Done Crash after creating the worldshaper's looking glass

Discussion in 'Infinity' started by asidjazz, Jun 8, 2016.

  1. asidjazz

    asidjazz Well-Known Member

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    4:44 AM
    Can't log back on since it's now in my inventory and selected :/


    looks like its around:

    at thaumic.tinkerer.common.item.kami.ItemPlacementMirror.hasBlocks(

    looks like the issue was reported a year and 6 days ago, still open :

    world shapers looking glass crashes my game · Issue #749 · Thaumic-Tinkerer/ThaumicTinkerer · GitHub

    Either way I'd just like to be able to log on :/ The item isn't important to me, if it has to be deleted, I'm happy with that.
  2. asidjazz

    asidjazz Well-Known Member

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    4:44 AM
    Just logged in and noticed both the looking glass and black hole ring were removed, thanks to @stjin for helping me out.

    Should we move this to the known bugs thread instead? I'm going to do some research in SP, I can keep this thread updated w/ results.

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