Well, my suggestion is to start using Facebook once again for the network. I have found back some nice pictures from the early server when it was still German and this was all posted on Facebook, which is used by a lot of people and Minecrafters might use this to find servers as well. The advantages of using Facebook is that it is an easy way to communicate with your members. You can update them about new things via Facebook and this way they can follow up the server without having to look in the forum in all kinds of topics and boards etc. This way it is quicker and we can be sure that they will read it as well since they do not have to look for it. Another advantage of using Facebook is that we keep the members closer to us, we will build a closer community and we can maybe learn each other in a different way, who knows? The other advantage of this is that Minecrafters who do not know us can see that we have a nice community. They might look on the serverlists we all know, but they are just lists with votes from people who get a reward in exchange for their vote. With Facebook we can do it in a different way, they can join us and follow us and they might see that we are a great network with an even better community and this way they might come to our network to check it out, which is a benefit for the server and perhaps the community played packs like Civilization. How do I see MyM using this platform? The first thing we should do is select a few people who want to do this kind of job. They have to be motivated and be active users of Facebook as well. But that is just the first part. We should be thinking about what we can and what we want to post in on Facebook. The things I thought about: * Updates about the network itself, global changes. (This can happen once a week or two weeks, we do not want to post something about one update only.) * Updates about Specific servers. (All updates from all packs in a nice list, also once a week.) * Special actions taken in a pack. (Eg; when a server closes forever or when a new node or pack opens.) * Updates about special competitions MyM can host. (Eg: a YouTube competition, a building competition ...) * Quick notices of resets of the world. (Farm world etc. People who are not familiar with this system might forget about this and lose stuff this way, with Facebook we can update them about this and make sure they won't lose the items they had.) * Lots more might come up, I am open for suggestions. As you can see, we can do a lot with Facebook. It is not just a benefit for the server to get more members in a different way, but it is an even bigger benefit for the members from the network. If you are absent we can update you about things you might forget to avoid you losing stuff or an entire base when a server shuts down. There might be some disadvantages about this system and that is that it is taking more time from the staff team. But with people who are willing to help and people who are motivated to do something with this platform we might get a really nice result. Feel free to comment on this, give your opinion, give your suggestions or anything similar. Kind regards.
Mice ideas but I believe that the current setup works perfectly well quick and easy to find out about things your interested in ect one idea I like is maybe a page on the forms that just prints anything that's gone into the change log section gets printed out and shows where it came from Also a lot of the things u cand do on facebook could be set up in a mostly automatic system on here aka on the forums plus keeping all of the user base on one platform allows u more control over how people can see and interact with the network Finally this would have to be run by staff for several reasons one if the person has a bad experience one day and staff don't do what they want myms name could and would be dragged throw the mud. And we all know staff have enough on there plate as is maybe putting more on is a bad idea?
We recently talked about this topic in an admin meeting and we want to start something like this just needs time to plan and to prepare