scrap & recycler calcuation to optimize scarp acceleration for uu matter

Discussion in 'Community Talk' started by komorebi, Jul 14, 2016.

  1. komorebi

    komorebi Well-Known Member

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    Recently I decided to build full-accelerated-uu-generation setup so,I did some math to calculate how many recycler needed and how much faster when it is accelerated by scrap.

    so i build my setup based on that calc and the result is pretty much fits with my calc

    so here is the data


    this data means that, for example

    If you got 36000 EU/t for both recylclers with 15 overclocks in each and mass fabricator, you can get 4.316 times faster mass fabricator than mass fabricator with no-scrap in same amount of power
    so it seem like mass fabricator accept 191448 EU/t with no scrap. To accelerate mass fabricator all the time, you have to get 8.766936 (=0.000243526*36000) EA of recycler with 15 overclocks in each to generate scrap.

    And these are the background theory and proof.
    If you find error please let me know

    • premise
    -i ignored some little error of power comsumption of machine. of course, ic2 electricty is transfered by packet but these error is little so you can regulate your setup for perfect fit
    this data is approximation

    -scrap acceleration is useless when there is no good source of trash provider like transfer node cobble stone generator

    • fact from wiki
    - 1mb = 1 million EU with no scrap acceleration
    - 1mb = 166,666 EU with scrap acceleration (6 times faster)

    • theory proved by my experiment
    -Default scrap production rate of recycler is 0.002777778 scrap/t

    -Scrap consumption rate of mass fabricator is linear in terms of provied power(EU/t) that ratio is 200.05078125 micro scrap/EU

    -property of recyler

    • process of calculation
    (provided power of mass fabricatorEU/t:MFP) =
    (power to both mass fabricator and recycler-EU/t:WHOLE) - MFP*(scrap consumption rate of mass fabricator-scrap/EU:SCRAP-EU)*(power consumption of recycler in given overclock-EU/t:RCP)/(scrap production speed of recycler in given overclock- scrap/t:SCP)

    SCRAP-EU*RCP/SCP = (machine factor:MachF)

    then MFP = WHOLE/(1+MachF)

    then Amplification = 6/(1+MachF)

    then (how much recyler needed in given power) = MFP*SCRAP-EU/SCP

    If you speed up mass fabricator more and more and you dont have enough power storage or drum,Your replicator cant keep up with uu-gen so you have to put some overclock and transformer upgrade at some point not to waste energy.
    (and replicator does not consume power like 2048 EU/t. That is voltage and voltage can be upgraded by transformer upgrade)

    Last edited: Jul 16, 2016
  2. aD0UBLEj

    aD0UBLEj Well-Known Member

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    10:38 PM
    Replicator power amount is useful to know I was trying to find that out yesterday. Not sure if it actually accepts transformer upgrades or not though. You should just be able to hook up all the power to it anyway since there are no machine explosions.
  3. komorebi

    komorebi Well-Known Member

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    As more overclock you put in replicator, you can see the power buffer runs out faster and eventually you get flickering buffer even though it is connected with enough power source. that means power consumption rate is greater than power acceptance rate. And that problem can be solved by transformer upgrade not for preventing blowing up.
    if you dont use tranformer upgrade, more overclock upgrade is useless

    thanks for feedback
    Last edited: Jul 15, 2016
  4. chugga_fan

    chugga_fan ME 4M storage cell of knowledge, all the time

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    machines can't blow up, that was disabled a long time ago
  5. komorebi

    komorebi Well-Known Member

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    I know that right. maybe my post didnt explain well However transformer upgrade is not for preventing machine blowup, it is for increasing energy acceptance rate

    you can just see that fact by simply put 3 overclock in replicator - or more - then your replicator's energy buffer starts drain out although you have enough power input
    Last edited: Jul 15, 2016
  6. Matryoshika

    Matryoshika Well-Known Member

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    Correction: Machines do not blow up in IC2-Experimental. The future for Experimental, is still shaky on whether or not to continue this, last I heard, but the forked IC2-Classic (Currently active on Tekkit Legends) still maintain the old I/O rules, with explosions.
  7. chugga_fan

    chugga_fan ME 4M storage cell of knowledge, all the time

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    Yes, the one being maintained by the IC2 creators does not have the explosions, the ones that aren't may or may not
  8. komorebi

    komorebi Well-Known Member

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    I apologise for incorrect information in additional tip. that is the only thing that i didnt have experiment on infinity skyblock modpack.
    there is no such thing like "energy acceptance rate" on ic2 version of infinity sky block modpack.
    Last edited: Jul 15, 2016

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