Jr.Moderator Adrianfish confirms that Swat is secretly Staff, and its all been a lie. Or should I stay, Jr.Officer Adrianfish confirms this. We must ask ourselves. Is Staff actually staff? Or are they secretly Swat? Has it all been a lie? Is SirWilli secretly the Director of a Swat Team? It would make sense that Lucid would be, with the "Director" tag. Its not a far stretch? Similarities: - They both Solve Cases (Prism usage) - They get rid of the threat, permantently (Bans) - Both have a private means of communication. (Staff Chat) - Both highly secretive. I think Staff is Swat, and we need to wonder, what does this mean for us.. (The Thread is a joke, but I saw the comparisons, and was tired, really tired)
Arcanuo how dare you spill the secret that staff are swat, seems like we need to eliminate a new threat so something like this never happens again
Quick! You saw nothing, we are staff...and the cookie in your hand will most definitely not make you forget of this incident Enjoy gaming on MyM
Mhmm. I shall escape Prison, take my Computer to Siberia to escape the raids. By out all Donut chains, ban you, and continue to spread the word.[DOUBLEPOST=1458779437][/DOUBLEPOST]Erhm... What was I doing?
Mouro is Portuguese for Moorish, which was your Ex Agent Name, but it became Mouri because you were stationed in Poland. Honorary Member is simply a Swat Member no longer fit for service. This is Lucid building up his empire, you wonder why they need so many Staff Members? Lucids using Swat to take over.
B for Bats. A for Assassins G for German E for Education L for Liberation Bat Assassins German Education Liberation. <--- Swat.