Computer advise needed

Discussion in 'Offtopic' started by julio1237878, May 13, 2016.

  1. julio1237878

    julio1237878 Game enthusiastic

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    Local Time:
    11:33 PM
    Hey guys soo a while back my laptop decided to walk out on me and I have no choice but to buy a new computer/desktop this summer, since I lack the knowledge of what parts are best, here is a list with the current computer parts that I have selected

    If you think I have selected a bad part or if one part can be better plz tell me :)

    Minion Case Flame Red
    AMD Athlon X4 840 3.1GHz (Quad Core)
    Standard Air Cooling
    FM2 Chipset Motherboard [Max 16gb Memory]
    16GB (2x8GB) DDR3 1600MHz
    Primary Hard Drive Samsung 850 EVO 500GB SSD
    Secondary Hard Drive 2 Terabyte
    Nvidia Geforce GTX 950 2GB
    EVGA 500 Watt Power Supply
    Windows 10 64 Bit
    Standard Onboard Ethernet (No Wi-Fi)
    Monitor Acer 18.5

    Right now the total cost for that computer is 1,181 US dollars
    and again don't worry about expenses just suggest and ill see if i am able to add it
    Last edited: May 13, 2016
  2. Kissqt

    Kissqt Patron Tier 2

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    7:33 AM
    I know that depending on your budget there is the new core gen which is skylake and not too bad.

    For this they used new kind of motherboard and DDR4 ram which is not a big change itself, but it allows your more flexibility in the future to change some piece since you will not be able to use DDR3 (kind of) anymore

    And they put this sata express thing on some motherboard that allow you to have a faster transfer rate and exploit your SSD at a better potential ( you might want to wait a confirmation on that xD)

    In the end it depends on what you will use your computer for (obviously)
  3. Slind

    Slind Founder

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    7:33 AM
    Hmm you should be able to get a 970 or at least 960 ti within the current total cost.
  4. chugga_fan

    chugga_fan ME 4M storage cell of knowledge, all the time

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    2:33 AM
    This, some parts are designed for some things and others designed for others, and for some you can't have both, so you really need to know what you're building it for to make a decision on what you'll get
  5. julio1237878

    julio1237878 Game enthusiastic

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    11:33 PM
    Yea I can afford a Nvidia 970
  6. SirWill

    SirWill Founder

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    7:33 AM
    You can also wait until the end of this month when the 1080 comes out and buy a used graphics card. I'm sure there will be many who buy the new card and sell the old one.
    julio1237878 likes this.
  7. julio1237878

    julio1237878 Game enthusiastic

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    11:33 PM
    Wow 1080 looks fun hehe

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