What a great way to end the day... I was playing on the Ferret Business server, as usual. I finished my ore processing setup and finally I could smelt all my ores that I mined with my quarry. So I sorted all the ores I wanted to process in two diamond chests, then I moved them near my purifier, connected them with item conduits, then... suddenly, "Disconnected from server". The error was "Nawiązane połączenie zostało przerwane przez oprogramowanie zainstalowane w komputerze-hoście" which rougly translates to "Estabilished connection has been interrupted by software installed on the host computer". After I rejoined, both of my diamond chests fully filled with ores have disappeared (including item conduits). As I noticed, all the changes I made in my base from like 1-2 minutes were rolled back (because I moved a barrel somewhere else before getting disconnected). I've searched my entire base like 10 times and I couldn't find those anywhere, even though I had both of my emptied dollies in my inventory. Is there any chance to recover these chests? If I was disconnected because of "software installed on my computer", why did I lose those chests? I don't know if there's any way to prove that I had those chests, but at this point of my game I wouldn't lie. Also I'm writing this thread here because I'd like to know if this also happened to you one or more times? Even though, again, I'd really like to get those ores back, if it's not possible, could I at least get those two chests (empty) and my chunkloader tickets (which were used when loading a quarry twice) back?
:/ Any tips on how to prevent that stuff from happening? Or maybe if I started recording my gameplay from now on, I would have some evidence in case if my stuff got lost - would that work?
Hi TheReduxPL! Unfortunately your peers are correct. We do not refund any items lost due to roll backs or disconnects/crashes. Our refund policy is pretty strict and you can read up on it below. We're sorry for the loss you've encountered, as we've all lost things on this network from time to time and haven't had them replaced. Playing on a multiplayer modded minecraft network like this has its benefits as well as risks and this is just one of the unlucky risks you take. Info - Refunds on lost items | MineYourMind Community Marking this as done as there isn't anything further we can assist you with. If you do need assistance at any time please feel free to create a /ticket in game and we'll help you as soon as we can.
That sucks... Can I at least get my chunkloader tickets back? I've lost about 70k... Also I don't see any reason why refunds shouldn't be granted if I have a very clear evidence (a video, for example)...
I did. If, again, given that somebody has evidence, none of these points are valid anymore. But alright, I'll deal with lost time and wasted rewards from voting...