Hey guys, I don't know if I am the only one but this happens sometimes. Every so often, don't know exactly when, but sometimes after restart my dimensional transceivers loose their channels. I have noticed this frequently when it comes to the power sending channel that it is blank. This does not happen with the tesseracts and sometimes its just the power channel but also sometimes the others. Its not an big deal but now that I have a lot of them its a hassle going around and resetting them all. Has this happened to anyone else and is this a bug?
Its all, as if I deleted the channel.. and its not only the power but that is the one where I notice it a lot.. have to do some testing if it happens when I run out of chunk loader tickets or if its random... But its as iff the transceiver was just placed with no channels in it.
Try going into single player and placing one down. set a regular channel and a private channel. Then rejoin the server. Might fix the problem. I've had this issue before. Private Channels not displaying on Dimensional Transceivers · Issue #2367 · SleepyTrousers/EnderIO · GitHub Possibly related.