Events on civilization

Discussion in 'Archive (Suggestion and Feedback)' started by Luphadir, Mar 27, 2016.

  1. Luphadir

    Luphadir Well-Known Member

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    10:02 PM
    @johnfg12 and all other civilization lovers :)

    I feel our beloved modpack is slowly dieing, sure we get new players but somehow we can't seem to keep the old ones. when they reached a certain point in the game, it kinda a bit done for them and they move on to devour an other modpack.

    Now my idea is since its a PvP based modpack is there someway to get events going on the server

    you could think about the following events:
    • 1 vs 1 upto 4 vs 4 PvP contests ( we have a nice arena for it )
    • cooking contest
    • fishing contest
    • build off contest
    • fetch quests (get certain item from a castle in farm world PvP allowed)
    Does anyone like these idears? if so how can we set this in motion and how frequent? what would we need to ensure certain events like fishing or cooking can be checked on fairplay (inventory check by mods)?
  2. johnfg10

    johnfg10 Well-Known Member

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    9:02 PM
    im going to be me and say purge every now and again :) lol but sure sounds good to me
  3. chugga_fan

    chugga_fan ME 4M storage cell of knowledge, all the time

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    purge normally means a map reset follows, soooo
  4. johnfg10

    johnfg10 Well-Known Member

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    9:02 PM
    i was thinking a diffrent type
    something like u can attack someones base blah blah and a rollbakc happens after :p
  5. Jamie_Day

    Jamie_Day Title of titles

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    a purge type scenario would be great but only with a rollback :3 would need alot of balancing doh I played on a B-Team server that was part towny part faction type and every two weeks it had a purge and people got to keep the things they raided but the map got rolled back it was pretty awesome
    johnfg10 likes this.
  6. aero_c

    aero_c Well-Known Member

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    Free resources at the mall takes away the grind for new players who can't resist. You might think this helps players, but in the long run that's time they didn't spend playing on the server gathering those resources or trading with money. And if they didn't earn it, then they don't have much invested in staying on the server; it's like playing in creative, there's no reward. For even more reward, ditch agricraft all together, it ruins the player economy.

    I also think giving resources away for free is a violation of the "Refrain from overly high/low prices" rule; no price is lower than free.
    Last edited: Mar 27, 2016
    Death_Stapler likes this.
  7. johnfg10

    johnfg10 Well-Known Member

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    @AceOfBases ? im not getting involved :)
  8. LucidTheStick

    LucidTheStick Well-Known Member

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    We don't have the staff resources for this.
  9. johnfg10

    johnfg10 Well-Known Member

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    9:02 PM
    that could be set up auto easy surely ?
  10. Luphadir

    Luphadir Well-Known Member

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    Why do you guys need to make things complicated?
    How can we achieve events without new plugin needs or admin maintenance?

    ie: A raid quest could be easily achieved by letting me build 2 castles in the Framworld.
    what happens to these castle during the event doesn't matter they were made for that specific event.

    What we really need are:
    • A couple of volunteers (moderators preffered) who can act as referees.
    • A couple of builders that don't mind their work being destroyed during the event
    • A way to place the notice within chat event, ie: catch the flag (date: time).
    • A forum thread explaining the event and sign up.

    How many events can we come up with and how frequently these events can take place will greatly depend on the amount of volunteers to setup a weekly or monthly event.
  11. Dat_Doc

    Dat_Doc Well-Known Member

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    exacrly that ^, when u give away free stuff. people dont feel binded to the modpack and dont feel to play to get that item or that other item. Then they dont come back
  12. Luphadir

    Luphadir Well-Known Member

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    10:02 PM
    Why not? If its for the "greater good" somebody should step up and ask Ace to take it down, its a decent fellow open to suggestions.
  13. johnfg10

    johnfg10 Well-Known Member

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    9:02 PM
    main reason i dont know basicly :p
  14. Dovahpork

    Dovahpork Well-Known Member

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    civ is very iffy on the items rules since you guys wanted less restrictions on what you could sell
  15. johnfg10

    johnfg10 Well-Known Member

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    maybe we could have a price rule still though ( also we shouldnt be able to sell thaum stuff but still)
  16. AceOfBases

    AceOfBases CDO: OCD alphabetized as it ought to be.

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    What's available at the mall is base metals only, and in small quantities. It gives new players a way to to get a jump start. So far, I've noticed most new players don't even see the mall, let alone take advantage of it. The most popular mods in Civ would seem to be TC, Witchery, and Botania, none of which benefit in any large amount from low quantities of free metals.

    Look at the popularity of Crash Landing, etc. Have you been to a drop party? I can get, for free at a crash landing drop party, a full ME setup. Does this mean players aren't playing on CL? Are we giving away anything even remotely as valuable?

    Removing a grind mechanic doesn't make a server unpopular, or reduce population all by itself. Having more players online because they're grinding materials doesn't mean it's a popular server, it just means that people are grinding. Many players get sick of grinding and quit. For those that want to grind out their own materials, of which I've met a few, they do so without using the mall. In short, we're giving options to players who want to use it.

