Simply Magic Server is needed.

Discussion in 'Archive (Suggestion and Feedback)' started by Wotsalot, Jul 13, 2016.


Whats your favorite Magic Mod

  1. AM2 (Ars Magica 2)

  2. Thaumcraft (and its addons)

  3. Botania

  4. Witchery

    0 vote(s)
  5. AC (Aura Cascade)

    0 vote(s)
  6. No one cares for Mysticraft. Xp

    0 vote(s)
  7. Other unrelated Magic related mod

  8. Blood magic

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  1. Wotsalot

    Wotsalot Well-Known Member

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    12:33 AM
    Then how does towny not have the same problems?
    What the heck is block DMG ( breaking blocks as in like digging them up)
    AM2 has moonstones that spawn with in a 100 blocks of a player every once in a wile. and that can be disabled and sold at a store or somthing.
    There are work arounds for every thing. A
    And yes you can, make it so that spells cant be used with in like 3 chunks of a claim or like how the wand in thaumcraft is disabled in some one elses claim. there will allways be griefers and the bast that can be done is start with a beta server and figure it out.
  2. The_Icy_One

    The_Icy_One Procrastinates by doing work

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    Contingency: Fall - Zone - Gravity - Durationx3 - AoE - Dig is a spell feasibly obtainable within 12 hours of play, fewer if infinity orbs are purchased from others, and could quite easily be cast from well away from the targeted claim, then activated by disabling flight over the target area. This would not be prevented by disallowing spells within any area of a claim, therefore such a solution would not work.
  3. Wotsalot

    Wotsalot Well-Known Member

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    Okay... Closed then.
    Simply Magic is too much trouble for the mods and admins to deal with then.
    So we have Thaum, Blood, Botania, Witchery and what not and non of them have any of these problems that griefers are able to exploit.
    Meh what ever, I tryed to get a all Magic server but meh.. its to hard when people nitpick.
    like I said, there a work around for every thing, make a beta server and figure out how to fix it.
    Greifers are going to get banned where ever they are.
  4. SirStudMuffin

    SirStudMuffin Well-Known Member

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    What you have to understand is that most packs use bothas then you get 100% of the audience
    As for Ars Magica that is from what ive heard the worst mod for servers as theres is apparently plent of was to bypass PVP, protection and even dupe.
    I understand you want a whole magic server but in theory they just dont do well enough. Take Thaumic skies for example, you only see 1 or 2 people there now, its alot harder than just slappping magic in and going done. For example what magic mod has mass storage, can you automate with magic mods? do you see my point here?
  5. Wotsalot

    Wotsalot Well-Known Member

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    Botania has a ME system and AM2/Thaumcraft has the ability to make automation.
    And yes Iv been looking up all day different ways AM2 can bypass protections...not a lot but enough to reject the mod.
    Like I siad "Meh"
    Ill just keep playing on the simply magic server I allready am on. I was just hoping to play on MYM instead seeing as I donate to MYM and was going to more.
    I just cant scratch that need for magic itch with what MYM has all ready.
  6. BookerTheGeek

    BookerTheGeek Patron Tier 3

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    Yes, there are workarounds for all the issues. That is not the issue.

    The issue is server resources and manpower. The amount of resources it would take can be used on more popular packs.

    Manpower. The amount of time it will take to make this a smoothly running server are astronomical.

    As for towny, that has it own issues that have already been decided we are not going to be using.

    I am sorry that you feel this should be a simple setup. Prove to me that everything everybody else in this thread is pointing out why we can't can be easily fixed, and I'll consider pushing to get added.
    johnfg10 likes this.
  7. Wotsalot

    Wotsalot Well-Known Member

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    At this point ill just be b****ing and look like a poor loser.
    I don't know how to fix the issues that are coming up, I just know that they can be fixed or tweaked.
    I just thought MYM needed a Magic only server with a lot of magic themed mods that would take people out of there comfort zone and get them trying again with a quest book to point them in the right direction.
    Who knows, Simply magic may become a popular server, let people know that they are not perfectly protected and people will be people.
    Let a little crazy in to lighten things up.
    That said I kindly step back and and let you guys do you, and Ill try and be happy with what you got or go some were else to scratch my itch.
  8. Sjakie_NL

    Sjakie_NL Well-Known Member

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    Just copied your reaction Mr Potatoe... No hard feelings ;)

    But i wonder why does every pack has to go with Automation or storage???
    When you played minecraft you only had chest :D

    What im trying to say is why not a pack that you need to go out of your base to search for stuff. instead of quarry stuff and sit in your base
    waiting for a machine to get ready.

    I understand both party's. I love (i.m.o.) to see a magic mod server. But i also understand that some magic mods don't work together. so it's kinda pretty hard to get the server run smoothly.

