I am attempting to program an OpenComputer robot in order to make an automated mining system; however, it appears as though the robot is unable to comply. If I type robot.swing() it will only return a false value regardless of whether or not a pickaxe is present in the tool slot of the robot. I've attempted using these 3 pickaxes in case it is mod compatibility: - Tough Alloy Pickaxe (NuclearCraft) - Stone Pickaxe (Minecraft) - Diamond Pickaxe (Minecraft) I've also attempted breaking blocks that don't require tools to break: - Glowstone Torch (Galacticraft Core) - Carrots (Minecraft) It can right-click the carrots and harvest so I do not believe it is an issue with interacting with blocks in general) I also attempted these blocks that require tools as well: - Cobblestone (Minecraft) - Tyrian (Chisel) - Quartz Stairs (Minecraft) The exact return value of robot.swing() is: false "block" Which, to my knowledge, shouldn't be returning unless it is currently incapable of mining the block (ex stone pickaxe for obsidian) I've also attempted using robot.swingDown() but that has the same result as well. Maybe I'm completely missing something but I believe this is an error on the modpack's part. Edit: when is use robot.use() is it no longer working, odd might have right clicked the carrots on accident Edit 2: Figured it out! ComputerCraft robots don't work in protected areas. Is this fixable? I am currently playing cooperatively with a friend and am using his island can permissions be given to the robot so it can mine in a protected area?
I'm not sure they work on ANY of the worlds that can contain a claim, due to protection reasons *shrug*
The robot is able to mine when I walk out of my friend's protection zone so there isn't too much of a concern any more because I'll be mining on Mars and will just avoid claims (just makes it more painful for writing the code, gotta go to Mars :/). I asked my friend to type /istrust [ComputerCraft] no change, although that isn't the mod name so I tried /istrust [OpenComputers] but that didn't work as well. Thanks for the quick replies!
GriefPrevention (protect your land) — MyM-Wiki 0.0.1 documentation can be any of those open mods fake players
Unfortunately, this still isn't working (/trust isn't a command on the GalacticScience server and /istrust [OpenComputers] isn't working either).
Whoops yeah forgot the space. Apparently my friend is typing it with the space anyway. He typed this exactly: /is trust [OpenComputers] However, it still isn't working.
This depends on the config: Code: nameFormat="$player$.robot" So, your robot's fake player is named "RondarE4.robot", that that's the name you'll have to trust. The robot's owner is the one who placed it.