Anyone playing minecraft pocket edition or win10 edition?

Discussion in 'Community Talk' started by Slind, May 4, 2016.


Are you playing minecraft pocket edition?

  1. yes, single player

    10 vote(s)
  2. yes, mutiplayer

    2 vote(s)
  3. no, not at all

    20 vote(s)
  1. Slind

    Slind Founder

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    1:06 PM
    With the relative amount of minecraft players having shifted to the pocket edition of minecraft, did you ever try it?
  2. reacononly

    reacononly Member

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    2:06 PM
    Win 10 edition is the same as MCPE, exactly the same.
    Last edited: May 4, 2016
  3. Adrianfish

    Adrianfish Well-Known Member

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    8:06 AM
    I have played minecraft on my ipad before but I haven't played it for 2ish years. I enjoy the pc version a lot more.
  4. RomaDaddy

    RomaDaddy Well-Known Member

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    8:06 AM
    I try and stay away from the other versions since it seems the devs are all on different pages... Each "console" version of MC is on its own version, and the multiplayer system for them all sucks imho.
  5. johnfg10

    johnfg10 Well-Known Member

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    12:06 PM
    Ye I tried win 10 version then closed it and deleted it
  6. chugga_fan

    chugga_fan ME 4M storage cell of knowledge, all the time

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    8:06 AM
    nope, haven't, it's basically a worse version of minecraft that is only good for win10 because it's designed to use windows API, so not going well with others
  7. ZzConradzZ

    ZzConradzZ The Purple Cat

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    7:06 AM
    While MCPE right now is comparable to the PC version (even had some features before PC), it's still missing quite a bit. They did make a huge leap from PC Alpha to 1.7 release. The Multiplayer, is horrible. You can almost never keep a stable connection, assuming you even got that far.
  8. Paint_Ninja

    Paint_Ninja New Member

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    12:06 PM
    I have tried MCPE and Windows 10 editions of Minecraft and it felt a bit hit and miss personally... The performance and smoothness was fantastic but features and gameplay stuff are lacking in comparison to the classic Java edition, and the fact that they can't be modded easily or at all makes it hard for me to improve on. :(

    If it was possible to mod the Windows 10 edition of Minecraft and distribute packs easily like you can on the classic Java edition, I would definitely have a go of porting CM to it just for the huge performance gains as it uses the latest graphics APIs like DirectX 11/12 rather than OpenGL v2.1 from 2005 I think(?)

    Still, it could be interesting to see what could be possible on an MCPE or Windows 10 edition of Minecraft server-side...
  9. chugga_fan

    chugga_fan ME 4M storage cell of knowledge, all the time

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    8:06 AM
    it isn't the graphics processor, not at all, it's mostly java's fault on why minecraft runs slow, and everyone bashes minecraft for using CPU rather than GPU, and for being single threaded (most people don't get that doing multithreading on non-parrallel tasks, such as calculating where a mob paths and what it drops is rediculously difficult and is too much effort for about 1-2% in gains) is kinda not faultable, java's VM though, eats ram making objects and then completely fails to dispose of them, causing alot of issues, which is one big reason the Win10 version is so muhc smoother, it's C++, not java, and it actually utilizes gpu for stuff aswell, which is a benefit
  10. Paint_Ninja

    Paint_Ninja New Member

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    12:06 PM
    I disagree, one guy in his bedroom has made the world's most downloaded client-side-only Minecraft mod (called Optifine) that optimises the game with decent framerate improvements.

    It's not really Java that's the problem here, it's the code not being well optimised. Agreed multithreading isn't beneficial for non-parallel tasks, but look at Vertex Buffer Objects in MC1.8... It makes more use of multiple cores for chunk loading and rendering and I noticed a reasonable 20fps gain compared to MC1.7 on my 8 core AMD cpu, with really fast chunk loading and rendering. Also compare MC1.6 to 1.7, there are also fairly large performance improvements on the same Java version. MC1.9 implemented CM-like mob proximity awareness, where chunks and mobs only tick if they are sufficiently close enough to the player, so server-side performance improved slightly.

