so i was wondering if we could be allowed to buy the thaumcraft creative obelisk placer because the overworld has very few if any obelisks left, using one in the farm world doesnt work and i just found that teleposing one seems to destroy the main tower part that you use to activate the portal rendering them useless. and without these thaumcraft progression becomes impossible.
Did some testing and this would be impractical for two reasons. first being that you have to either have the portal block or a spare sinister node on hand. second would be that if you set it up wrong it dumps you in the void and even when you set it up correctly the dungeon doesn't generate correctly (as in portal spawn room doesn't spawn, runed tablet doesn't spawn on pedestal, dungeon door not spawned, ect).
well is there anyway we could allow obelisks in the farmworld to work properly and not just send you to a void? or possibly have the elderitch dimension reset often and have it so you can pay 4 elderitch eyes to be taken to a dungeion that has reset?
actually I did some research, the Obelisk's dimension is one dimension and if you use flight with a jetpack it doesn't disable it also if you have that teleportation rod from EnderIO you can teleport in and out of the dungeon
As metalobism said, this will be impractical, if not near impossible to accomplish effectively. Also as the thread is nearly a month old with no further responses I will go ahead and make it done. Happy playing.