    So im here on MYM waiting my days till i see a magic mod... If i see it i de-install mym launcher ;):D....
  9. SirStudMuffin

    SirStudMuffin Well-Known Member

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    regrowth is good for it
  10. LucidTheStick

    LucidTheStick Well-Known Member

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    You should keep an eye out on announcements section then ;). Sounds like you might like what's coming...
    Sjakie_NL likes this.
  11. johnfg10

    johnfg10 Well-Known Member

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    Do not swear please this is a family friendly network and it will not be tolerated I understand you are annoyed but that doesn't help[DOUBLEPOST=1468497298,1468497037][/DOUBLEPOST]
    That's a nice theory the issue how ever is man power we can not be on this server with people being griefed constantly its not plausible for a network of this size we need to protect the player base by any means possible as well as reduce staffing times,dev costs ect I hope you understand my point of view
  12. Sjakie_NL

    Sjakie_NL Well-Known Member

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    Oeh oeh... *bouncing and clapping happy up and down* :D:D

    *Stalking announcements section* :eek:
  13. SirStudMuffin

    SirStudMuffin Well-Known Member

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    Watch him announce something that is mostly Tech ;) We know you too well Lucid ;)
  14. Wotsalot

    Wotsalot Well-Known Member

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    I never said or suggested I didn't see your point.
    Meh, I censored my self. Was just trying to get my point across that I don't care any more. But you are right, I could of used another word seeing as words are some how evil or good. o_O
    So yea just close this thread all ready. You made is clear you guys don't have the Time, Man power, and Resources.
    I said my thoughts and ideas and was thoroughly stopped by sound logic. You guys just cant do it or more like, it would be a wast if you did put in all that time and work and very little to nothing came of it. :(( I may have over stepped my self with the last comment. Sorry )

    All in all MYM is still my fave place to go when playing most of the FTB modpacks, and I'll keep coming back to play here with my friends :)
  15. How about if someone gets near to the center of someone's base, they first get a warning to move away and the second time they are /killed. Tell me what could go wrong with that?
  16. Wotsalot

    Wotsalot Well-Known Member

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    What if thay where invited. Thay would be /killed.
    They would have to be /trusted and that would give them free range to do as they plz tell they can be /untursted wich would /kill them. leaving behind there loot.
    Trolls would invite players over and kill them without ever attacking them.[DOUBLEPOST=1468575135,1468574288][/DOUBLEPOST]Well since this post is still active, ill add my ideas to grief control tell im shot down with lazy no's.
    Implement the same mechanic that removes Thaumcraft wands to spell books ( any thing els that could bypass grief protection ) . If the spell book is not in hand it cant activate. ( or so I beleave. )
    I know that for a fact you cannot break any blocks/take any blocks with towny and Claims should work the same way.
    Another way is to banned items unless you/they are trusted/ranked high enough for them to be unlocked.
    I'm sure if i look up more ways to fight greifing there are many ways to fight it but I just want to play the game and not study up on ways of protection that the directer, admins, mods and what not should all ready know...well unless I apply for said positions
  17. johnfg10

    johnfg10 Well-Known Member

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    LAZY? are you aware how many issues there are on this server currently? im going to guess not staff here are not lazy they are NOT paid they do this because they are nice. (rant over)

    anyway that system would have several issues firstly that means players with a greater playtime can grief? that wont end well currently the system we have is basicly the only way it can be currently keep in mind developers are expensive.
  18. Wotsalot

    Wotsalot Well-Known Member

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    I was poking fun at the reply's I've been getting with the "lazy no" not lazy staff. You guys work plenty hard and some times don't really feel like arguing just want to get it over with quickly.
    Yes true older players would have the means of griefing but would they really risk being banned over something they may already have or just to be stupid.

    Older players or more trusted players are just that more trustworthy and deserve greater freedom.[DOUBLEPOST=1468576714][/DOUBLEPOST]People who put lots of time or pay money to advance faster are less likely to grief then somebody who just came in and have access to everything that can really mess everything up.
    You need to put trust in your veteran players and you're paying players or why even bother for suggestions and feedback or anything for that matter That's player related and not staff related.
    And when I mean rank I mean that specific server rank so people have to put in time to get it and become less likely to grief.
    Last edited: Jul 15, 2016
  19. johnfg10

    johnfg10 Well-Known Member

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    ye the only issue is if a player does grief with these magic tools then its harder for us to detect as magic mods dont use normal methods
  20. Wotsalot

    Wotsalot Well-Known Member

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    Okay that's understandable and I figured that. Like I said rank/ Trust unlocks new spells and what not making it easier or at least to me it would be to figure out what level of trust or rank would unlock these spells or items as well as when the grief and took place and who was on who could have done it making it easier to find out who did what or has the possibility of doing it . because no one is ever going to leave a Flawless griefing.
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