Staff Account Compromise

Discussion in 'Announcements' started by Snowfoxs, Jul 8, 2016.

  1. Snowfoxs

    Snowfoxs Well-Known Member

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    4:16 PM
    Hello fellow MyMers! Once again we would like to take a moment of your time to address an incident which occurred recently regarding the compromise of a staff member's personal details, leading to some minor damage to Infinity 4 Normal Mode including the banning of several players and a few staff members. It was only a brief period of time before our staff members were able to step in and stop the group of individuals who compromised the account.

    I want to assure everyone that the damage which was caused has been repaired, and only a minor rollback has occurred on Infinity 4 Normal Mode as a result. These are the same individuals who attacked LucidTheStick previously and caused a few brief minutes of mayhem before being stomped out. I would also like to point out that we have implemented a new security system on our servers which will hopefully prevent this from ever happening again.

    Finally I would like to thank my fellow staff members, players and community as a whole for being so swift to notify us, and aid in rectifying the situation as quickly as possible. We are grateful for your understanding, and hope you folks enjoy playing here as much as we enjoy volunteering here.

    Happy MyM'ing!

    - Snow
  2. Arcanuo

    Arcanuo Old School Poster

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    5:16 PM
    Hadn't even heard this had happened, so that's neat. Glad to know it was taken care of and didn't cause much damage overall.
  3. julio1237878

    julio1237878 Game enthusiastic

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    Well its nice to hear that hopefully everything will be under control now :) . Its great how fast the staff team along others solve this kind of issues plus others as soon as possible.

    The world is a dangerous place to live; not because of the people who are evil, but because of the people who don't do anything about it.
    Last edited: Jul 8, 2016
    Europium, The_Icy_One and M4sterOx like this.
  4. SLDplays

    SLDplays Active Member

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    4:16 PM
    np im glad i reported it to you guys and i will keep on doing that even in the worst times :) -from sldplays

    i applied for mod and i hope to get it looked at possibly soon and hope to become a big member of the team ;)
  5. elf0loyd

    elf0loyd Well-Known Member

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    That is awesome on getting it fixed so quick. but i do worry about the staff members account. where they able to retrieve their account? :(
  6. SLDplays

    SLDplays Active Member

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    yes it has been retrived and has been fixed dont worry i spoke with the admins and mods that has been fixed
  7. elf0loyd

    elf0loyd Well-Known Member

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    Yay! I'd hate to see somebody's rep in this community dissapear, because a jerk to stole the account decided to do something malicious with it. >.>
  8. SLDplays

    SLDplays Active Member

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    yea this community is very unique and is a very well brought together community we know when somethings wrong your in safe hands ;)
  9. ReiDaTecnologia

    ReiDaTecnologia Well-Known Member

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    6:16 PM
    It was a time I did not play (More than 2 weeks and I knew that after that you lose clain) and I expected to see all my base plundered but still had a little hope that he would be all right.

    I popped underground and so dies suffocated on the wall, I lost all my items and everything I had was in my inventory was items that I was when disconnected, that is nothing but a sapphire sword, sapphire axe , sapphire shovel and a diamond piclaxe almost over and I have more valuable one portal gun.

    But do what? I have to start all over again ;-;

    I blame you for it! but as I am very merciful I will forgive you, but do not do it again ;)
    Note: this is not a threat or anything of this sort is only an outflow.
  10. SLDplays

    SLDplays Active Member

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    if your on node 4 normal ill help you
    get started[DOUBLEPOST=1467955224][/DOUBLEPOST]infinity evloved
  11. Kissqt

    Kissqt Patron Tier 2

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    You should start using Nickname for the staff team, i mean i know you guys like your name but if you had a nickname for the forum and IG, peole woul not be able to figure out your account name, so it will make it harder to find an account. Not really working for the current staff, but will in the future xD

    Probably, your new security system is better but, was just giving an idea :p
  12. mrminesheeps

    mrminesheeps Helper

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    i'm getting a strange feeling the same group are the people that attacked technic launcher a couple weeks back. there was a group of people who hacked an admin/op account on the technic launcher and deleted multiple big packs before the issue was fixed and and the guy locked out.
  13. TheHighScorer

    TheHighScorer Well-Known Member

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    10:16 PM
    thank god the server is back to normal but I STILL need help my yesterdays votes were all rolledback and the sites wont let me vote again and those votes were absolutley nescassery as my town got smaller without them
  14. SirStudMuffin

    SirStudMuffin Well-Known Member

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    nice to see you added more measure to prevent them
  15. ProZed

    ProZed Active Member

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    He tried to /kill me a lot of times. But drac armor op
  16. kamild_

    kamild_ Well-Known Member

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    We cannot do anything about it, sorry. You should be able to vote within the next few hours anyway :)
  17. TheHighScorer

    TheHighScorer Well-Known Member

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    10:16 PM
    ok ;-;
  18. Snowfoxs

    Snowfoxs Well-Known Member

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    Nicknames can easily be resolved to usernames with /realname

    Its not a bad idea, but it wouldn't work.
  19. Vouch

    Vouch Trash

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    To get into people's Minecraft account, don't you need their email address (that's if they've transitioned to the new Mojang account) to actually attempt to even get in first?

    Also, are we safe from these hackers as I know some people have quite valuable account names and in-game worth?
    Not that we're somewhat as valuable as some of the staff but just for clarification.
  20. TheVampiricT

    TheVampiricT Well-Known Member

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    You can always take away the permission to do that correct? I do not know which permission system you use but I would end up doing something like /pex group (group) remove essentials.realname (I do not remember the actually permission for it, but that can be quickly looked up.)
    And still, even if we used nicknames, many times they do not transfer over to the TAB list... making it even more problematic.

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