Implemented How to get to the end?

Discussion in 'Agrarian Skies' started by Leglerm, Jun 3, 2014.

  1. SirWill

    SirWill Founder

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    That is already possible but in my testing the dragon flies away and didn't attack me.
  2. The_Icy_One

    The_Icy_One Procrastinates by doing work

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    That is probably caused by the lack of ender crystals nearby causing problems with the dragon's AI.
  3. sin_samsonsin

    sin_samsonsin New Member

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    Would it be possible to make it so you can use a tier 2 rocket to go to the end?

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  4. tommypoints

    tommypoints Well-Known Member

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    It's not surprising you'd disagree because you are a PVP'r. I remember you trying to find me in the nether once.

    I could just as easily say that we shouldn't have pvp at all because it makes the environments less interesting if you don't even want to go to them.

    What I am suggesting is a compromise. As it stands your preference is in place for everything. Our preference is ignored.
  5. sin_samsonsin

    sin_samsonsin New Member

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    And, the fact still stands that you dont have to enter another dimension to complete the QuestBook. I can only think of 1 quest you would need to go to the end for and thats for getting stardust. But you can still trade with other people. It is also fairly obvious that the nether should be dangerous, based on the PigMen. I think that all other dimensions exept for the island should be pvp enabeled. You never have to take the risk and enter a pvp zone since you can do everything from your island. And if PVP is enabeled the other dimensions is still a threat to players walking around in full Bound or Quantum.
  6. The_Icy_One

    The_Icy_One Procrastinates by doing work

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    I think that some of the galacticraft quests require the use of the moon, and dimensions like the end are still dangerous, especially for @billyyjoee.
  7. tommypoints

    tommypoints Well-Known Member

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    Not sure any of this matters if the decision is already made and I agree that is a fact... but that fact isn't relevant to this subtopic.

    Basically the PVP crowd gets all the additional dimensions. The non PVP crowd has none and has to stay locked away in their island. That'd be fine if there weren't cool mods added that I've never played before. For instance, if the end was a normal end island then it'd be no loss staying in my island and ignoring it. GC and ender expansion shouldn't be limited to one group of players.

    PVP on this server is a large negative for me and I am sure other non PVP players but the server's positives out weigh that drawback.
    Last edited: Jun 17, 2014
  8. sin_samsonsin

    sin_samsonsin New Member

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    I see what your trying to say. But my opinion still stands. What if you could Buy PVP protection for MyM's. Where its maybe 120 MyM's per day?
  9. billyyjoee

    billyyjoee New Member

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    so funny 10/10

    But anyway, enderdragon egg can be used in the nether. The reason why the dragon flies away is because the dragons "home" is at 0,0 , and when it is not being attacked, it tries to fly in that direction. This cannot be changed without editing its AI. The only real solution is just make sure you're faster than the enderdragon. When it begins its attack, it will follow you consistently so you can lure it into a specific area, if you need to.
    The_Icy_One likes this.
  10. sin_samsonsin

    sin_samsonsin New Member

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    I was able to get an dragon egg and I spawned it in the nether. It flew into the wall. I flew after it and managed to get if to half health, but it still would not follow me. It then flew through the bedrock layer. I used a dash gem from ender expansion to get over the bedrock and killed the dragon, it didint spawn a portal. Knoxz had to teleport me away since i could not get out of the nether at that point.

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  11. vecmor

    vecmor New Member

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    Two cents from another non-PvP player. I already don't go to the Nether because of PvP, so adding the End and/or other dimensions limits my options even more which merely encourages me to play single-player instead. I prefer the group dynamic on a server, it's just unfortunate that it comes at a cost.

    As far as those dimensions not being necessary to complete the QuestBook -- neither is PvP, so I don't think that argument works. With that said, I certainly don't object to PvP -- so long as I'm not forced to participate. As it stands, I either have to participate, avoid those zones until I'm powerful enough to avoid/run from players, or spend more money than I have to turn off PvP via Tier 4.

    My preference, as always, is that everyone has the opportunity to begin the game either as PvP or as non-PvP. Switching has a MyM cost and can only be done periodically (1/day?). Sin_samsonsin's suggestion also works as it would allow for setting up Ender Quarries, hunting for ore, etc..

