Info New Infinity Servers and Shutdown of Nodes 1-3 (Normal+Expert) [Wednesday 20th April]

Discussion in 'Server Info' started by Werwolfi_de, Apr 12, 2016.

  1. Adrianfish

    Adrianfish Well-Known Member

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    2:30 PM
    Nothing will get transferred from the servers to the new server
  2. Kissqt

    Kissqt Patron Tier 2

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    But vote token right?
  3. hhm1573

    hhm1573 Well-Known Member

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    I started node 2 about 2 and 1/2 weeks ago.
    And now i just set up my ae2 systems about auto crafting, ore processing and others
    I think you guys should post this a month ago. So that we can prevent wasting our time...
    I understand you guys dicision. But post before a month at least is better than a weeks ago i guess...
    Btw can i get the map file? Cuz our town was quite big and our villagers wants this map for later
  4. JessTheGreat

    JessTheGreat Well-Known Member

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    So, we are literally going to lose everything? What portions of a 'base' will transfer? I've been working on a pretty epic castle FOREVER and would really not like to have to start over.
  5. Crazypinecone

    Crazypinecone Well-Known Member

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    If anyone wants to team up on the new node click the "start a conversation" button under my name. I'll try and pull some people together so we can bust through the beginner stuff pretty quick. Then once we are on our feet people can depart to their own claims if they wish while still being apart of the main claim so they can make any resources they need quickly.
  6. Adrianfish

    Adrianfish Well-Known Member

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    2:30 PM
    Yea vote tokens will transfer
  7. Yorinar

    Yorinar Well-Known Member

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    On IE2, I never have block lag, TPS is nearly always 20 and there is room for tons of new players. That's my point about no need for a new IE5. IE2 is just fine. As is IE1 when I log in there occasionally. I'm not sure where the problem is that you are describing. On node 4?

    The only reason node 4 has so many players is because too many new servers were opened up and any new player naturally goes into the highest numbered one. Everyone wants the new shiny. These new players will be gone in a few weeks and it'll be down to the same size small group of people dedicated enough to keep playing evolved. The exact kind of people who are being most affected by nodes 1-3 going down. Any new players will be on node 5, so churn will naturally diminish the player base on node 4 just as it has on nodes 1-3. You should take churn into account in the future before opening up too many nodes too quickly.

    I've disabled all my chunk loaders and uninstalled infinity modpack at this point, so it doesn't matter. It's too much work to start over just to lose it again in a couple months. I know multiplayer servers reset, I've been through dozens of resets. This particular one is premature. And I've played maybe 10 hours of singleplayer in the past 3 years of having minecraft. It's not fun to me. I do like having people around to joke with or listen to while I build.

    Also, how is Crundeecraft still around when I stopped playing it months before evolved came out and there were days when I was literally the only person online? Progression on there goes way faster than on evolved. I just feel like these servers are being taken down before their time.
    Guigui_, Decnav, CPU678 and 1 other person like this.
  8. BlackDewn

    BlackDewn Wolf

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    so... what is the command to download our base?
    Lunitic28561 likes this.
  9. Seanhaec

    Seanhaec Well-Known Member

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    I totally agree. I started on Node 1 when it opened. I've been here the whole time. When the new servers opened, most people went over to them. Node 4 was built to hold more people, and it has done so. I chose to stay on N1 and keep my stuff going. I even pushed for more advertising for N1. I recommended in chat several times for people to come from N4 to N1. And I have seen the average nightly population increase since I started that many, many weeks ago. But because N1 wasn't built to hold the same number of players, and N4 was the new one that was advertised so much... now those of us who started and stayed on N1-3 are being punished for not migrating. And, of course, we'll lose all of our stuff.
    I am strongly considering finding a new server altogether to play Infinity on. You guys set the servers up this way, then punish those who play them. I understand that resets are necessary. However completely wiping all the time and effort of dedicated MYM players without any significant reimbursement or any opportunity to transfer our work is poor service to your players.
  10. Slind

    Slind Founder

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    To give you guys all points we talked about before making the decision of reset or not:
    1. the age of the servers compared to the avg. server cycle and infinities cycle
    2. the amount of lag and lag spikes (go to the farmworld and dig dirt for a few minutes, whenever you need to dig something twice there was a lag spike, those don't matter much for evolved players, but its tedious for new ones and most new players are joining during rush our when it is the worst)
    3. new hardware, we are upgrading all our servers from haswell to skylake, in order for this to happen we need to take down each of the physical servers for 1-2 days. by shutting down the old infinity servers there are 4 less (due to the 2 new ones). on each physical box there are 4 servers, so this allows us to have one server free for the upgrades, without a very long downtime
    4. the amount of players, it has dropped a lot with the infinity skyblock release and we don't expect it to recover soon, on top we don't wont any of the new players on the old nodes, because even if we would not shutdown/reset them now they would be reset/shutdown before node 4, now node 4 is getting a lot of new players, as we want it to, but with it getting a month old the lag spikes are starting there too and we need a fresh one for new players. Fact is that during the first 1-3 weeks the relative amount of new players that come back the next day is 4 times higher than after it, mostly due to lag spikes, that make the mining a hell and give a bad first impression.
    It is always recommend to join the latest node as that is the one getting reset/shutdown last and if you wait for a new server or reset (like most long term MyM players do) to start a new pack you are usually through the pack before it gets shut down.
    We would implement seasons so that the range from when to when the server is around is clear from the beginning but for that we would need at least 4 servers, which we only got with infinity and monster for not even half a year so far.
    Guigui_ and LunaBlossoms like this.
  11. johnfg10

    johnfg10 Well-Known Member

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    really your going for skylake? would of made more sense to wait for cannon lake wouldnt it? slightly more expensive but a lot more horse power behind it plus die shrink so will use less power
  12. ReterdedNarwals

    ReterdedNarwals Well-Known Member

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    can we have a world download ? please ?
    Last edited: Apr 14, 2016
  13. Slind

    Slind Founder

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    thats about 1 1/2 - 2 years ahead. On top, they won't be outperforming haswell/skylake in single threading. Single threaded CPU power has been on a hold since 2008 already and won't increase much in the coming years. There is a physical limitation with the cpu designs. Unless the cpu gets reinvented or multiple cores can work on one thread nothing major will change.
    Boosting single-thread performance in multi-core systems through fine-grain multi-threading
    Guigui_ likes this.
  14. johnfg10

    johnfg10 Well-Known Member

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    this is true but performance per watt is greatly increased and if single threaded hasnt gone up at all why upgrade to skylake?
  15. Slind

    Slind Founder

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    DDR4 ram, latest ssd's, same cost ;)
    Guigui_ likes this.
  16. johnfg10

    johnfg10 Well-Known Member

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    oh ye forgot about DDR4 -.- and did i hear ssds as in pci?
  17. ReterdedNarwals

    ReterdedNarwals Well-Known Member

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  18. johnfg10

    johnfg10 Well-Known Member

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    is that even out yet? if it is i hope soo cause all that speed :p
  19. Slind

    Slind Founder

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    we could get nvme ssds but that would be overkill, as this is the utilization of the sata ones:
  20. johnfg10

    johnfg10 Well-Known Member

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    can u imagine if minecraft was actuly optimized :p
    thats it -.- well then :(

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