Invitation to Civilization

Discussion in 'Community Talk' started by LordFungi, Apr 24, 2016.

  1. SirStudMuffin

    SirStudMuffin Well-Known Member

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    i dont see why not as long as its set properly
  2. johnfg10

    johnfg10 Well-Known Member

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    well if it doesnt work with tickets/myms system then we cant use it also it could effect performance in some weird way or do some weird stuff
  3. aero_c

    aero_c Well-Known Member

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    I've been around since the most recent reset and I've lost interest since the population died recently (mostly cuz the player market died too). I'm a loyal player; servers usually reset or lose players before I'm done with them. What keeps me playing is that I usually have a bunch of concurrent metagames in progress that most people don't care about.

    Civilization needs to focus more on player interactions and less on adding or tweaking the 700th mod. There is no progression, you struggle for five minutes then the next minute you have unlimited resources and power. So many of the mods are redundant, they solve problems I never had and make the game too easy.

    -Ditch agricraft, make natural resources scarce again (and valuable on the player market too). -Don't reset chunks with dead claims on them, let us raid unclaimed player built structures (who cares if the world is a mess of player builds; it's a PVP server, and from what I've seen with MYM servers, worlds get reset far too early for players to really mess them up)
    -There needs to be a common game, or competitions that compels those who are easily bored to not lose interest. Simply adding or updating mods doesn't do it.
    -I suggest making scarcity a theme, modify ore gen so ores are less common or biome/region specific, make it so that trees and plants take much longer to grow. I get really excited thinking about a world where somewhat common items are hard to find like: trees, clay, diamond ore. This, but more toned down (it would be toned down too because MYM worlds are much larger, and mods take up a lot of players time vs. vanilla):

    Minecraft experiment devolves into devastating resource war... or did it? [UPDATED] | PC Gamer

    -Find ways to encourage player specialization or the division of labor, so that we have to rely on each other. Some defunct servers I played on had magic classes, so that each player could only use one of the major magic mods, and had to rely on others to produce the items belonging to other magic classes.
    -You could make a competition out of land ownership. Make land claims more affordable on Civilization so that very quickly everything is bought up. Then there would be a player market for land. People could erect walls, and have toll roads/teleporters. Lands could be rented out, or subdivided and sold. New players would be compelled to join existing landowners.
    -More leaderboards like /money top. But for other things: top PVPer, largest land owner, most market sales, etc. And periodic rewards to those top players. Add death count to the player list (tab key).

    For those complaining about PVP disparities, are we playing on the same server? When the server was lively PVP kills happened maybe once every few hours. Most of the kills are people testing weapons on their friends. There are things you can do to mitigate getting killed by other players, the biggest one is to not live next to spawn.
    LordFungi likes this.
  4. johnfg10

    johnfg10 Well-Known Member

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    hmm i think i see what u mean and i agree after reading that i think i got a good direction to go
    1. make all mods relevent
    2. remove quarry and reduce effectivity of other auto miners
    3. specialise the player(no idea how to do that) aka mage/wizard, dwarf/miner, sales man ect ect
    4. add a specific quest line for each player type
    5. if possible add skills which allow the player to improve over time
    6. kill /market replace with ingame market where u have to visit
    7. events like luph and ace have mentioned but big server scale events
    8. direction for example to do botania u need to have done so much thaumcraft ect
    9. consider factions see how that would effect game play
    10. cooler power gen current powergen is easy boring and doesnt produce enough power

    ok people question should i work on this in 1.7.10 or wait for a month or 3 and go straight to 1.9 and work from there
  5. Demonica6666

