So apparently I can't infuse a universal seed with Yellorite. According to one of the other players there's a conflict in the ore dictionary with another ore. I don't know if that's true, but is there some way to check for the bug and fix it, or for me to have the needed resources removed from my inventory and be given a yellorite seed (or several) through creative?
The pack creator already knows about this issue but still hasn't fixed it. You can go to the FB Thread on the FTB forums and remind him it needs a fix.
Until then would it be possible to ask for the exchange of resources for seeds? I have enough resources for a few of the seeds. Would it go against community policy to do this?
They usually don't go into creative to give people items so I don't think this would happen unless they setup a recipe to craft it. Ninja'd by Julio
Since I can't get minecraft to run why not make it 16 yellorium ingots + Universal seeds = 1 yellorium seed then again its better to wait for someone who can look at the items
Overview - MineTweaker RecipeMaker - Mods - Projects - Minecraft CurseForge It would be awesome if you could create the recipe and send us the script it creates
Wasn't sure how to incorporate the Gem Infuser into the recipe so I used a standard table. I have one with yellorite ore and one with ingots. The Gem Infuser uses one. If you want I can edit it to use only a single ingot to try and make it closer to the original. Edit: So apparently the script is not an "allowed format". Here's a Drop Box Link Dropbox - Yellorium Flux Seed 1.zs Dropbox - Yellorium Flux Seed 2.zs
I assumed the single ingot thing was a bug and probably not meant to be like that. Pretty much all the other recipes require 32 of the item to make the seed. So something like this might work: Code: recipes.addShaped(<fluxedCrystals:seed:46>, [[<BigReactors:BRIngot>, <BigReactors:BRIngot>, <BigReactors:BRIngot>], [<BigReactors:BRIngot>, <fluxedCrystals:universalSeed>, <BigReactors:BRIngot>], [<ore:blockYellorium>, <ore:blockYellorium>, <ore:blockYellorium>]]);
there is another discrepancy with the recipe for certus quartz as i keep getting a blaze seed!!! @EvilScotsman