Just my 2 cents :)

    Thaumic Skies always made me feel like i could become the most powerful mage in the universe. I love magic and i am ok if its decide against
  8. M4sterOx

    M4sterOx Well-Known Member

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    12:37 AM
    So can whats the resolution on the suggestion, are we able to close this already? Also I like the of @tomscrafter_00 and @julio1237878.
  9. kindlich

    kindlich Well-Known Member

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    7:37 AM
    Hm... 7 people voted, from which 5 wanted the recipes enabled...
    Guess I'll have to do it then xD

    But now the great question: which of them?
  10. ultratutu9

    ultratutu9 Greater Band of Mana, of stored power.

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    3:37 AM
    New poll about the items?
  11. CaptainPrice_

    CaptainPrice_ Well-Known Member

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    2:37 AM

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