Done Wither skeleton skulls and cleaver in autonomous activator

Discussion in 'Sky Factory 2' started by N1kaz, Jun 20, 2016.

  1. N1kaz

    N1kaz Active Member

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    Local Time:
    10:57 AM
    So, I came from Infinity evolved. My go to spawner was conveyor belts and diamond spikes with looting and reaper. I would get plenty of wither skulls there just with Looting III. Now, on sky factory 2.5 I have the same setup. Not a single wither skull from spikes. I changed to cleaver with beheading (60%) in autonomous activator and still NOT A SINGLE freaking head. What is wrong here? Skulls drop fine when Im killing withers not autonomous activator but I tested it on single player, same setup and almost every skeleton dropped the head. Is server chance for beheading drastically lowered?
  2. All_Mighty_POWA

    All_Mighty_POWA Well-Known Member

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    9:57 AM
    I have no idea why it isn't working for you... I have a setup like you described and it's working for me, could it be that you're using right click or round robin for example? Also, I'll be on today for a few more hours, if you contact me in game I can go look at it :)
  3. N1kaz

    N1kaz Active Member

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    10:57 AM
    Nah, 1st slot only left click, as I said did same setup on single and it works. It is killing the mobs if thats what you are asking but they dont drop heads

    Edit: tested excesively, cleavers are broken, wither heads dont drop when Killed by cleaver in autonomous activator nor killed by spikes. Is it intended?
    Last edited: Jun 21, 2016
  4. All_Mighty_POWA

    All_Mighty_POWA Well-Known Member

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    9:57 AM
    After the tests I proved cleavers must be broken.. I have a 100% beheading looting 3 one and it didn't drop a skull from some wither skeletons I killed. My guess is resort to wither seeds :\
  5. N1kaz

    N1kaz Active Member

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    10:57 AM
    Another test, whole night withers being killed by spikes looting III and absolutely 0 wither skulls, while on infinity I got like 2k
  6. crazylea

    crazylea Well-Known Member

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    10:57 AM
    u can try the grinder thats works for me.
  7. ben_mkiv

    ben_mkiv Well-Known Member

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    10:57 AM
    maybe killerjoe is an option?

    also if you have flux on your cleaver and a wirelesscharger nearby it'll keep the cleaver charged in killerjoe

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