Decided Against The stupid rule

Discussion in 'Archive (Suggestion and Feedback)' started by CamDyl, Apr 11, 2016.


Keep the rule or remove it?

  1. Remove it

  2. Keep it

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  1. CamDyl

    CamDyl New Member

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    9:38 PM
    Now i love this network but i have one issue with it. The fact that even if someone hasn't claimed their land you cant do anything to that land. It encourages people to be lazy and not claim. The point of claiming your land is so no one steals your stuff. So I think if it isnt claimed it is fair game for anyone.
  2. Scull

    Scull Well-Known Member

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    Good points to why the rule is the way it is can be found here.
  3. CamDyl

    CamDyl New Member

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    9:38 PM
    wow that was quick
  4. bcreative1979

    bcreative1979 Creator of "The Workshop 2.0" and "old man"

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    I think it is important that even if a player cannot claim his land, maybe not enough claim blocks or whatever, he should be safe to play the game without anyone stealing his stuff. We are all here to play the game and not to worry that all the hard work that goes into making things is lost because someone steals it.

    I started off like everyone else, I did not have a lot of claim blocks and also when voting you have to chose between claiming and chunk loader tickets.

    So basically getting rid of the rule just opens it up to people destroying your stuff and stealing which I don't find ok.

    So the whole reason for this vote you have started would be, is it ok to steal things and destroy stuff that has been worked on for a long time and there I think a definite NO would be in order.

    But thats just my opinion.
    alven4 likes this.
  5. CamDyl

    CamDyl New Member

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    And i see your point and i accept it but still dont agree
  6. Scull

    Scull Well-Known Member

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    If it's not yours to touch don't touch it, it's not just a rule but more of a lesson of life.

    Stealing for example a candy bar because it doesn't have a price tag (claim example) is that ok? The owner bought the bar to be re sold (player making item example).

    Just my opinion, always good to see things from multiple perspectives and apply them to other things to further understand why things are the way they are.
  7. King_Cronus

    King_Cronus Well-Known Member

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    9:38 PM
    Say I build a big castle yes ?

    Now I need 20k blocks to claim it yes?

    So I vote everyday to get 500 blocks yes ?

    Some kid like u comes along and takes all I have is it fair yes?

    Well it's not if I work to get something I expect it to be safe

    it's people like you who decide to take others stuff so that u could skip progression are the issue not the rules

    Rules are there to be followed and obeyed and they have been there for a long time disobey them and u will fall victim to the ban hammer
  8. Snowfoxs

    Snowfoxs Well-Known Member

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    As Scull said, if its not yours, do not touch it.

    It doesn't work that way in the real world. Stealing is stealing regardless of it being claimed or not. Just because someone might have left their car running and walked away from it doesn't make it OK to steal it.

    The reason of having claims is to prevent it from happening, as we do have a no refund policy, if we can't find what was taken, it can't be returned. We don't have claims to allow unprotected areas to be griefed though.

    Remember, you had to agree to the rules before you could play here. Keep that in mind.
    ElectricLemonade and Scull like this.
  9. LunaBlossoms

    LunaBlossoms Well-Known Member

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    It is not a stupid rule. Your thoughts of it being stupid is because it doesn't allow you to accomplish your goal. Which from reading your post you'd love to grab all the goodies that people have that are unclaimed.

    I think, if the position were reversed and we did have a rule where it said unclaimed items are up for grabs and your items were taken you'd make a very similar post saying that that rule is stupid.

    You need to view it from many different perspectives than just the one you see because it is something you'd like to do. View it from the point of view of a new player, a seasoned player, someone who's got a big project in the works, someone who's not familiar with claims, someone who's had a rough day and accidentally forgot to claim over their items that day, and a staff member.

    All in all this rule has been around for a long time and it works. We're a Network that provides a safe and fun place for people to just play and not have to worry about griefers or PvP'ers (with exception of Civilization for the PvP part).
    SunLeaf01 and Scull like this.
  10. Sandstroem

    Sandstroem Well-Known Member

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    I totally agree with that rule, but on the other hand while I was a moderator I also had some cases where the same guy was robbed multiple times because he "couldn't be bothered to vote". But that is more an exception, in most cases people either want to build large things or they are beginners who don't know better. Maybe the warnings beginners get could be changed in some way, no idea though how.
  11. Datsaltysnek

