Done Tinkers tools spawning khndrel Keghts

Discussion in 'Crackpack' started by Mossb3rg, Jul 10, 2016.


What would you like to see done with Khnedrel Keght spawning? (may or may not affect staff decision)

  1. Lower spawn chance

    3 vote(s)
  2. Disable spawning

    6 vote(s)
  3. Keep them as they are

    3 vote(s)
  1. Mossb3rg

    Mossb3rg Well-Known Member

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    5:05 AM
    So I've experimented around with a few different tool modifiers and none seem to prevent or even lower the number of these things that spawn from simply digging some dirt. Seems like every block of dirt you dig has a 50% chance of spawning a Khndrel Keght making it a huge annoyance when trying to clear land especially with high dig speed tinkers tools. They drop nothing so i don't really see the need for these nasty little buggers as they serve no purpose other than to annoy anyone trying to clear some land to build on. not sure what should be done (lower spawn, disable spawning, ect.) but it would be amazing to not have to constantly deal with 50+ of these things when just trying to dig.
  2. Kazeodori

    Kazeodori Well-Known Member

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    2:05 AM
    The spawn rates on them are pretty ridiculous, and they spawn even with tinker tools meant to clear dirt (I'm looking at you mattock).
  3. Mossb3rg

    Mossb3rg Well-Known Member

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    5:05 AM
    thats what i mean, i could see if they spawned from punching dirt but if your using the correct tool why would insane numbers of them be spawning.[DOUBLEPOST=1468127007][/DOUBLEPOST]Did some research and these things could be causing some of the tps issues on crackpack because ender quarries have been know to spawn these things...[DOUBLEPOST=1468128960,1468126651][/DOUBLEPOST]Tested in single player and while enderquarrys dont cause spawns BC quarry do... like alot.

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    Last edited: Jul 10, 2016
  4. _Lordicon

    _Lordicon MyM Real OG

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    5:05 AM
    I believe these mobs are part of the EnderZoo mod, If I am not mistake their spawn rate is based on the vanilla tools. If you use a wooden shovel rather than your hand you will have less of a chance of them spawning in, Same as if you use the Diamond shovel. Using a Diamond shovel you should hardly ever see these spawn in at all due to it being based on the vanilla shovels and again this is if I am not mistake.

    Please feel free to test this with vanilla tools and let us know if it is still an issue after using a Diamond Shovel. Thanks
  5. Mossb3rg

    Mossb3rg Well-Known Member

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    5:05 AM
    the thing is that it doesn't recognize tinkers shovel tools like excavator, shovel, mattock. So even if you're using the correct tool, if its a tinkers tool u spawn 1 of these every 2 blocks you dig.
  6. _Lordicon

    _Lordicon MyM Real OG

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    I dont think it was ever intended to be able to use other tools to keep these from spawning in. I believe it was made to be vanilla tools by the author so players don't just make op tools all the time using tinkers or any other mod.
  7. Mossb3rg

    Mossb3rg Well-Known Member

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    5:05 AM
    that pretty much defeats the usability of any tinkers construct digging tool
  8. MrsFaithfyre

    MrsFaithfyre Well-Known Member

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    5:05 AM
    I personally would like to see these things removed. I use an atomic disassembler and they spawn like crazy! My daughter likes to call them the kingle koggles and yells everytime she gets one too! They're fun for the first day or so playing, but after that.... simply annoying.
  9. SirWill

    SirWill Founder

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    10:05 AM
    Disabled with the next restart.
    _Lordicon and ContinuedAsh like this.

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