What modpack is "hot" right now?

Discussion in 'Community Talk' started by bobthepig2, Mar 25, 2016.

  1. bobthepig2

    bobthepig2 Well-Known Member

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    9:35 AM
    I plan on starting to play minecraft again, i'v been seeing all these new modpacks. What is "the" pack to play right now?
  2. King_Cronus

    King_Cronus Well-Known Member

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    4:35 PM
    its all down to what you want to do there is a range of mod packs available that will meet your requirements personally if u want pvp civilization or c team if u want sky block than choose sky block or ozone but if your not sure and you want to try a bit of everything try ftb infinity and if you play that and you find it to easy and u want a challenge try infinity expert
  3. LunaBlossoms

    LunaBlossoms Well-Known Member

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    11:35 AM
    As said above, it is all up to you as to what you want to play. Almost all of our servers have a fairly good sized community established on them :D Go with what you want to be playing, what you're interested in...that'll keep you playing longer and give you enjoyment the most :)
  4. Xyrik

    Xyrik [Knight of Arashi]

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    11:35 AM
    C-Team could always use more players, so far it's been quite fun.
  5. C-team feels incomplete
    Civ has too much and not much at the same time, if you get my meaning
    AS2 is traditional, though I frown upon skyblocks
    Infinity is infinite, you can reach endgame and still not be endgame
    Project ozone is OP, two blocks and your life turns boring
    Sky factory is old
    Direwolf is like grandparent's home
    Infinity expert is good if you like haunting a task until it's done (like me, choose to make the jetplate and made all basic machines as a bonus ;) )
  6. Xyrik

    Xyrik [Knight of Arashi]

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    11:35 AM
    C-Team feels fine to me except missing a few key mods like Ender IO.
  7. I would advice just randomly downloading a pack and see if it suits you, but that's me.[DOUBLEPOST=1459015618][/DOUBLEPOST]
    Maybe it's because of contrast, c-team feels empty to me as compared to infinity
  8. DeviateXP

    DeviateXP Graphic Designer

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    12:35 PM
    Infinity N1/ N!!!
  9. darkbio99

    darkbio99 Well-Known Member

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    9:35 AM
    Node 1 Direwolf20 has 30-40 peak players online. Maybe give that a go?
  10. Go play infinity is you haven't already, and if you have, go give infinity expert mode a try.
  11. recaltotal

    recaltotal Well-Known Member

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    i disagree infinity is okay but "yawn" its to easy of a pack even on "expert" if the mobs were stronger and made more of a challange due to things like nightime but still a easy pack

    civilization is the pack you want so much more to do in all ways no shortcut like big reactors and 20 mins into game a quarry up
    plus u can rage war on players set bounties and use the full extent of the magical mods with there addons that infinity just doesnt provide
  12. No chance that you can have a ender quarry or big reactor setup in 20 minutes on infinity expert mode.
  13. Luphadir

    Luphadir Well-Known Member

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    5:35 PM
    Ender Quarry in civ is more like 2 - 3 days

    Mek Reactor + induction matrix 4 - 5 days, IF you have enough mats

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