[Direwolf20] Aching & Dark Industries

Discussion in 'Community Talk' started by AchingHeadache, May 18, 2016.

  1. AchingHeadache

    AchingHeadache New Member

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    10:53 PM

    Aching & Dark Industries Inc. - Building a brighter future


    Aching and Dark Industries (ADI) is a community of mature, trustworthy builders in Direwolf20 Node 2. ADI provides construction and civil engineering services including:

    • Pre-fabricated houses for new players - affordable from DAY ONE
    • ME system trouble-shooting and technical support
    • Griefing repair services
    • Road and bridge building
    • Custom bases


    ADI is a community-spirited organisation that seeks to unite players in the spirit of teamwork, friendship and prosperity. Are you starting fresh and need a place to hide from the scary mobs? The time of dirt houses is over! For an affordable price you can have a place to stay with mob protection and a generous (but not end-game) power supply. You'll be ready to begin the fantastic mods that Direwolf20 offers in safety, comfort and convenience.


    Our trustworthy third-party mortgage broker offers a unique package that suits new players. You can live in the luxury of an ADI property whilst paying off the funds as your bank account grows. In a short time the house will be yours!

    A standard ADI Pre-built home for new players. Includes two Sterling Generators, lighting and mob protection. The surrounding area is untouched and ready to mine/plunder.

    Contact @DrDisturbed to get your mortgage quote today!


    Looking for a futuristic base or a castle on a mountain? Are you running dry on materials or are too busy to do the building? Our skilled builders can create the base of your dreams. Our projects are custom tailored to the needs of the client and the price is negotiable, with only a minor down-payment.. oh, and building materials are included!


    We're a group that seeks to support new players. Honest work is rewarded with items needed to progress. Why spend hours digging for diamonds when a mere 45 minutes of labor can net you a full set of diamond armor!

    Skilled builders are also welcome to join our organisation. Send us some screenshots of your work and we'll add your portfolio to our collection.


    To get in touch, simply message @AchingHeadache (Managing Director) or @TheDarkDisciple (Chief Executive Officer). We're always ready to answer any questions or concerns.

    Server Rules:
    ADI respects and conforms to all MYM rules and regulations, both in the server and on the forums. We're mature players who seek to create a realistic and harmonious environment for fellow members. If any MYM staff members have concerns or questions we would love to discuss this with you.

    Mortgage system and Contracts
    : Until the property is fully paid by the tenant, the property remains the claim of the mortgage broker with the tenant /trusted. Payment may be made in full or in installments subject to an agreement between the mortgage broker and client. If after the agreed time (eg. one week) the property is 'repossessed' and remains the claim of the broker. As with MYM's rules, any disputes are a player issue and ADI does not do drama and will not involve itself in any disputes or disagreements.

    In a similar manner, any 'contracts' between ADI and its clients are player agreements. In the case of a dispute, ADI will not seek Mod assistance unless we believe server rules have been broken. However, in the case of a player having a grievance against ADI, we will happily comply with any Staff decisions regarding this matter.

    Civil Engineering: In the case of player houses/bases being close together (less than 400m) ADI will build paths and roads between them for free. This is to increase the community spirit of the server. Roads are unclaimed and permission is always sought when near player bases. Bridges and other large projects are claimed but will be moved on request.

    Last edited: May 18, 2016
  2. Jaiegen

    Jaiegen Patron Tier 2

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    6:53 PM
    Awesome Guys to work with! Great builders and great design. Really looking forward to the finished base they are making me.
    AchingHeadache likes this.
  3. Leftaas

    Leftaas Member

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    12:53 AM
    Really cool guys to have as neighbours! Loved the path you built around my house, also the bushes on the path's sides really gave it a nice touch! :)
    AchingHeadache likes this.
  4. Varrili

    Varrili Well-Known Member

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    4:53 PM
    Really cool to see players combining together and doing stuff like this. I hope something like this get bigger and maybe spreads to the other servers.
  5. coolgi3000

    coolgi3000 Logician of the gods

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    6:53 PM
    Keep an eye out for CCS on tekkit legends some frineds and I are working on a project very similar to this one on legends

    we are starting with a shop where we sell hard/ annoying to obtain items to help people get through the annoying grind of things such as making iridium from UU matter and grinding for wither skulls
    (and for those who like that part they can simply not buy the items from us if they dont want)

    and we already go around helping people on the server who need help with anything. ;)

    And if ADI ever comes to legends they will be welcome :D
    Last edited: May 18, 2016
  6. Kissqt

    Kissqt Patron Tier 2

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    11:53 PM
    That's a concept xD It really feels "too corporate" for a game tho (for me at least)
    profrags likes this.
  7. SirStudMuffin

    SirStudMuffin Well-Known Member

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    10:53 PM
    I may have to take a look.
  8. AchingHeadache

    AchingHeadache New Member

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    It's great to hear people be so supportive and thanks to the Node2 guys for the reviews!

    @Kissqt I get what you mean, but it's just an image to give it a 'business' like feel.. only a bit of fun! So far @TheDarkDisciple and myself have been sharing funds as needed and it's all really casual. We're not hoarders so most money will be spent on funding our projects and on claimblocks.

    @coolgi3000 it's great to see what other people have going on! I hope we can learn from each other on how these kind of projects can be run for the benefit of players.
  9. SirStudMuffin

    SirStudMuffin Well-Known Member

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    10:53 PM
    But how do the share prices compete with the other company's on this server ;)
  10. lucas106mm

    lucas106mm Well-Known Member

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    7:53 PM
    So, brother, you seem to have renounced to the Communist Way.
  11. SirStudMuffin

    SirStudMuffin Well-Known Member

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    10:53 PM
    i mean £10 is £20
  12. Chrizz1217

    Chrizz1217 New Member

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    11:53 PM
    I was told to leave a review here so i will. I was imployed to do a little bit of manual labor, which actually wasn't to bad for the pay just about 15-20 minutes of actual work. I even changed the payment offered and my changes was accepted. Overall very happy with the entire "ordeal" 7/10 work place.
  13. bcreative1979

    bcreative1979 Creator of "The Workshop 2.0" and "old man"

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    10:53 PM
    Awesome idea, I think this is exactly what mineyourmind is all about..
  14. TijgerBE

    TijgerBE Member

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    11:53 PM
    Soon there will be a new City to compete with them :D currently working on the ground plans with my friends we had the same idea they just beat us to it :)
  15. F4lconwings

    F4lconwings Well-Known Member

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    11:53 PM
    I could offer you my building skills. This seems like a cool project, and I really wanna see where this is going to lead to.
    Have no screens of my building skills atm, but i could build something in creative mode now which i am going to send you some screenshots of. or if you dont need a screenshot and wanna see a video in vanilla a friend of me made:

    I made all the building stuff. The others made the redstone :D
  16. Phorselijn

    Phorselijn New Member

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    11:53 PM
    Let's see a showcase and a brochure!
  17. F4lconwings

    F4lconwings Well-Known Member

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  18. AchingHeadache

    AchingHeadache New Member

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    10:53 PM
    Hi @EndorianHD: Nice work! Pop me a forum PM and we can arrange an interview at our HQ!

    @Phorselijn hop onto Node 2 and see what we're about!
  19. F4lconwings

    F4lconwings Well-Known Member

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    11:53 PM
    Much appreciated :) Will come on there tomorrow, gonna finish with MC for today

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