[Hypovolemia] Infinite Blood tank

Discussion in 'Archive (Suggestion and Feedback)' started by Kissqt, Jul 7, 2016.


Which option do you prefer

  1. Infinite lava tank

    4 vote(s)
  2. Auto generating Electric Pump

    7 vote(s)
  3. No, i don't think it's a good idea

    8 vote(s)
  1. Kissqt

    Kissqt Patron Tier 2

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    4:42 AM
    Hey, i was thinking about doing the same that in hypovolemia than in infinity and make an infinite blood tank to reduce lagg (it's not really lagging on the server, but i don't think it's a bad idea to prevent blood from flowing anyway)

    I was thinking about 2 options:
    - changing the ender tank recipe and adding a blood dynamo instead of a crucible (a bit easy to get early game)
    - Changing the Electric pump and add 2 dynamo to it, so it will generate blood without actual blood (if it's doable)

    I am not having real issue with the system as it is, i am just making this poll for the server, since are getting quite a few people.
  2. doom_of_anubis

    doom_of_anubis Well-Known Member

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    8:42 PM
    I could see this being an end game item (as in, extreme crafting with ridiculous requirements) and nothing else.
    The pack's difficulty is based around obtaining more and more blood. An infinite blood tank would break this.
    I will admit that getting an infinite source of blood is not very difficult, but a single item that basically removes the need for it would be very game breaking. Adding onto that, if you have a t6 altar with nothing but dislocation runes, it would probably pump blood at an incredible rate.

    As an aside: I am currently stuck in progress due to my partner apparently only playing on weekends. Is it possible for me to buy some basic universal cables off someone? He logged off with the 6 we got from the quest, and I cannot progress forward without them.
  3. Kissqt

    Kissqt Patron Tier 2

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    4:42 AM
    You know the amount of blood you get is not limited by your tank but mostly by your altar set up?

    I mean if you are at altar T6 you have already infinite LP with or without, Sanguimancy is on the pack, so you get tremendous amount of LP with a mob system, sure it destroy variety and make a plain system. of 2 blocks, but the idea here was to free server resources.

    Pretty sure if you ask in chat someoen can give you 1/2 cable (maybe)
  4. SirStudMuffin

    SirStudMuffin Well-Known Member

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    This would have to be extreme endgame, as hard as the cosmic sword possibly
  5. Lorddryst

    Lorddryst Well-Known Member

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    11:42 PM
    just slap a blood dynamo on the electric pump then have the pipe run back to the dynamo. wont have to touch it again till the blood source is out. Inf lava isnt really a big deal once you have the fire seeds rather than having to craft them yourself. later on you can get the ae2 autocrafter setup to do it for you
  6. Kissqt

    Kissqt Patron Tier 2

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    4:42 AM
    Well it doesn't change anything to me, i have already infinite blood , and i was never asking for lava ( I was just taking in exemple the lava system they implement on Infinity)

    Only issue i see with the system is when you have T5 altar and you put a tons of dislocation runes to rush to the demon invasion, but my main question is : Is it really different than the current system we have in term of blood generation?
    In the case, we set up a electric pump that generate blood at the same rate of the current one, but without actually pumping blood, does it really matter?

    Of course, if one admin tell me that it has no or almost no impact of the server, i have no issue with that
  7. doom_of_anubis

    doom_of_anubis Well-Known Member

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    8:42 PM
    As I said in my post, I agree with the idea, if only for the server lag issues. Again, as pointed out by SirStuddy, it would be incredibly end game.
    Runes of dislocation are multiplicative (a single one is an increase of 20%, while two of them is a 44% increase, and three is a 72% increase) so even a lower tier altar would gain blood so quickly as to make any other source of blood useless. I agree that infinite blood is very easy to produce, but that is infinite blood over a period of time. The proposed item would make that time negligible.
  8. Sandstroem

    Sandstroem Well-Known Member

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    Demon invasion is disabled in Hypovolemia ;-)
    SirStudMuffin likes this.
  9. Kissqt

    Kissqt Patron Tier 2

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    4:42 AM
    Hmm hmm, no comment :p
  10. Jarl_Giga

    Jarl_Giga Well-Known Member

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    i could be wrong but isn't there a blood fabricator? from rf it makes blood?
  11. Bennyboy1695

    Bennyboy1695 Well-Known Member

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    The infinite tank wouldnt be possible to do on Hypo as the mods needed to make it arent in the pack.
  12. chugga_fan

    chugga_fan ME 4M storage cell of knowledge, all the time

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    One issue with this statement: There is NO demon invasion, so no need for that ammount of blood, if you really need it the drill of the dead does wonders
  13. Kissqt

    Kissqt Patron Tier 2

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    4:42 AM
    Oh ok, didn't know that

    Yeah i know, sand just told me :)
  14. tyler489

    tyler489 Well-Known Member

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    He reason pumping lava causes lag is lighting updates everytine a block is pumped the light level has to recalculate blood doesnt emit light so it doesnt cause as much lag
  15. Timmypwn

    Timmypwn Well-Known Member

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    i am just pumping the nether with 5 pumps, ofcourse this uses alot of blood, i already stopped using the blood from the overworld, because i can othwerise completerley drain the lake i have my base next to. IF the lake next to me would be drained by me then, even if my base gets reset to make room for a new player, the large blood lake will still be drained.
    if people try to only use the overworld lakes if no other way is possible then it will all work out. but if other people use as much blood as i do(which they do) it will be a problem for the amount of available blood in the overworld.
  16. chugga_fan

    chugga_fan ME 4M storage cell of knowledge, all the time

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    You have no idea how much blood there is in the overworld, which you're expected to start out using then switch to the nether ASAP
  17. Sandstroem

    Sandstroem Well-Known Member

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    "No need for that ammount of blood" might still be wrong, even without the demon invasion :D
  18. chugga_fan

    chugga_fan ME 4M storage cell of knowledge, all the time

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    you can get enough from drill of the dead, easily, no need for so much in so little time
  19. xcreepermax

    xcreepermax Well-Known Member

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    Actually from other people, you can use a tank, change it to "bucket mode" and stare at the tank until it fills up.
    I don't know if this will work, but try.

    PS: Edited by Staff.
    Last edited by a moderator: Jul 9, 2016
  20. SirStudMuffin

    SirStudMuffin Well-Known Member

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    If it does it will be patched out
  21. Kissqt

    Kissqt Patron Tier 2

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    4:42 AM
    Well yeah, i was not thinking about 'exploit' xD

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