Greetings, I doubt you will be able to help me in this calamity of events but I figured it was worth a shot. I have finally got to the stage of where I was about to begin making tesseracts. As I was finishing up a trade for 32 ender pearls, I typed "/is home" to return to my island. Upon returning, my body was glitched through the floor immediately and I proceeded to die loosing over 50 enderpearls and a bunch of other good Items. I doubt you can give me my stuff back because I wasn't prepared to record this whole scenario, but please look into this glitch for others so it doesn't happen again to me, or to another player. If this glitch is not preventable, then please allow some way for you to save yourself from falling, or else this will only happen again... If nothing can be done I thank you for reading this, and I will proceed to play more on your network. If this ever happens to me again I will most likely quit, however, that's just the way of life I suppose. Thanks! ~Canadian_King
This happens when the home point is on a non solid block (e.g. half slab). I would recommend to move it to a 3x3 solid area.