Personally I can't wait for -Ratchet and Clank -Doom -Red Dead Redemption 2 -Borderlands 3 - that hunting robot dinos game
i have indeed seen this map but i am quite confused as to where it is based is it the same place same area ? or a different place / a whole new world ?
I'm very excited for these games: Tom Clancy's Ghost Recon Wildlands Mirror's Edge Catalyst And probably a million more that hasn't been confirmed yet.
They announced that the game won't be free to play. Overall it can be fun but its grind^10 compared to other mmo's. The PvP aspect gets boring after some time, too. Its the same over and over again after ~30 hours playtime.
just been looking at no mans sky before reading this that looks good but at its price ill stick to grav xD
Ah, that sucks. I didn't do much reading. It looked like Runescape, which I've played for almost 10 years. Runescape was apart of my childhood and teen hood. That also, I can't wait for No Man's Sky, seems cool.
Star Citizen. Already bought a ship or two. When this game get oculus VR support, I expect it to engulf the most of my free time. FTB in minecrift VR. Yea VR everything, I have seen the future of games, and they lack a monitor. Dirt Rally was my favorite till its VR support stoped working. Should give me time to build a 3DOF motion rig like this one My diy 3DOF motion rig project