something is keeping old islands loaded. there are probably around 50 islands loaded where members were last seen months ago.
I removed 3 huge CapBanks, they were +4000 blocks huge. Also removed a few islands that were kept loaded although the players had not been on in months. (yeah forge chunk leak..) There is one matter still existing, this is an me system that is being loaded/unloaded all the time, hence checking all its blocks every time. This is causing lag spikes of about 3 seconds. Unfortunately I have no idea where it is, I couldn't find it.
after 3 hours and hacking into applied energistics I found the base, as the player wasn't on for 8 days I removed it (still have a backup in case he comes back). His base was loading and unloading all the time causing +3 sec lag spikes. But as it turns out there is at least one more. Overall we are back at 20 tps with about half as many lag spikes, so more work is needed, but I need a break, so either later today or tomorrow.
No-one, especially since you can emc turbines and level 11 solars too and just have on demand power instead. The farming stations and stuff do use a fair bit though, all power amounts are multiplied as well as all generators (each turbine is 1.9k rf/t iirc the solars are even more) Thanks for the hard work Slind, it was really laggy last time I was on before my absence for exams