    Datsaltysnek lover of NCIS

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    Im just going to be blunt with this. Why is this evan a thing its not evan worth haveing a claim system if no body can steal. I mean seriously this rule should be disengaged. I mean you guys can look back at who stole X and Y ect.. My point is that maybe have a court house where players can listen to both sides and then the players who arnt part of the case then we can all be on a marry way. Alot cleaner and less rage makeing.
  12. King_Cronus

    King_Cronus Well-Known Member

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    But should one be forced to vote in order to keep their stuff safe maybe..its his choice after all for example i on ftb infinity hosted a massive kingdom and i mean massive and had no where near enough to claim it all i was than griefed multiple times but at the end of the day i knew the danger and i kept all my goodies in a safe place
  13. LucidTheStick

    LucidTheStick Well-Known Member

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    Just to throw this in...
    We encourage everyone to claim if possible. Refusing to claim your land when able to (ie abusing staff) will result in no items being returned when griefed. Staff are under no obligation to return items from unclaimed griefs. Let me say that again... if you don't claim your stuff and are griefed, staff is under no obligation to return your items.

    Now, we ask all staff to take the time to recover items that they are able to, but as a rule of you try to abuse the staff by being a serial un-claimed, then I have instructed staff to not return your items even if able. This is to prevent abuse by people that don't have a legit reason for not claiming their land.
    Sandstroem, alven4 and LunaBlossoms like this.
  14. johnfg10

    johnfg10 Well-Known Member

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    To be fair what would u like I've been in the position f just logging into a server building alias of stuff and not having enough claim blocks u imagine u spent like 9 hours mining digging and so on u build a nice base with all the fancy machines u log off to go to bed as soon as u wake u pop on and there was nothing left how would u feel
  15. GGothicRide

    GGothicRide The Destroyer

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    I personally beleive this is somewhat of a double standard rule, i have played on many servers with claims and this rule is generally not there, it would be fine to raid on those servers if the area was clearly abandoned, but also its more of common sense and to use your brain a bit and not get in trouble, if you come across an area that has say alot of chests, machines, etc, you should immeaditly leave it alone and not take anything, its common sense to leave others work alone, as you yourself would want your work left alone, in farm worlds, i think the rules needs to not be there as that is a world that gets reset alot, i think that if something is unclaimed in the farm worlds it should be fair game, but this is just a bit of my two cents on this
  16. johnfg10

    johnfg10 Well-Known Member

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    the issue i could for see with this is player a raids player bs base. staff speak to player a saying "you raided player bs base why did you do that?"
    player as answer would be "well it looked clearly abandoned to me" now how can staff prove them wrong?
  17. LunaBlossoms

    LunaBlossoms Well-Known Member

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    So that means if you're someone who uses BC quarries on Direwolf, for example, you'll have that be taken every time because those quarries don't work well with claims and players leave them unclaimed. That's an issue right there.


    There's many other servers that do allow grief when the land is unclaimed or it looks abandoned. But I will point out, that is other servers. Not this one.

    Yes, there is the point of "well it clearly states in the rules that people can't take my items so I won't bother to vote or claim at all". This is where what Lucid wrote brings in the reality of that. I'll go ahead and bold it to bring out the importance of this.
    We want everyone to have an enjoyable time here at MyM. This is why I think the rule is so great. People can come on one of our servers, escape reality for a bit and just play. Nothing as silly as grief to worry about, and even if it does happen our great staff team is always here to help out.

    At the end of the day you're here to play an enjoyable game, relax, socialize, and experience new things. If your mentaility of things is "well this rule is stupid" or "I should have the obligation to take items from players that worked hard on creating them" then you're not going to have an enjoyable time. As mentioned above by Scull. This applies to life, if you applied this mentality in the real world things wouldn't go as smooth.
    LucidTheStick likes this.
  18. LucidTheStick

    LucidTheStick Well-Known Member

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    5:38 PM
    What?! You mean I can't just take peoples cars that left the keys in them? Pretty sure you are wrong...or maybe that's why I'm in jail...
    tyler489, JacaRoe, Snowfoxs and 4 others like this.
  19. aD0UBLEj

    aD0UBLEj Well-Known Member

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    9:38 PM
    say two players have bases next to each other, only one has claimed it, and a griefer comes along. They will be unable to access one base, so half the number of grief cases for staff to deal with. Also half the frustrated griefed players that may decide to leave the server
  20. Werwolfi_de

    Werwolfi_de Well-Known Member

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    10:38 PM
    its pretty easy. since you cant claim in every world you will always have unclaimed property. we dont allow griefing so thats why there is the rule
    KayokoYuki and johnfg10 like this.
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