    The main 'selling point' of Civ would seem to be the PvP and the magic. The thing about PvP is that it's no fun if you're just starting out on an established server, with very powerful players. If you walk into a room at a LAN party, and are told "here's your 386, you'll need to earn your 486, then a Pentium, then a P2" etc, And meanwhile everyone's on Quad-core beasts, you might very well turn around and walk out. The reason that kit PvP is popular is because you know that you're all going to be equally geared, more or less. Thusly you can drop right in and fight, and have a chance. So, we have a server that allows PvP, but is terribly weighted against the new player. We aren't catering to the new player, and we're not catering to the player that wants no PvP and his stuff protected. I'm attempting to give the new player a chance to move out of the bronze age quickly and feel like he might be competitive a little more quickly, while not giving anything that really unbalances the game. As well, the mobs are ramped up a bit on our server, because of how powerful the top players can become, but mob's power doesn't scale, so new players get one-shotted and get to experience endless corpse runs. How many people rage-quit because of that?

    Also, for the established players, PvP loses it's appeal because of the lack of danger. There's a very small pool of top-tier PvP players on the server, and apparently not many new players willing to run through the lengthy gauntlet of all the mods to get to the top. So, we have a few players running around with Pocket Nukes and a half-dozen immunities, and we wonder why PvP is broken? It feels good to get to the top of Witchery, etc, and feel like you're a demi-god. Unfortunately, demi-gods are rare, and if you really want to then have epic PvP battles, your potential pool of opponents just got pretty small. So, do you want vibrant PvP, with plenty of opponents, or do you want the sense of accomplishment that comes from mastering the 5 or so mods that we have that are PvP focused, and suffer the accompanying loneliness?

    The saying is "It's lonely at the top"

    I have, however, removed access to the shop.
    Last edited: Apr 5, 2016
  17. johnfg10

    johnfg10 Well-Known Member

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    9:02 PM
    from my perspective i get what your saying mining takes alot of time but what do u mine for the most cause its not base metals its shiny and such as log as ace isnt giving shiny out im agreeing with him
  18. AceOfBases

    AceOfBases CDO: OCD alphabetized as it ought to be.

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    Does anyone really believe that players are quitting because they could get a quarter stack of iron ingots for free by standing in front of the dispenser for 10 minutes? It was terrible way to get any measurable quantity of metals. It was really only useful to a brand new player. What percentage of MC players have the patience to stand in one place for 10 minutes?


    Regardless, as I said, I've removed access. That should put the issue to rest.
    manevilus likes this.
  19. The_Icy_One

    The_Icy_One Procrastinates by doing work

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    As this is a pretty important issue, and it has caused the removal of a feature that I liked, although I used it very rarely, I feel it's pretty important for me to actually break my silence on this.

    When Ace first expressed his intention to give out resources to starting players, I was of the majority statement expressed in this thread. I've worked past Civilization's early game twice now, without the benefits of donor kits or the mall. Why should new players get to skip that boring grind for ores if I couldn't?

    And then the realisation hit me. The early game grind is boring. It's no fun whatsoever to grind through hundreds of blocks with a slow pickaxe and block lag (which was, admittedly, only a problem on the old server with the broken mob spawns) and the only reason I go through it is because that's how every pack works. Naturally, this early game grind is not fun for many of us, and that is why the chance to skip it is so readily jumped at.

    It may be rewarding to find your first diamonds, but that excitement is quickly replaced with the thoughts of all the wonderful possibilities you now have, which for me has lasted throughout my time on the server, although it did hit a bit of a slump when I attempted to make my way through default forestry progression. This excitement, the primary cause for people to continue playing, comes from the unlimited options available, and a grind for early materials simply acts as a barrier to these choices.

    The early resources also allow for protection, both from mobs and players. Naturally, diamond armour will not stop those of us at the endgame from attacking, but it should at least deter some weaker players from targeting a new player. It is also possible for new players to join at sunset and find themselves forced to walk long distances through the night to find a place to live. Not only can this lead to constant grave runs, causing frustration and potential rage-quits, it can also cause players to decide to live very close to spawn as they are unable to get further out. While this may lead to small communities forming, it can also limit expansion of those who wish to build larger structures.

    Just as they can help protect them, these resources can allow new players who just want to fight a much faster stepping stone into Player vs Player combat. It certainly won't let them compete on an endgame level, but they will at least be on a secure level when it comes to midgame combat, allowing them to focus on conquering the world without the embarrassment of forgetting to wear pants.

    Of course, I can see that the resources are not to everybody's liking. There may be those who think it cheapens the achievement of obtaining masses of resources if somebody can simply sit on a pressure plate and obtain them for free, although donor kits provide a more powerful and arguably easier source of these resources anyway. Ace already covered the idea that the resources would cause people to leave sooner better than I could, so the only other reason I can think of that could cause disagreements with the existence of these kits is that they make the pack too easy.

    In that case, there is always the old standby of not using them.

    TL;DR: Resources good, grind bad.
    Last edited: Apr 6, 2016
    johnfg10 and AceOfBases like this.
  20. AceOfBases

    AceOfBases CDO: OCD alphabetized as it ought to be.

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    A bit of perspective on the dispensers. The timing interval was set, not random. The time varied from one nugget per second to one per 2.5 seconds. So, the most a player might hope to receive was one ingot per 9 seconds, or just under 9 ingots per minute. This was the rate for Iron, being the most versatile ore, and a good candidate for "high' volume. The longest duration, at 2.5s, would give one nugget every 23 seconds or so, for a total of about 2.5 ingots per minute. Hardly a bonanza. The joy of the dispensers was, for new players, a fast path to basic armor and tools, thus bypassing the TiC upgrade grind. For a midgame player, it's about "I need 2 ingots of shiny. I can go mine for 20 minutes and hope I find some, or stand on the dispenser for a minute or two."

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