NERO getting started tutorial

Discussion in 'Community Talk' started by CollinsToys, May 29, 2016.

  1. CollinsToys

    CollinsToys Well-Known Member

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    11:18 AM
    I started this mod pack. I died immediately after RT and had to jump off the spawn and swim to shore naked. Anyone else have no idea what they are doing?
  2. alven4

    alven4 Well-Known Member

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    4:18 PM
    I have an idea what to do.

    • First of all, you have to set up base close to the spawn (you will be using /sethome everywhere else so you can always jump right back into the fight). Build the base air-tight and don't forget to claim it. Only way how to get inside should be doors/trapdoors which should be closed always except when you are using them.
    • Your next goal is to obtain diamond pickaxe (or any 3 advent of ascension ingots of the same time) so you can mine AoA (acronym for advent of ascension) ores. You should focus on getting good supply of limonite (4 stacks are enough) so you can craft limonite sword and tools every time you lose them. The sword is better than diamond and the tools can mine the same stuff as diamond pickaxe but are slightly slower. Limonite is extremely abundant ore so you won't lose nearly anything when you die with just limonite stuff.
    • Never ever carry stuff you don't want to lose in your inventory if you aren't in your safe claim and it doesn't have Intervention enchantment (Mid-game enchantment preventing item loss on death). If you get your hands on any backpack, equip it (right click with it in air and press button with image of player, arrow and backpack) and carry your important stuff in it. You don't lose backpack on your death if you have it equipped and all items inside of it remain safe.
    • Now, you should already have big enough supply of vanilla ores and maybe some AoA (all AoA ores are minable by any AoA pickaxes).
    • Next thing what to do is to harvest overworld or gardencia (AoA dimension with string mobs) pixons (green neutral cloud-like mobs) by holding right mouse button while you have stone bowl in your hand (you have to aim at different places on the pixons). Do this until you have atleast level 5 in infusion (press o and then look at top right screen corner to see icons of the skills, use arrow keys to see the name of skills). Then craft infusion altar blueprint (look it up in NEI) and right click with it in open space. Use glistening infusion stones (you obtain them from using stone bowl on green pixons) on this altar to further level up you infusion skill. Harvest glistening pixons and use infusion stones on altar until you have level 20 in infusion skill.
    • After you are level 20 in infusion you should get ambient power stones (no one sane will sell them to you, they are hard to get). You can get them from using ambient infusion stones on the infusion altar (there 1/35 chance to get the power stone, otherwise it will just give you infusion XP which is useful too). Ambient infusion stones are obtained by harvesting ambient pixons (white neutral cloud-like mobs) which spawn in Haven and maybe Runador (both are AoA dimensions). It is easier to get into Haven, you only need ancient teleporter blueprint (look it up in NEI) and Haven realmstone (you can purchase it from someone). You simply right click with the blueprint on ground in open space and then right with the realmstone on the strange carved (it has square-like blue lines on it) rune. This will create you the portal to the Haven. You have to construct room around this portal and claim it so no one can steal the portal or use it except you.
    • You really require backpack for the Haven. Before going through the portal, put atleast 3 stacks of cobble into backpack, some sticks or wood, limonite (for new swords if you happen to lose them) and gold (you can craft the stone bowl on go). After you get out of the portal, quickly construct walls and roof (always keep openings tight enough (exactly one block wide) so no mobs can get inside). While building this forward base, count with the possibility that you will be constantly levitated up (nasty Orbiters do that) so make sure that you can move around the base, go out and go into portal even while you are being levitated. After doing this, go harvest pixons. Keep in mind that most of the mobs are much much stronger than you so fight only when it is really necessary. It is better to lure the mobs into tight space and attack them while they can't fight back. Keep everything except sword and one stone bowl in backpack (so you won't lose infusion stones from pixons or mob drops) and harvest pixons until you have huge amount of ambient infusion stones. You then use them on the infusion altar and hope that you get ambient power stone. Harvest ambient pixons and use infusion stones on the infusion altar. You will need 1 ambient power stone for every item you want to not lose on death (only non-stackable items can be Intervention-ed). I recommend getting only one ambient power stone for now and getting to using it as soon as possible.
    • Next thing required for not losing items on death is Augury (skill from AoA) at level 20. You get Augury XP for using essences on ascension shrine (normal craftable block from AoA, look it up in NEI). In the beginning, you can use only weak essences on the shrine. As you level up, you will be able to use to better essences (I don't know the exact levels). You get essences mostly from mining stone with pickaxe. Every time you mine stone (or AoA stone), there is small chance to get random item (essences are pretty common). You can combine this with mining so you will get many ores. Do this until you have level 20 Augury.
    • After you have Infusion and Augury skills at level 20, craft divine station (again, look it up in NEI) and place it down in your base. Right click the divine station with item you want to enchant with Intervention (prevents item loss on death) while you have ambient power stone in your inventory. The item will be instantly enchanted and you won't lose it on death.
    From this point, it is up to you, what do you want to do. But now, you can enchant your items with Intervention so you won't lose them on death.

    Reader, I hope you liked this walkthrough, you can use this walkthrough anywhere, but this walkthrough can be little unreliable (I wrote it from my experience with small help of AoA wiki).

    Edited By Staff To Not Be (as much as of) A Wall Of Text
    Last edited: May 30, 2016
  3. Ony_x

    Ony_x Well-Known Member

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    Local Time:
    4:18 PM
    Bro it rly cleared my thoughts on what to do :) thanks!
  4. F4lconwings

    F4lconwings Well-Known Member

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    4:18 PM
    Well made tutorial!
    Moved to community talk,

  5. Ony_x

    Ony_x Well-Known Member

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    4:18 PM
    Sooooo, u better format it not to be a wall of text :):)
  6. CollinsToys

    CollinsToys Well-Known Member

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    Local Time:
    11:18 AM
    Thank you so much. I spent 2 days scared to death, lol.

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