Chunkloader Rethinking (DW20)

Discussion in 'Archive (Suggestion and Feedback)' started by Jaiegen, Jun 8, 2016.


Should a work-around be implemented?

  1. Yes

  2. No

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  1. Jaiegen

    Jaiegen Patron Tier 2

    Likes Received:
    Local Time:
    6:52 PM
    This has really been a problem for us on DW20 node 2, chunkloaders keep being taken from us every other day. Can we implement some kind of work-around until the main chunkloader issue is resolved? We have talked about MYM reactivating our 3x3 personal chunkloading instead of the nerfed 1x1 chunkloading. That would help all of us considerably while the chunkloading issue is being worked on. Other guys were throwing out other great ideas that would be worth listening to. Im really tired of this thanks for listening.
  2. Slind

    Slind Founder

    Likes Received:
    Local Time:
    11:52 PM
    The issue here is that it isn't fully related.
    The issues on DW are caused by an Applied Energistics system which is freezing the server under specific circumstances. From what we know does it not happen right away.
    Whoever has that system, probably has it loaded with a golden chunkloader, hence disabling the chunkloader system avoids the issue until the player logs on.

    The plan is to add a way of disabling all gold chunkloaders for such cases (which is very very rare considering that this is only about the fourth time within half a year across ~32 servers) until the player reactivates them, which is being logged.

    Increasing the radius of fast ticking chunks to a 3x3 area isn't doable with the way it is currently working. Because the information about which go fast and which go slow is directly from minecraft/forge and is used for other things too. This would mean that we need to implement our own way of checking this, which either requires major injections or having a bad performance impact, as this is information is required for every loaded chunk every tick.
    On top I don't believe that the average player would be happy with 3x3 instead of chunk loaders considering the complaints we got over the years (pre 1.7.10, without the slow chunk tweaks) when we had to disable chunkloaders temporarily.
    Overall this would force players to build within 3x3, make it impossible to use farms in the nether or other dimensions while no at the location... Hypo wouldn't work at all (I believe) because at some point you have used all the blood near by...
  3. Sandstroem

    Sandstroem Well-Known Member

    Likes Received:
    Local Time:
    11:52 PM
    Actually only the pump needs to be loaded and the range seems to go over a number of chunks, which don't need to be chunkloaded. But eventually you want to move your pump anyway.
  4. Jaiegen

    Jaiegen Patron Tier 2

    Likes Received:
    Local Time:
    6:52 PM
    Thank you for your reply and explaining the real problem. I was referring to the 3x3 not as a permanent solution but only a temporary until the AE issue is resolved

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