Bedrock needs you!

Discussion in 'Community Talk' started by Rissning, Jul 2, 2016.

  1. Rissning

    Rissning Well-Known Member

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    Local Time:
    2:14 PM
    Hello hello.

    Bedrock newly named town is comming up and is currently looking for more residents to create houses of different use or simply for living. We are keeping it standard to middle age and witchery theme and hope that people will gather to join us currently four that have buildt a start.

    All the areas can be larger than the roads suggest, they are just there to mark out the area from early start. most basic materials are provided (iron,copper and so on is not basic material) there is also 2 types of builds allowed, one is village creatings, the other is bases. Base building here have few restrictions as not 50 blocks tall, protection must have /trust Rissning incase I need to do something around the area (prefer no protection or simply around the chest and such). Last restriction is machinery and such is to be hidden inside. All buildings need to have some shape to them, a cobblestone box is not wished for.

    When it comes to joining in I do have books from mystcraft to make a portal where you provide your own crystal portal back at your base (its 200 myms at market listings only). If I happen not to be on, Davidmb12 and SimiusKing are usualy around for /TPA. As a prepost I made, I can create basic tools from tinker and with silky aswell on em. All mining and such not for room making will be done in farmworld which I have portals open to use for.

    I hope more joins as we progress, I have a huge! area to expand and if needed we can start outside of wall and go further. "Bedrock needs you! sign up today"

    edit: Its on direwolf20 node 2
    Last edited: Jul 2, 2016
    levicc00123 likes this.
  2. wyndman

    wyndman Well-Known Member

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    Local Time:
    9:14 AM
    You may wish to specify where Bedrock needs us. I didn't see a server listed on here.
    Rissning likes this.
  3. Rissning

    Rissning Well-Known Member

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    Local Time:
    2:14 PM
    Ah, Direwolf20 node 2, sry I forgot that part
    wyndman likes this.
  4. levicc00123

    levicc00123 Well-Known Member

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    Local Time:
    6:14 AM
    I'd be willing to join you, shoot me a message in-game.
  5. Rissning

    Rissning Well-Known Member

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    Local Time:
    2:14 PM
    Bedrock is soon finished with gettin claimed. New players are still welcome to join in. Do pls send me a reply on conversation tool.
    If im not online, we can set off a time to meet up to get a subclaim around ur plot.

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