Ferret Business - Compact Machines - Chunk Loading?

Discussion in 'Community Talk' started by Zippity_Doodah, Jul 21, 2016.

  1. Zippity_Doodah

    Zippity_Doodah Well-Known Member

    Likes Received:
    Local Time:
    2:35 PM
    Good day,

    I just started playing on Ferret Business a few days ago, and as I was going through the quests I was introduced to Compact Machines... I've never used that mod before and it seemed to be an interesting concept... I watched several videos about it and read through the Wiki about it as well before messing around with it... According to the Wiki I had to ensure I placed a Chunk Loader in the chunk where the device was located in the Overworld, to ensure any automation I had inside it would reach the Overworld from the Compact Machine item itself... I went ahead and did that... Inside the Compact Machine I set up a small RF Power system to generate RF using Steam Dynamo's and what not... But I noticed that power output in the Overworld coming from the device would stall out...

    I began researching the Mod again to see if I messed something up, as according to the Wiki and other sources the inside of the Compact Machine was automatically chunk loaded and I just needed to ensure the chunk where I placed the device in the Overworld was chunk loaded for it to operate correctly... But the stalling would happen every time...

    I then decided to place a 1x1 chunk loader into the Compact Machine dimension next to the power generating setup, and returned to the Overworld and noticed it no longer stalled out... So it appears as though the Wiki and all other resources available were wrong and I had to chunk load both locations... This kinda makes the Compact Machines not worth using at all... With the restrictions on Chunk Loader usage, having to use a chunk loader for every Compact Machine used, I would easily reach max usage quickly...

    I'm actually better off not using the Compact Machines and placing all base structures in the Overworld where I can more easily make very few chunk loaders, covering a larger area, to incorporate all base functions and processing...

    Thus far the Mod Pack has been enjoyable... And the snafu with the Compact Machines is not a game breaker for me, as I don't really need to use them, but it did seem like a neat way of decluttering a base, if they worked as intended...

  2. Bennyboy1695

    Bennyboy1695 Well-Known Member

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    Local Time:
    9:35 PM
    By default the compact machines mod will chunk load the room you get but the server has the chunk loading from that mod turned off to prevent lag
  3. Zippity_Doodah

    Zippity_Doodah Well-Known Member

    Likes Received:
    Local Time:
    2:35 PM
    Kinda figured... No biggie, but placing chunk loaders into each Compact Machine would be counter productive... So really the Compact Machines are underwhelming for their intended purpose as repositories for Processing and Production... You could still use them for purposes not related to needing chunk loading... But I would hate to waste Chunk Loaders on them, when I could use them in the Overworld for the same purpose, while being more frugle with the Chunk Loaders...


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