Disable hardcore (minigame driven) Thaumcraft research.

Discussion in 'Archive (Suggestion and Feedback)' started by mrminesheeps, Jun 22, 2016.


Do you want less grindy Thaumcraft research? (you can click 2)

  1. Yes!

    18 vote(s)
  2. No.

    25 vote(s)
  3. You gave me potato, so i shall click it.

    25 vote(s)
Multiple votes are allowed.
  1. Pairak

    Pairak Well-Known Member

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    11:45 PM
    Then my friend, let me share with you a secret, since most who are against easy mode is so because of lack of aspects. Deconstruction Table. make this, then set something up to feed it crafting tables. Each crafting table will give a random base aspect every single time. So put on a movie, and sit there and click for a hour or 2, and you will have all the aspects you need.
  2. julio1237878

    julio1237878 Game enthusiastic

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    3:45 PM
    Ok sorry let me rephrase that, my main issue is not the lack of aspect is that I really did enjoy normal or hardmode and what you propose is about the same as waiting hours for knowledge fragment, knowledge fragment being more beneficial because they give you all base points and or going around scanning nodes
  3. chugga_fan

    chugga_fan ME 4M storage cell of knowledge, all the time

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    did this, don't want to waste 5 hours of my life doing this
    julio1237878 likes this.
  4. The_Icy_One

    The_Icy_One Procrastinates by doing work

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    10:45 PM
    What happened to the idea of giving everybody who reaches endgame thaumcraft in one pack access to complete all of their research on other packs?
  5. chugga_fan

    chugga_fan ME 4M storage cell of knowledge, all the time

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    6:45 PM
    stuff happened, do the work i think
  6. Bobmanguy334

    Bobmanguy334 Well-Known Member

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    This website might help. Given 2 aspects and the path length, it shows you the optimal aspects to complete the path.
  7. ben_mkiv

    ben_mkiv Well-Known Member

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    11:45 PM
    well aspects aren't hard to get if you got any mod with spawnersystem and some crimson mob to spawn infinte mobs for knowledgefragments
  8. julio1237878

    julio1237878 Game enthusiastic

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    Yea sure tell that to the 5 hours I spend waiting for more knowledge fragments with a max out draconic spawner after consuming 1o stack previously. Also easy mode makes it so everything is more aspect consuming literally a wand foci: Fire takes double the aspect, when in normal mode it only takes 2 aspects points
  9. Kazeodori

    Kazeodori Well-Known Member

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    I consider the "hard mode" thaum research to be less grindy, but that puts me in a different category. So I only voted potato.
    The reason I consider it less grindy is because I don't have to keep struggling for research points, don't have to keep combining them over and over and over again, and can get away with having less stuff scanned. Sure, I scan everything I can anyways, but I can get further ahead without having to be frustrated because I need more of this hard to get aspect and I have to spend a ton of it to buy the research instead of being able to cheap my way through the minigame.
    Jun_, julio1237878 and chugga_fan like this.
  10. LeftSharkPlays

    LeftSharkPlays Member

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    Me and 9 others clicked potato. POTATO FTW!
  11. Jun_

    Jun_ Well-Known Member

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    As a Thaumcraft veteran who's played through all 5 versions.... The "hardcore research" is how the mod was meant to be played. Azanor set it that way by default to make the mod challenging, not make it a Click and done instant gratification method to get op items. learn aspects, learn combos. because, I'm gonna tell you right now. It is much easier to just learn than to sit there and click a button.
    Kazeodori likes this.
  12. Slind

    Slind Founder

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    With this being a topic that is going back and forth and the community being around 50/50 most of the time, I believe it is best if we leave those settings as they are intended to be, by the modpack creator.
    Last edited: Jun 24, 2016
    Kazeodori, tyler489 and julio1237878 like this.
  13. mrminesheeps

    mrminesheeps Helper

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    i know a better way, if you guys setup a different node, put the current node in easy and have the 2nd node in hardcore research. maybe that could work?[DOUBLEPOST=1466727821][/DOUBLEPOST]and maybe allow people to transfer their base to the 2nd node (of course, their base on the current node is deleted) and keep inventory's synced between nodes[DOUBLEPOST=1466727988][/DOUBLEPOST]of course, reduce the player space between the 2 nodes so it doesn't take too much on the server. and doing this will also move some laggy bases to the new node, thus allowing tps to go back up and cause less crashes
  14. SirStudMuffin

    SirStudMuffin Well-Known Member

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    That more usage on the network
    That server isnt popular for another server
    Its not as easy as copying and pasting a base from one server to another
    Suck up thaumcraft its not that hard and is supposed to be difficult as the creator intended , the amount of time you moan you could of finished thaumcraft it doesnt take long
    julio1237878 likes this.
  15. Jun_

    Jun_ Well-Known Member

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    As wonderful as that sounds. Do you know how hard a server to server transfer is for one part of a world file? Its very hard, and unless it's a majority vote, you are going to have to learn how to do "Hardcore research"
  16. mrminesheeps

    mrminesheeps Helper

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    ok, it was just a suggestion. also, i've completed it twice before, and would prefer not to do it again.
  17. julio1237878

    julio1237878 Game enthusiastic

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    I still don't get something a player plays 1 modpack and goes thru every mod and when they start a new one, I have never seeing someone complaining because they have to do botania or thermal expansion or other mods from scratch for the 10 time before.

    my last opinion on the topic hehe , not going to keep putting wood on the fire. :)
    chugga_fan and Kazeodori like this.
  18. SirStudMuffin

    SirStudMuffin Well-Known Member

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    Like i dont like witchery becuase it takes a while, but thats the fun of it, it increases playtime
    julio1237878 likes this.
  19. mrminesheeps

    mrminesheeps Helper

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    i wasn't complaining v.v what, you think i'm some brainless crybaby?

    i'd like end off saying that the poll ws there for a reason: to see what the community wanted.
  20. julio1237878

    julio1237878 Game enthusiastic

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    An I totally Understand mrminesheeps and I am a person who does not think that he is more than anyone else hehe and no I would never think you or anyone else would be a brainless crybaby :)

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