    RAM really makes no difference to performance - it's literally temporary storage. If I put an SSD in my PC instead of a hard drive or free up more space on my hard drive my game's framerate doesn't suddenly increase. At best all that will happen is the game will load faster.

    Bear in mind that I'm comparing different versions of Vanilla Minecraft on the same Java version. The game's performance is improving overtime without Java changing anything here.

    We still have a long way to go until we get performance like the Windows 10 version, but I believe it's mainly because of the outdated graphics libraries and APIs being used (MC1.7 adopted OpenGL2.1, MC1.8 adopted OpenGL3.0 partially). Sure, Java uses a VM whilst C++ doesn't, but recoding an entire game is too costly in both time and money for any company to do. I believe that if Mojang recoded their rendering engine to use Vulkan, DirectX 12 or the latest OpenGL through the new LWJGL library that's been recently overhauled, the game would perform almost as good as the Windows 10 edition. There's three reasons why:
    1) Outdated graphics libraries cannot make use of the latest technologies, such as using AVX/SSE/SSSE or even multithreading where appropriate for faster CPU calculations, or new technologies on modern GPUs
    2) Expectations for games 10 years ago were lower than today. Nobody 10 years ago realistically thought of their library being used for rendering so many polygons individually with really long render distances. Back then it was PS2 style graphics were you couldn't really go and see very far on adventure games because there simply wasn't the power back then
    3) As new graphics cards are made overtime, companies focus more on optimising them to run best with the latest graphics libraries and in some cases drop optimisations for older libraries. This means that in some old games, you'll notice a high end card made 5 years ago run better or the same as a high end card made today.
  11. chugga_fan

    chugga_fan ME 4M storage cell of knowledge, all the time

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    8:06 AM
    Never used it, on fairly terrible computers i am still getting 30 fps constant with Vsync on
    AMD well there's your problem, also, chunks are only loaded if their suffeciently close enough to the player always, but yes, the parrallel tasks thing doesn't ring true unless you're talking about each seperate entity, pathing and drops do not belong on seperate tasks, the player walking and chunk generating belong on seperate tasks,
    No, it means alot to performance actually, because the more java feels the need to dump objects in it's garbage collection the more it eats your fps, and this modded minecraft takes up more ram it takes LESS ram to store in temporary storage the value of (2^MAXINT)-1
    of course, there's always optimizations to be made, no matter where
    C++ also does CPU, RAM, and all the other things done RIGHT, and not as much bloat from the java VM and can run on ALL computers (if a computer can't run C++, there's a problem with the OS and you should dump it, seriously)
    1) OFC, this is why nvidia keeps bugging me every 3 days with a new driver update
    2) duh, lol, not like this is something new, also minecraft was made in 2011, not 10 years ago, nice try though
    3) i legit... just cannot what, a GPU does calculations, the libraries just give commands to the GPU, there is no such thing as a GPU dropping optimizations to older frameworks because the older frameworks still give it the same instructions as the newer ones, the GPU is a piece of hardware wired to have specific things done faster than a CPU, so as long as the same calls are being made between them for the GPU, it'll be the same speed, so i don't understand what you're talking about
  12. Paint_Ninja

    Paint_Ninja New Member

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    12:06 PM
    Not gunna go into detail as this isn't an appropriate thread for it, but I recommend you do more research. If you did, you would know that Vsync limits the maximum framerate to match your monitor, and on "fairly terrible computers" the integrated graphics unit reports that the monitor's maximum framerate is 30, hence your 30fps constant. This is a common mistake on Intel iGPUs and is intentional to help improve battery life, as Intel iGPUs weren't designed for playing the latest 3D games anyway.

