soft reset

Discussion in 'Archive (Suggestion and Feedback)' started by stephenseiber, May 12, 2016.

  1. stephenseiber

    stephenseiber Well-Known Member

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    3:52 PM
    there should be like an ./is sreset for reseting ur island but not ur inventory for if u want to restart the island but not completely from scratch
  2. chugga_fan

    chugga_fan ME 4M storage cell of knowledge, all the time

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    5:52 PM
    No, not getting added, sorry, you shouldn't be resetting without a VERY good reason or wanting to start from scratch imo
  3. Kissqt

    Kissqt Patron Tier 2

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    11:52 PM
    I can see the exploit right from start to get multiple eggs / block
  4. stephenseiber

    stephenseiber Well-Known Member

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    3:52 PM
    invetories are coppied between nodes this can be exploited to begin with... ur main node is node on you empty you inventory in a chest on node on. go to node ./reset and then empty the chest and go back to node 1. empty ur spoils into ur chest and repeat aka ifinite eggs and lava source blocks
    im sure if u were found to be exploiting this u will be banned. and as for not resetting without a good reason. i had to do a soft reset at one point myself. and i used node one to house some needed items so i wouldnt restart from scratch and then wiped my base on node 2. this was done because i didnt like the way the base looked and it happened to be faster to do this the clear everything by hand. my second base looks 10 times better and is more funtional and practical. were my first base wasnt. and it wasnt practical to clear the base by hand

    in a non skyblock world u dont have to worry about wiping the ground u stand on when rebuilding ur base.
    this wasnt an exploit do to it being declacred a feature by staff.
  5. chugga_fan

    chugga_fan ME 4M storage cell of knowledge, all the time

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    5:52 PM
    in most servers your inventory is actually wiped each time you START the island, so idk what you speak of
  6. stephenseiber

    stephenseiber Well-Known Member

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    3:52 PM
    there are two servers you can move between for ifinity skyblock. of which their inventories are synced. but their chest and storage are not. so if i started on node one aka is1 and have a big base i can due to my inventories being synced take everything i own from is1 to is2. now this also works in reverse i can take the noob items from is2 to my base on is1 and stash them. then go back to is2 and ./is reset. my island will reset and i would still have the items i took over to is1 from is2 still there. and the island comes with a chest which would have the items agian. this could be repeated endlessly because the items in inventories are uneffected by the opposite servers island resets. now as i just said i used this feature to backup items on is1 before wiping my physical base on is2 but because non of my items were in my inventory they were fine and uneffected by the wipe allowing me to go to is1 to get my items and do a soft reset on is2.

    now there is a way to use this back up and do a soft reset as i have done. this post was about trying to get a more offical or better way. now as i said in a nother post their is a slim chance someone could use this to dupe items. the items in question though arent something i think a lot of people would dupe. there are in game ways of getting mobs which are close to the eggs. and u dont need lava or water except early on.
  7. Kissqt

    Kissqt Patron Tier 2

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    11:52 PM
    Urg, people know so many things to exploit xD I am too innocent
  8. stephenseiber

    stephenseiber Well-Known Member

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    3:52 PM
    yeah me to. i never would cheat on a server due to going to a server so i cant cheat. in single player it is way to easy to start cheating. and on some modpacks it takes alot out of hardware to attempt a single player game. but at the same time there is lag and duppers and server restarts not to mention alot of mean people who will take avantage of you so easy. i stopped parting in MC because people cheat, steal, lie, and get banned. which if it is your partner you get banned. also some people like to take advantage of someone elses hard work. i play MC because it is fun to and cheating destroys that fun. guess our moral compass is really good ^_^

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