Stopping weather control completely!

Discussion in 'Archive (Suggestion and Feedback)' started by thesurvivor2, Mar 28, 2016.

  1. thesurvivor2

    thesurvivor2 Active Member

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    10:39 AM
    Ok so along with other people, I'm still concerned that weather control items are still available. Vampires trigger rain sometimes. Everyone should follow the rules even vampires. Atleast make the config for vampires different so they stop triggering rain. Weather control is banned please fix this.
  2. chugga_fan

    chugga_fan ME 4M storage cell of knowledge, all the time

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    10:39 AM
    Then you must certainly ban sleeping, that removes rain, and changes it to daylight, no? look, banning some of this is impossible, just... let some things be, you can't disable vampires being able to summon rain either, so
    julio1237878 likes this.
  3. AceOfBases

    AceOfBases CDO: OCD alphabetized as it ought to be.

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    Yeah, weather control is unfortunate on MP servers. The more players, the more potential for pain.
  4. PlasmaNoodle

    PlasmaNoodle Well-Known Member

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    Whats so wrong with rain anyways? I am not a vampire, but its just one of those natural things that will happen, also as Chugga said, its not possible because people will always find loopholes to get past it without consequences.
  5. AceOfBases

    AceOfBases CDO: OCD alphabetized as it ought to be.

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    Well, depends on the pack. On civ, folks with bees don't care for the rain. Within the last week, a player was grinding something requiring rain, (water elementals, or something?) and we had about 30 minutes real time of continuous rain. Every time it would stop, he'd start it up again. I don't do bees, and generally don't care about the weather, but even I'd had enough of it by that time. The point is, on an MP server, what benefits you very possibly is detrimental to someone else, unless the pack is very well crafted. As such, balance is key. If RNG is responsible for rain, in theory it will balance over time. Everyone gets a turn. When someone can upset that balance, some people will abuse that power and then you get one-sided results. It is what it is. Not much to be done about it.
    Last edited: Mar 29, 2016
    johnfg10 and Kazeodori like this.
  6. Slind

    Slind Founder

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    Well it would be possible to disable them if we know all of them. Not sure if it would benefit though.
  7. lukasfalken

    lukasfalken Well-Known Member

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    You could disable vampires from getting the rain storm ability in 3 ways I belive 1. Ban "Blood Crucible" which would also make it imposible to get any of the 3 abilities "Teleport" and "Bat Swarm" 2. Ban Water Artichoke as that is what you use on a "Blood Crucible" To get the Rain Storm ability. 3. Ban vampirism completely as you would not be able to get any the Rain storm ability at all. There might be some workaround to this but thoose are the only 3 ways I see. Banning the blood crucible would probably be the smartest one but then again one of the main reasons I became a vampire is to be able to use the bat swarm.
  8. johnfg10

    johnfg10 Well-Known Member

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    could u explain what exactly the issue is do they use it excessive? or just now and again? if it is used excesively make a ticket and im sure staff will speak to them.
    aka remove witchery disableing all this stuffs just so they cant make it rain really?
  9. AceOfBases

    AceOfBases CDO: OCD alphabetized as it ought to be.

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    Yeah, it just feels like work and hassle for something that, at least on civ, hasn't become a real problem yet. Knock on wood. The one time it got really onerous, I said something in chat and it stopped pretty quickly. But, I can totally see that other servers with larger pop, or less accommodating players, might not work as well. :)
  10. johnfg10

    johnfg10 Well-Known Member

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    true but like i said im sure staff deal with excessive weather control so why dont we just put the ban hammer down :p
  11. The_Icy_One

    The_Icy_One Procrastinates by doing work

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    Civ also has ways to reverse these changes, which are generally cheaper than the 'negative' ones.
  12. caithleen

    caithleen Patron Tier 1

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    In the meantime on a random skyblock "Can admin pls make rain?"
  13. johnfg10

    johnfg10 Well-Known Member

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    ok i think that compressed mod has a few issues
  14. caithleen

    caithleen Patron Tier 1

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    ok i think you have the wrong thread :D
  15. johnfg10

    johnfg10 Well-Known Member

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    indeed i do :) im smart haha
  16. mrminesheeps

    mrminesheeps Helper

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    i've done a tad of witchery. if your a vampire, than you'd be crazy to think banning the water artichoke would be a good idea! because water artichoke has more to it than creating rain. it's used in a massive diversity of rituals, potions and the like. to ban it would be to ban a part of witchery altogether. and banning the blood crucible, from what i've read, makes you unable to use a selection of vampirism abilities, chopping the usefulness of vampirism enough to make it seem more like a sunlit handicap. just my 10 cents.
    johnfg10 likes this.
  17. PlasmaNoodle

    PlasmaNoodle Well-Known Member

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    Expanding on your moment about the water artichoke, to even BEGIN witchery, you need anointing paste to make your witches cauldron, and obviously, you could make a new recipe for it without water artichoke and then having to go through all of the rituals and other recipes etc to just make a tiny change. Also, whats so bad about rain. Its just rain its not going to make you melt like the wicked witch you aren't. Yeah it may be annoying but seriously you do not have to start a conversation over RAIN, if rain is what you are going to complain about, if it is just the sound, or don't like the weather particles options>music+sounds>weather>OFF.
  18. johnfg10

    johnfg10 Well-Known Member

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    rituals to my knloage cant be changed very easily as witchery is closed source and has no api
  19. PlasmaNoodle

    PlasmaNoodle Well-Known Member

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    The effort of the staff changing the rituals is still there so I mean this mostly has been about rain being annoying to SOME players.
  20. chugga_fan

    chugga_fan ME 4M storage cell of knowledge, all the time

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    10:39 AM
    I don't think there's a config, basically you'd have to request a feature from the guy who made it to do that, that's why they won't, too much hassel

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