Claim protection system needed in Skyfactory 2.5

Discussion in 'Archive (Suggestion and Feedback)' started by GGothicRide, Jun 3, 2016.

  1. GGothicRide

    GGothicRide The Destroyer

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    Local Time:
    2:05 AM
    hi so something needs to be put in place on skyfactory 2.5 to help claim and protect your builds in the nether and other farm worlds for Skyfactory 2.5, i had a building made of wither proof blocks to kill withers in (cause you cant build them on the islands sadly) and in its place i came back today to do some stuff with it and found this in its place

    Screenshot by Lightshot

    i think either Wither killing / summoning needs to be allowed on your island or a claim / protection system needs to be put in to help protect your builds where wither farming is allowed
  2. Devictionne

    Devictionne Well-Known Member

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    12:05 AM
    My only advice is to tear down your build in the nether after you're done using it. Should be easy since vein miner is a thing
  3. Mouro

    Mouro Well-Known Member

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    7:05 AM
    Well you can ask a Moderator to find who did that and the player who did that will be banned.
  4. MoltairTremox

    MoltairTremox Well-Known Member

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    1:05 AM
    At the moment there is no need to put claims on the nether, there are some tools that help you protect your area in nether without the need of a claim, skyfactory 2.5 have rftools shield system and thaumcraft warding focus will help you with this.

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