Griefed for the second time in a week

Discussion in 'Community Talk' started by __Ethereal, Jul 12, 2016.

  1. __Ethereal

    __Ethereal Member

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    1:19 AM
    This is not a report on a player, well it kinda is... but not fully. I lived with a guy called MrCmoFloYT. We seemed to be good friends. Until I got on today. He said he had moved. Not only had he moved, but he had taken 80 percent of the stuff at my base. 2/3s of my machines were taken, about 100 of 112 drives or so, I dont know the exact number, were taken, the draconic energy storage ball was taken, and alot more. Admin's cannot do anything about this because it was his claim, (I had given him all of my claim blocks because he had more.) And it was a player to player basis. This was on in4. Also, he still had the claim, and all the stuff he left behind, I cannot take because he untrusted me, I guess assuming I would find his new base and take back what was mine. I guess I have nothing to complain about, as I did give him ownership over the claim, it just seems kinda unfair that anyone you trust can just run away with everything, and staff will not do anything.
  2. LucidTheStick

    LucidTheStick Well-Known Member

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    To be fair, /trust is like adding someone to the deed on your house. It's now communal property and everyone in it has a right to it. We don't get involved in these situations as we don't want to be in the middle of he said/she said. We understand the frustration you are feeling, but the only advice I can offer is to be careful who you trust.
    johnfg10 likes this.
  3. GGothicRide

    GGothicRide The Destroyer

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    Be like me, Trust No One, that being said, even your best freinds can back stab you and you wont even know it till it happens or you find out its been done, its a real world life lesson to be learned and i think that everyone needs to be aware of or learn this lesson, i work a full time at the local factory and i will never trust anyone there as it might cost me my job if they try to back stab me, same goes for relationships (sometimes)

    as lucid said, be very careful who you add to your claims and other islands on skyblocks and etc, you never know when they can up and leave with everything
    johnfg10 and SanndyTheManndy like this.
  4. yurikha27

    yurikha27 Well-Known Member

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    Hi there,
    For the future, I would definitely suggest looking into /accesstrust and /containertrust before granting someone full access to your base. Even when you believe someone can be trusted, have a backup plan. Use /subdivideclaims to create a communal area but make sure you deny access to your most valuable things. GriefPrevention has tools for situations like this; you just have to use them. With /subdivideclaims, you can allow him to open your ME system, but not actually take it. Believe me; if you have automation going, a few items gone from your ME system won't hurt, but if you lose it entirely, you're starting from square one. Do some risk management; don't give anyone full access to your things; like GGothicRide, people tend to backstab others in an instant when circumstances favor it. If you have any questions about how to use GriefPrevention, check out their documentation at Grief Prevention - Bukkit or feel free to message me in-game (I sometimes appear on IN6) or on the forums, or just post here. I regret the loss of your hard work, especially since staff can't do anything about it and you have done almost everything right. I want to let you know personally I despise these kind of people and urge you not to completely abandon faith in the community, just engage in a few smart precautions and continue having fun! Join us in the build competition! Oh, and spread the word; no need for people to be ignorant of the tools they have at their disposal.
    I hope this helped.

    F4lconwings likes this.
  5. bcreative1979

    bcreative1979 Creator of "The Workshop 2.0" and "old man"

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    it is very sad that we would even have to talk about issues like this. I have noticed this in the DW20 node 1 server.
    The workshop I have created was made to help people start off in the game, I have basic machines and some people even helped make their own areas.. I had also used the command /containertrust all which I knew would open up the inventories to everyone.

    It started off well but after a while people started taking things..

    I find it sad that you make something for everyone and people still think it is important to steal. That is also a reason why I play alone.. I have just lost trust in a lot of people. Sure there are people on I trust and they know who they are because we have played together so long..

    I really hope people start to enjoy playing the game again because lets face it, it is a game people its not life or death and although I know being one of the oldest ones on here, even if you are a teenager, "please just don't be a dick" as sir wyld would say...
  6. yurikha27

    yurikha27 Well-Known Member

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    I know the feeling; I've been there and done that on other servers. People, just as in real life, tend to abuse public resources (it's the law of incentives) and really disregard morals, ethics, and future planning when they destroy public goods... If you let them touch your things, they take advantage of you. I really hate it when people can't trust each other and we end up with a huge duplication of infrastructure in the beginning (e.g. a pulverizer is idle 90% of the time, but each person must make his own, resulting in an inefficient 10x the number of needed pulverizers). All it does is hurt new people... Even if the items are returned, nobody is going to take the time and effort to set up a new workshop once one has been griefed. All for what? You get to hold a nice set of machines (that you had free access to in the first place) and now you need to make energy, set it up, and soon you realize you want an upgrade. What a waste, and it's sad people continue to steal from and lie to those who are trying to help others...

    I encourage everyone to try to play aboveboard and please don't steal from claims with /trust public; it only hurts you and future new players for little value.

    An interesting historical parallel is the formation of governments early in human history to protect life and property against theft and robbery. Even with an imposed staff government, it should be possible to form a protective group with a guard online at all times to prevent griefs. Oh well, there aren't enough players on most nodes to make this practical and it's probably too difficult, given the constraints of the rules and the difficulty of tracking down and punishing other players.
    bcreative1979 likes this.
  7. bcreative1979

    bcreative1979 Creator of "The Workshop 2.0" and "old man"

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    I couldn't have said it better myself..
  8. __Ethereal

    __Ethereal Member

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    Thank you all the for the replys. I might as well restart, as I have lost basically everything, why not hope over to in6? Everyone is starting fresh there, and there's a building competition. Thanks for the kind words. I am going to have to wait for a week as I am going on vacation, and I plan to stay on in4 to confront him, but after that, why not come over? I needed a fresh start anyway.
    yurikha27 and profrags like this.
  9. amidgitinatruck

    amidgitinatruck Prophet of Rage Patron Tier 3

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    If you want to stay on node 4, message me a list of things you need, I'll do what I can to get you on your feet again.
  10. ContinuedAsh

    ContinuedAsh Just a boring person.

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    As amidgitinatruck said give me a list of items you need or you could even base with me I already have like 4 people basing with me and I see no harm in letting you join me :)
  11. ben_mkiv

    ben_mkiv Well-Known Member

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    well, depends on how smart the griefer is :p

    so also add a security terminal with no building permissions for players you don't give full trust.

    Else one could just craft a IO Port, some Cells and connect them in the trusted area and easily transfer all items on the new cells.
  12. Brandonworld2

    Brandonworld2 Active Member

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    I would say in the long run make it so you both has a claim neither of u trust the other in it but in stead you still share resources
  13. WikidSick

    WikidSick Well-Known Member

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    Bad luck i assume, @MrCmofloYT seems to be a jerk
  14. Silenuz

    Silenuz Well-Known Member

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    All I can think about is the 112 drives.. your node probably hates you.
  15. ContinuedAsh

    ContinuedAsh Just a boring person.

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    I dont hate him
  16. King_Cronus

    King_Cronus Well-Known Member

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    Take his head anyways
  17. ContinuedAsh

    ContinuedAsh Just a boring person.

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    i'm not going to be rude to him e-e

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