I have a problem with the more power page, under the quibit crafting one. (Right after the trashcan 2.0) I have crafted the quibit cluster 1 and It says quibit cluster 1: 100% however, there is no claim reward quest button. Any1 ideas?
I clicked on the bags and nothing happens. Edit: Any Progress? Update? Anything? Edit 2: I wonder if have to go through "the vat quest" but then why is it attached to the trashcan 2.0 quest at the red circle...
Well, I don't think that this properly "solved" but since i don't seem to be getting much feedback/no one seems to know what the problem is I am going to mark this as done. Thanks anyway. Pity you couldn't fix the problem.
I got the same problem, I tough you need to complete first the "Power Production" Line and then continue with the "Power Storage" Line, but it has no logic.
Make sure there aren't any extra little subquests to it. Sometimes, once you finish a task, it will add another task to it, and it can have a LOT of tasks, meaning you have to actually scroll the list down sometimes.
Nop, only one task. I will do some testing in singleplayer and report back. EDIT: I'm back, now I know what is happening. You need to do the "Power Generation" line first. The quests that you need to complete first: Lindsey Stirling Generator -> Vat is Love! -> Rocket Fuel -> Advanced Generator -> Capacitor This!. And you need "Trashcan 2.0" too.
Thanks for that. I start work on these quests just as soon as I have the desh. Just the rocket to go... This is a much more a satisfactory answer. Thanks mate.