    AMD are well known for having great multithreading performance whilst Intel generally better at single threaded tasks. Just because I use one cpu brand over another doesn't suddenly mean my game is going to lag like crazy. AMD may not yet have the performance as fast as the latest top end i7 processor that costs like £300, but I can spend a fraction of the price and get performance around an i5 easily.

    Garbage collection happens only when close to reaching the maximum allocated memory, and uses a small amount of CPU power for a short amount of time. AntVenom has made a video demonstrating this and it shows that the game runs well even with just 1GB of RAM, with him needing to spend ages generating a lot of stuff like mobs and chunks before garbage collection happens eventually with more RAM. The garbage collection causes a small lag spike that most don't even notice and it's infrequent with 2-3GB of RAM allocated.

    Except that with C++ you need to compile it individually for each OS, with some OS-specific code for each OS depending on what you code of course. ;)

    Search up what year OpenGL 1.1 was made. Or v2.1 now considering MC1.7+ uses that partially. Just because you think MC was made in 2011 doesn't necessarily mean it was made using the latest and greatest libraries.

    Get an AMD Radeon 5000 and compare it with a AMD R9 280X with identical settings, identical setup, MC and Java. You will find that the Radeon 5000 gives you more FPS despite being older as it has more optimisations for the older graphics library. (I tested that with MC1.2.5 at the time, haven't got that old GPU anymore)

    Look at graphics driver updates. You see in the changelogs they say they optimised it for a specific game or whatever. Look up AMD OpenGL performance and you'll eventually find posts about how they removed optimisations for legacy OpenGL in favour of allowing for more optimisations to newer versions of the library and/or DirectX. Libraries don't just send instructions to a GPU, they send it to the driver, and sometimes those instructions might not be as efficient as a newer library which the driver understands better. Also if you actually look up DirectX 12 and Vulkan you will see that they are more low-level libraries and make better use of the CPU and multiple cores on a CPU, proving that graphics libraries aren't as simple as just "sending instructions to the GPU" as they do so much more than that.

    I'm done and not gunna debate anymore about this, I'm going to sleep now >.< . Meanwhile check out CraftMine's performance if you want compared to any other pack with default settings. You'll see the end results of the amount of in-depth, years worth of research and optimisations I've put into the pack, some of which are described on the CM thread. :) (btw, I would recommend the Light edition if you have a "fairly terrible PC")
  13. chugga_fan

    chugga_fan ME 4M storage cell of knowledge, all the time

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    8:06 AM
    This is true, but the fact that i have constant 30 is a lifesaver
    fair enough if you want, just make sure that fan doesn't break or else your house will be on fire
    This is why minecraft has a massive problem, i can get constant 25% cpu performance on a program while garbage collecting constantly in C#, where it also dumps everything unncessecary, only taking a total of 500mb to hold the one object that is (2^MAXINT)-1, but alas, this is modded minecraft we speak of, where it's compounded multiple upon multiple times, and yes, it CAN run on 1gb of ram just fine, vanilla, working well, but not modded
    this is true, but at the same time the performance boost is pheonominal, unless you're talking unix you do need to compile individually though :(
    you just contradicted yourself, the driver its self is what takes the information into bits and runs it, but if you're building it from the ground up your graphics, the driver doesn't matter, what does matter is the GPU instruction set, which is what the driver processes, you legitimately could take the driver out of the equation if you wanted to do it the hard and better way for these libraries and it would help immensely with their performance, the driver gets better at interpreting specific library instructions instead of having to look them up have the inbuilt translating does help when it receives it though, so not sure what you speak of
  14. The_Icy_One

    The_Icy_One Procrastinates by doing work

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    12:06 PM
    *subtly ignores the chuggament*

    I tried the Windows 10 version during the brief period in which I had updated to Windows 10, before running in fear back to 8.1. Since I don't play much vanilla anyway, I can't really compare the two, but the Windows 10 version felt a little clunky at the time, although this may have changed since then.
  15. _Lordicon

    _Lordicon MyM Real OG

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    8:06 AM
    I have tried the MCPE and to be honest it's just basic minecraft and missing a few things if I am not mistaken. What I would really like to see is some custom good mods come out for the MCPE to spice it up some.
  16. Xfel11

    Xfel11 Consultant

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    1:06 PM
    Mods for MCPE or WIN10? Will probably not happen anytime soon. And I'm not sure if I'm looking forward to the time when that happens.