    However, in the "end" -- it's up to the staff and/or server/mod limitations.
  12. sin_samsonsin

    sin_samsonsin New Member

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    As for setting up a quarry there's other worlds like the moon. And I can say that I got bound armour on the third day from start. Not that hard to get strong armour.

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  13. vecmor

    vecmor New Member

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    You are obviously far better versed than I in the dark arts. I've yet to get bound armor in any of my worlds but all in good time. Having not been to the moon yet, I assume quarries return a massive amount of cheese and not much else... ;-)

    It seems to me that the difference is a simple matter of whether PvP should be opt-in or opt-out and how the opting mechanism should work. Currently, the server defaults to PvP on (in the nether) with the only opt-out method being Tier 4. If it was reversed, if the PvP default was off, and the only opt-in method was Tier 4 -- I think some would object. I won't belabor the point, I think people understand it well enough.

    Since the Nether isn't required for any quests (although it may make some easier), and the End is (stardust I believe you said) -- I'd recommend that the End be non-PvP.
    The_Icy_One likes this.
  14. sin_samsonsin

    sin_samsonsin New Member

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    Stardust is common, I found some just some minutes after entering. And you could always trade some with other players. I agree with you with the pvp setting. But then it should only be available to some. For example you need to buy MyM's for a set time of pvp off?

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  15. vecmor

    vecmor New Member

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    You mentioned this before and I like it as a solution. I'd go a bit further though -- maybe you want to participate in pvp everywhere, that would be cool for you methinks. So instead of having a set time of pvp on, make it a toggle -- then it wouldn't be a constant MyM drain for those not wanting to do PvP, so offset that with a bump to the cost. 1000 MyM perhaps?

    I'm not sure how this impacts placed items in the nether though. If you put down an ender quarry, I'm assuming others can take it. Kinda defeats the purpose.

    There's a lot of details to this and I expect many of them are impractical to alter/change on the server. However, if I see you in the end or nether... I'm running!
    The_Icy_One likes this.
  16. sin_samsonsin

    sin_samsonsin New Member

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    Theres many ways to prodect your enderquarry. i would, for example incase it in warded blocks, making it inaccessable to anyone except for me. And as stated Agrarian Skies is a Hardcore Pack. If you want to avoid one of the biggest problems with online server protection, as pvp but still have the advantage of trading. If they decide to have a choice whether to have pvp or not, up to the specific individual. IT should have an active cost. If it would cost 100 MyM's per day it would take up almost everything you get from voting to keep you safe from hostile players. This is the only exception besides donation i can see that would enable a player to be protected from one of the biggest enemies there is. And also the only option i myself would take.
  17. vecmor

    vecmor New Member

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    I didn't follow the bit about online server protection but I appreciate that trading is always a viable alternative to getting stuff.

    As far as the costs go, I don't feel that 100 MyM's a day is unreasonable -- yet this solution puts the MyM burden on non-pvp'ers. They have to pay to not have pvp. Why not have those that want to have pvp pay instead?

    See? This is where the problem occurs and why I prefer the toggle method which leaves the MyM burden shared by all.

    Good idea on warded blocks -- so long as the enderquarry doesn't break them. Something to test... Maybe warding blocks after the enderquarry has finished it's immediate area.
  18. sin_samsonsin

    sin_samsonsin New Member

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    If you want to protect yourself it should cost a lot, so you may not always be protected.

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  19. Leglerm

    Leglerm Well-Known Member

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    Whats even this discussion about?
    PVP is in the Nether/End/Moon and Mars active since the start.
    Its like on most servers, even vanilla ones.
    U always find people who are more advanced.

    There are a few solutions to your isse:
    Dont go into those dimensions
    Wait till u manage to get yourself protection
    Make a bag of holding with the restoring enchant

    Or just be smart:
    There are only a small numbers of people on the server. Most times between 4-15. Just think about there are 5 dimensions.
    How many people might be in the same as u are in? And how many of them might be directly around u? And again how many of those might be interested in pvp?
    sin_samsonsin likes this.
  20. ExoNoctua

    ExoNoctua Active Member

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    For the bug that you can't go to the end. Isn't it a possiblity to make 1 of the server challanges (high tier) to unlock a enderportal tp, like /spawn?
    The_Icy_One likes this.

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