    Demonica6666 Well-Known Member

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    I tend to be a collector of resources. Once I hit a certain point, I find myself looking for things to do. I am not teck savvy. I prefer nature type stuff and dabble in thaum/witchery/etc. While I was playing, I had hoped to get a good bee breeding/tree breeding system in place to supply nicer materials for other players. I would love to see player type specific quest books. You want to do bees/trees, you must follow this. You want to be a High Witch, you must do this... Quarries are good for those who want a mass of materials fast...I prefer to just mine. On Farmworld, it looked in areas like a nuke went off due to quarries. I am trying to think...I know that some mudpack had a skill leveling system. You got little at the lower levels and it increased as you worked. I think I saw it on BDoub and Speeds lets play. There should be a central market area where, for a small fee, you could place items for sale or buy items. Have those glass blocks you buy from (like with the teller machine mod). Maybe learning centers around it that would show basic progression on say Thaum, Machinery, etc. An arena area(s) for PvP, events, etc. Kind of like the one at server spawn where you could do teams against teams, traps, mini games, etc. to entertain those who love games and pvp. If it was possible, wall off areas around the world as safe zones with a restricted amount of area to build in. All the rest would be the "wilds", where you could get spayed out and robbed (like Runescape type games). I have seen a number come on thinking it would be a pvp/factions type mod, and get upset. They couldn't raid homes, raid graves, kill. If you want to build in the wilds, you can be killed, robbed, griefed, etc. It would encourage folks to join a group, build in a town like area until you thought you were strong enough to protect your stuff. I also noted that many (like me) were upset when animals despawned or villagers did. It is hard to build a working café with no meat from your farm. Maybe a spawner for a certain price or available only for farmers/cooks. Say, maybe 1/3 of all meat and byproducts paid back to the person over the town for the use of an auto spawner. Civ is a good idea but needs tweaking. Life in a town = safety. Travel outside = potential robbery/death. Maybe cut back on the number of mods. Keep gravestones, Pams, forestry, add ons, bees, thaum, witchery, blood, a few tech based, gendustry, ancient warfare, need several other worlds to try to get to, carpenters and biblio, keep the mod that causes you to starve and need new food, add something that adds deadly animals (like Dr Zhark type or the one with aggressive critters), dinosaurs. If there was a way to set up an area with good stuff, but guarded by a boss (like a house full of tech/plants/bees/ores) (massive boss{s} patrolling it like 3 king slimes or a bunch of those stone angels that will follow and attack). Griefers and PvPers would love it. Want to search for homes in the wilds to raid, come join us. If you find it outside of town, feel free to do what you want to. Want to have an arena match and prove you are a better shot, we have that. Want to rule the server, get enough people and become powerful enough and you could be king. Want to learn about Thaumcraft, we have that. Want to be head of the Coven, come on down. Want to be the head of the house of Power, come build your machines and extort everyone to get energy...
  6. johnfg10

    johnfg10 Well-Known Member

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    Demonica6666 likes this.
  7. Sounds like civ 2.0, ain't it?
  8. johnfg10

    johnfg10 Well-Known Member

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    indeed it is :p
    Demonica6666 likes this.
  9. Demonica6666

    Demonica6666 Well-Known Member

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    I think it would be neat and appeal to all
    johnfg10 likes this.
  10. Civ really needs to cut off those OP mods (aka crossbows which do 101 hearts of damage and stuff which makes people laugh when you poke them with that puny crossbow)
    PS Towny nations and Kings like thing would spice up the gameplay. (Take some ideas from role play platforms like westeroscraft?)
    Demonica6666 likes this.
  11. johnfg10

    johnfg10 Well-Known Member

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    he he ye the plan is a much more balanced pack but it will be 99% server based from my current thinking which will make server play alot better :) hopefully staff will be ok with this :p or il get told off lol
  12. Please please allow me to use all the witchery stuff and I'll be one happy player. (Can't say the same for others)
    Demonica6666 likes this.
  13. mrminesheeps

    mrminesheeps Helper

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    personally, if the modpack get's revamped, if factions is in place, keep grief protection. you can use grief protection to avoid being raided, and make it where you can't use the shovel or hold the shovel within the range of a faction, including yours (i heard that's quite simple, and some mym servers have that already. *cough*ferret*cough*) this would prevent the creation of an unraidable faction. not everybody wants to be raided, and if they want to pvp, they can start up a faction and make a faction base. i think having someplace safe for them to do their work is great, especially for those who would just rage quit if they spent multiple irl days working up to what they have in their base just to have it stolen. with that idea in mind, you can have a safe place for all your work and equipment. BUT whatever you take outside your claim, you run the risk of getting killed and having it stolen(definitely encourages an anti-afk mindset xD) and of course, graves outside claims and factions are free for all.
  14. SirStudMuffin

    SirStudMuffin Well-Known Member

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    if your in a faction then its all out war but otherwise nothing unless out of claim
  15. mrminesheeps

    mrminesheeps Helper

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    to mention what i noticed, we used to have up to 11 people online at peak times, but, once infinity skyblock was released, our highest player count began to dwindle. #blameinfinity
  16. johnfg10

    johnfg10 Well-Known Member

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    We had more than that at one point
  17. mrminesheeps

    mrminesheeps Helper

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    btw pro hint, never shoot a crossbow bolt directly above you xD
    it'll be a "prick" if you get what i'm saying xD
    Fine! i'll tell you. you could have easily guessed it. it falls right back down on your head. rip.
  18. SirStudMuffin

    SirStudMuffin Well-Known Member

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    All I'm saying is MYM originals have a much smaller life span than FTB or ATLauncher packs and sorry to say it, Civ is reaching the end of its
    King_Cronus likes this.
  19. mrminesheeps

    mrminesheeps Helper

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    do i get the inching feeling your favoring the idea of civ possibly going down so you can hope for more people to join you on ferret? :p
  20. johnfg10

    johnfg10 Well-Known Member

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    He's very insistent that civ should die very very insistent

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