    Yes, code written in C++ can be a lot more performant than Java if done right. But in C++, you can also screw up a lot more. I'd expect a modded MCPE/WIN10 server to have a lot more fatal crashes and maintenance effort, at least for the start; and in the current Java mods I can at least decompile and search for the problem myself...
    BookerTheGeek and johnfg10 like this.
  17. johnfg10

    johnfg10 Well-Known Member

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    12:06 PM
    I've said it before and will again there is a newer opengl hey mojang bloody update get with the times :p also c++ can't happen Java to c# ye that's doable Java to c++ no. The amount of training rewriting and everyone shounting at the for no mods not good nor fun :p
  18. Slind

    Slind Founder

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    1:06 PM
    There are quite some mods and mod installers already. (pocket edition only)
  19. chugga_fan

    chugga_fan ME 4M storage cell of knowledge, all the time

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    8:06 AM
    c# would just be the simplest transition, but i have a funny feeling that it isn't due to just how much smoother it is, and any language can be translated to any other, through hard work and determination, it can be done
  20. Sandstroem

    Sandstroem Well-Known Member

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    Before I started playing modded last year, I had a laptop/PC-free half year and that's where I got bored and bought the Pocket edition for my smartphone.

    First of all, it is basic vanilla minecraft. The version back then did not contain redstone and some other stuff, but in the last versions they really introduced a lot of missing stuff.
    I played it one a Xperia Z3 Compact, which is not that large, but it was still good playable. Although of course the overview of what is happening around you was better in the PC version. Playing Pocket on a tablet or PC might be different. I never checked out the Windows 10 Edition.

    Tried some mods too. There were some installers with mods like tree capitator, lucky blocks, more like those basic (utility) mods, but that is also how modding in java minecraft started.

    In the google store quite a lot of people complain about issues with older devices, so I guess updates sometimes break the compatibility to older devices, which is not so much a problem with C++ than with the "marketing decisions" of Mojang. I haven't played it in the last year, so I can't really tell whether this has improved under Microsoft, my guess would actually be yes.

    [java rant]
    I agree with @Xfel11 about C++. Java is probably a bit easier to get into than C++. since you don't need to care about some details. As they say "an average C++ developer can still be an excellent Java developer". :D
    What this actually means is the fact, that you can't use C++ without having at least some basic knowledge about some of the underlying concepts (like pointers e.g.). Of course there are also decent Java developers, so there is no "better" here. But you can get away with a lot of things in java, that you can't in C++. At least in the short run.

    So while the entry level to C++ might be higher for a modder that is not a programmer in the first place, I expect a better ratio of "efficient" to "working" mods. A mod that is just laggy in Java, will probably not even run in C++.
    Don't get me wrong, writing efficient stuff in java is as hard and also possible as it is in C++, but the lower entry level produces a lot of beginners who do not get to the advanced levels and that is where all those laggy mods come in.
    [/java rant]

    edit: Totally forgot a conclusion after my java rant, so here it is:
    I think the Windows 10 Edition might not be that important right now, but the Pocket edition itself has been sold enough to make an impact. Windows 10 Edition seemed more like an easy Marketing thing to get people into Windows 10.
    A focus of the modded community on Pocket might be a good idea and also get some modders working to introduce some of the already existing mods into Pocket.
    But I am not sure where MyM comes into play here, since we are not so much mod-developers and more modpack-hosters.
    Last edited: May 12, 2016

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