Suggested High-Risk list

Discussion in 'Archive (Suggestion and Feedback)' started by MasterDyson, Apr 8, 2016.

  1. johnfg10

    johnfg10 Well-Known Member

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    my point was that many people may make a small mistake lets say they bypassed protection that could of been a accident which using bonemeal all u will see is player x was banned u dont get the players side of the story for example they could of got into a fight and lured them into there claim. the player would get banned for pvp bypass but might of done nothing wrong(not likly but still possible)
  2. King_Cronus

    King_Cronus Well-Known Member

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    Or general misunderstood and falsely accused
  3. Arcanuo

    Arcanuo Old School Poster

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    Difference between this and bonemeal.

    Bonemeal is a software that allows me to see past infractions, in no way does it communicate intent to shun said player, it's an informational tool.

    This list is the intent to shun, and limit past offenders. You play a virtual game, they broke a rule, there ban appeal obviously was sincere enough to warrant an unban, or they did their time and returned, not many would risk that by rule breaking again.

    This list will send the concept that the staff team is attempting to infect a negative stigma upon past offenders. In a friendly non-white listed environment, this is unacceptable. It sends the wrong message, and I am still firmly no.
    Kazeodori, King_Cronus and johnfg10 like this.
  4. MrsFaithfyre

    MrsFaithfyre Well-Known Member

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    Let's say for instance that you are banned because someone you based with is a duper. But you know nothing, have participated in nothing, and are completely innocent of the act. Yet you get banned because you're on the trust list. Now you put in an appeal, and are acquitted for lack of a better term... then set free and un-banned.

    Would you want your name on that list? Would you want everyone to associate you with duping because of a list?

    Others as well as my fellow staff have said... There is a reason the ban appeals are private. There is a reason the Ban reports are private. What people get banned for is actually none of anyone's business but the people involved and staff. Knowing details of a ban will serve no purpose than to satisfy curiosity or incite a negative public opinion.

    You are here to play a game. Associate with the people you befriend and build up a trust foundation with them before adding them to your base. Or... play alone.
  5. MasterDyson

    MasterDyson The One And Only

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    Yeah i would be fine and if they brought it up i would explain what it was about and if they decided they didn't want me in there base because it was too much of a risk i would be perfectly fine with it, and the Bonemeal website was exactly what i was looking for.
  6. Arcanuo

    Arcanuo Old School Poster

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    You say this now. When you are safe behind the fact that all infractions are hidden behind that cozy little report forum, sure BoneMeal says to me that someone was banned, and makes me wonder how Chugga is unbanned, but besides that. You are safe and anonymous, the facts of someones "crime" are hidden, which they have the right to do so.

    I will restate my stance:

    This list will cause a negative stigma, first world countries mainly adhere to the policy of once someone is released, they are once again, innocent until proven Guilty. You will still have the attached file to your name, that says you were arrested, that future employers, and Law Officers can view and access, but you have the ability to move on, and leave those infractions behind you. The MyM system currently works like this, future employers (teammates), and Officers (Staff), can view your file, but you are generally anonymous once released/unbanned, free to go about your new chance.

    Oh, but Arc! This list does the same thing as BoneMeal! You're being silly!

    No, it doesn't. BoneMeal is an informational Tool, it tells you information.

    This list will basically say that yes, these people are unbanned, but associating with them is bad, or not advised. These unbanned players should have the full chance to play. Yes they made a mistake, they paided for it, simply make your decisions wisely.

    If you have issues with teaming. Don't.
    Last edited: Apr 10, 2016
  7. Sandstroem

    Sandstroem Well-Known Member

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    Then I do not get why the bonemeal information is accessible to everyone. Everyone can look up anyone, so how is that any different?
  8. Arcanuo

    Arcanuo Old School Poster

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    A difference between an informational tool like BoneMeal, and warning players that you should be wary of certain players, one allows you to reach you're own conclusion, one induces a negative stigma.
  9. Sandstroem

    Sandstroem Well-Known Member

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    I am talking about what GamrMom said that it is a decision that ban reports and ban appeals are private. But the bonemeal tool is not. That does not make any sense at all for me. The information on bonemeal should also not be accessible to the public.
  10. chugga_fan

    chugga_fan ME 4M storage cell of knowledge, all the time

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    BoNeMEAL was originally not supposed to be in the public hands... until a specific co-admin at the time (way back on monster) gave it to me without realising, after that the rest was history
  11. johnfg10

    johnfg10 Well-Known Member

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    lol well it doesnt do any harm really

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