So I recently got back into Pokemon... Figured I'd see about adding people to my friends list, pm me for my friend code ^_^. Right now I play pokemon Y, Yellow version, and Red version. I do have Sun on preorder however and I may be getting Omega soon.
The 3DS( I have the special hyrule limited edition one ^_^) Much better actually, and the depth you can go into when training your pokemon is crazy! I think I have spent more time on the EV/IV minigames than I have actual story so far XD Plus the storyline thus far is decent, and battles are on a whole new level ( you will see when you encounter a horde of pokemon at once... 1v5 match) I never played b/w so not sure what all the changes really are.
I beat X in an hour, also, EV/IV minigames are so helpful, and for your red and yellow version, all i have to say is I have a legitimate copy of blue
sadly when I was in the Army my mother got evicted and I lost my original pikachu edition gameboy color and game as well as my favorite pokemon game ever, the "Hey you pikachu!" game for N64... I even had the special edition N64 and controller just for it XD