Done We Are Being Griefed

Discussion in 'Tekkit Legends' started by gerbillover, Mar 27, 2016.

  1. gerbillover

    gerbillover New Member

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    9:18 AM
    So, you can guess what's happening from the title. Here are the details:

    Me (gerbillover) and JAME2BF have been working on our factory, but one day, we found a sign on our base that said "Move this base before I do it for you" from an unknown user. We ignored this message, because it is just a griefing message, and the next day the ground around our base had been replaced with sand and limestone. The day after this, we logged on to find our crops destroyed and all our chickens from our farm dead. I would be glad if you could put a stop to this. The user involved in this is unknown, but I hope you can find out who it is using commands or plugins.

    Thanks for reading,
  2. DanPiTV

    DanPiTV Learning Omni-Tool

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    10:18 AM
    Don't be afraid, I am sure that the staff team can find that player and bring justice again into MyM-City (District: TL)! ;)
  3. Slind

    Slind Founder

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    10:18 AM
    Do you mind on opening up a ticket while standing next to the griefed area? This way the coordinates are included and it is probably being dealt with more swiftly.
  4. King_Cronus

    King_Cronus Well-Known Member

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    9:18 AM
    Damn this is a first i hqve never seen such evil
  5. Scull

    Scull Well-Known Member

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    5:18 AM
    Please refrain from using foul language as we try to keep this a family friendly environment, server rules still apply here along side of the forum rules.
  6. King_Cronus

    King_Cronus Well-Known Member

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    9:18 AM
    I am sorry what foul languge ?
  7. coolgi3000

    coolgi3000 Logician of the gods

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    There has been quite a bit of competition between factorys in legends but I don't know of any that would go as far as to greif their competition. (Not saying it was necessarily another factory but you never know) if the sign is still there then it would be super easy to trace it back to who placed it right? Otherwise depending on the method they used it would still be easy to track back to them.
    No idea why I am saying this as most of the people reading this will probably already know all of this lol. Just trying to help ;)
  8. johnfg10

    johnfg10 Well-Known Member

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    9:18 AM
    i would guess
  9. King_Cronus

    King_Cronus Well-Known Member

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    9:18 AM
    So what your saying is damn Daniel is rude and foul ?
    Last edited: Apr 15, 2016
  10. johnfg10

    johnfg10 Well-Known Member

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    9:18 AM
    no im saying ive been told of for saying similar before
  11. King_Cronus

    King_Cronus Well-Known Member

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    9:18 AM
    i find certain staff over react and take things out of context but what ever

    we live in a society where the "English" language can be misinterpreted in many ways whether it is due to the lack of knowledge in the subject or due to the lack of understanding the jargon of which the person is using.Many of use see the "English" language as this posh pronounced language but the truth is that it holds many different forms such as

    Basic English
    a simple form of English consisting of 850 words, as well as some international and scientific words. It was originally intendedfor use as an international language.

    BBC English
    british the standard pronunciation of British English

    Black English
    a type of English spoken by some black people, especially in the US

    British English
    the type of English that people speak in Great Britain

    a type of informal English that cockneys speak

    English as a lingua franca: a form of English that is sometimes used as a way of communicating by people whose first languages are not English, and that has some features that are not usually considered to be correct in standard English

    Estuary English
    british a way of speaking that many people from London and southeastern England have. It combines some features of standard English with others that are typical of London and areas around the Thames estuary, for example using a glottal stop for the ‘t’ sound.

    the type of English that people speak in northeastern England

    Middle English
    the form of the English language that was spoken and written from about 1150 to 1470

    the Queen’s English
    old-fashioned the form of spoken and written British English that is considered correct by most people

    Received Pronunciation
    formal RP

    Received Pronunciation: a way of speaking British English that is considered to be the standard pronunciation in the UK

    a variety of English spoken in Scotland

    Standard English
    the form of spoken and written English that is considered acceptable by most people

    australianinformal Australian English

    World English
    if a word belongs to World English, it is used and recognized by people in all the countries where English is spoken

    World English
    all the different varieties of English used in countries across the world

    broken English
    if someone speaks in broken English etc, they speak slowly and make a lot of mistakes because they do not know the language every well

    And because of the vast majority of different forms ,words are easily misinterpreted by those who use a different form.My point being is that the word "damn" does not necessarily mean that i am using it to condemn god or to show my frustration as i think lucid saw it ....but instead i use it as a filler a way to express my confusion and my surprise on the issue .

    Love y'all

  12. chugga_fan

    chugga_fan ME 4M storage cell of knowledge, all the time

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    5:18 AM
    take it to another thread, this is so off topic
  13. King_Cronus

    King_Cronus Well-Known Member

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    9:18 AM
    i do not wish to continue this further chugga
  14. johnfg10

    johnfg10 Well-Known Member

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    9:18 AM
    dont u quote your soruces
  15. King_Cronus

    King_Cronus Well-Known Member

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    9:18 AM
    just for u
    johnfg10 likes this.
  16. LunaBlossoms

    LunaBlossoms Well-Known Member

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    4:18 AM
    Take it however you want but you were asked to not use such language. Language rules extend from our servers onto the forum.

    What's more to say, to you it may not be "foul language", but there are many other people in the world who do consider this to be so. I do not mean just the players, but their parents, relatives, or siblings that may also be checking up on them while they play or browse our forums. This isn't something that is specific to you but a rule that we uphold to everyone. There's no need to get overly dramatic over a simple suggestion of not using such language and along with that derail the topic of this thread from the original intention of it. If you have any further complaints take it somewhere else, but keep it off of threads where this doesn't belong to.

    - - - -
    As to the OP, @gerbillover, has this issue been solved for you? I do not remember nor have I saw any tickets come in to us since this was posted. Please let us know if we can further assist you.
    Kazeodori likes this.

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