AE Lagg

Discussion in 'Community Talk' started by bcreative1979, Jul 21, 2016.

  1. bcreative1979

    bcreative1979 Creator of "The Workshop 2.0" and "old man"

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    Hello my fellow minecrafters,

    I have a question. I play on the DW20 node 1, and since I have my new base my AE system seems to be the favorite of the lagg list. I obviously feel honored, but then again would like to change that.

    Does anyone know what components of the AE system cause the most lagg?

    I do have a lot of me drives and cells but also a lot of molecular assemblers and crafting units but I want to know what exactly is causing the lagg.

  2. ben_mkiv

    ben_mkiv Well-Known Member

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    lot of active import bus create lag, as they permanently check the inventory of what they are placed at, so use interfaces where possible.

    also if you have a quarry importing to the ME system it constantly creates load, so use pipes to sort trash out before it enters your ME and/or setup another ME system for Quarry loot and copy the stuff over by hand. (IO Port can import content of a whole storage cell in a few seconds)

    but note that the 2nd ME just spreads the load over 2 systems, and doesn't really decrease it.

    with a good power supply you should switch to MFR Laser Drill if they are in DW20. They only create Ores and you dont have to sort all kind of useless blocks out.
    bcreative1979 likes this.
  3. Slind

    Slind Founder

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  4. bcreative1979

    bcreative1979 Creator of "The Workshop 2.0" and "old man"

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    most of the stuff you have mentioned I have done, I have hardly any import busses, mostly interfaces. The quarry part is actually something that I have but most of the garbage is deleted at the quarry site before it reaches my ME system, like stone and dirt..

    I might try and change a few things around to be honest but those were a lot of good tipps.. Thank you

    I did actually and tried to adapt my system as much as I could, but I will read it again. Thank you
  5. Slind

    Slind Founder

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    Interfaces are worse :( Its better to have all those items within the me system (drives).
  6. ben_mkiv

    ben_mkiv Well-Known Member

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    How would you get items in your ME then? Sometimes you need a gate to import stuff from mobfarm/etc.

    interfaces should only update when an insert event happens, while a import bus has to check the connected inventory all the time. but to be honest, i dont know anything of the code behind those devices.

    or was it about interface + quarry as more update events happen, compared to import bus?
  7. Slind

    Slind Founder

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    Unless I'm mixing it up. The interfaces provide the connected inventories to the me system. Hence, the me system needs to check those connected chests/inventories and all their content.

    But my Applied Energistics knowledge is slowly fading as I haven't used it since the initial release of infinity.
  8. ben_mkiv

    ben_mkiv Well-Known Member

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    the interface has its own inventory. and when items get inserted to the interface inventory it sends them to the network, which usually ends up saving them on a cell.

    idk how the code of import bus works, if it checks for blockupdate of the neighborblock it might be not as bad as i thought, but i guess it checks every few ticks if theres something to "pull out"

    and maybe you mix up interface with storage bus, which makes a "remote inventory" accessable by the me, so for example you can see the content of a chest with your ME Terminal, when connected with storage bus. (thats what sadly lot of people use with DSU for example)
  9. SirStudMuffin

    SirStudMuffin Well-Known Member

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    Make sure you store ALL durability items out of the ME
  10. King_Cronus

    King_Cronus Well-Known Member

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    The more your system is doing so exporting importing ect the more lag try using only one import and less cables loops ect I use tesseracts to import my items in and export them much neater and my we never goes above 5
  11. Kronnn

    Kronnn Well-Known Member

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    I think you're thinking of storage busses there. Interfaces are let you pump items into and out of connected machines without having their inventories displayed within the system. I've heard that using a pipe/item conduit etc to pipe items into the me system through an interface is better than using import busses, but I havent been able to test it myself.
  12. Marbliss

    Marbliss Well-Known Member

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    tsk tsk bc, use less P2P tunnels :/
    bcreative1979 likes this.
  13. TheVampiricT

    TheVampiricT Well-Known Member

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    This is a joy -
    1) Spread you AE out, don't have it all in one room or chunk. @Ben85 has a very good example of this.
    2) I would use a Quantum Ring to get everything into the ME System, just keep it away from your base OR use it right at the quarry site.
    2a) You can lag up the site a little more than your base with this, but you are not going to even be at your quarry for the meantime right?
    2aa) PLUS once your quarry it done you can just disable the link before you go there to save lag.
    2ab) Not like there is going to be much lag, you can import everything into 1 or 2 ME Interfaces right on top of the quarry or move items from a chest on the quarry into them with TE Pipes or Ender IO Conduit.
    2b) It will be more spread if you do this because you would have it in at least 2 chunks, not just one where you would be importing it from an Ender Chest (With @2ab setup?) Which causes less lag in the long run.
    2c) You would not be rendering it which saves lots of FPS troubles and server RAM/CPU usage in the long run.

    Hopefully, this gives you a couple ideas!
  14. chugga_fan

    chugga_fan ME 4M storage cell of knowledge, all the time

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    AE isn't laggy, I will tell you this, AE is actually better than 99.9999% of other mods about most stuff, so please, if you're saying OMG AE IS SO LAGGY, you're wrong, the reason that lag meter is there is that SOMETIMES an AE can be laggy, this is usually due to long crafting chains which take up CPU and RAM as they need to calculate resource values each tick, so do not use your molecular assemblers too often, also a lot of other stuff exists, Idk any other suggestions
    ben_mkiv likes this.
  15. ben_mkiv

    ben_mkiv Well-Known Member

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    It's better on this servers as they wont display their load on the AE lag list :p

    Well, i'm using such thing myself to pump items from enderchest to interface, because they are way faster. maybe they also produce more load at this block, but a full enderchest where the import bus can't hold up probably also produces some kind of load as the machines which store items in the chest have to check the enderchest inventory at least twice.
    so it could look like that one system is less laggy, while it actually isn't at all.
  16. bcreative1979

    bcreative1979 Creator of "The Workshop 2.0" and "old man"

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    actually I have like 4 p2p and only use them to transfer energy....[DOUBLEPOST=1469177659][/DOUBLEPOST]all this is just showing me I have to make some changes to my AE system but there are a lot of good tipps here

    And yes, whenever I see my system in the lagg list, I have to say I dont get that much lagg but I do have mostly all animations and stuff deactivated so that might be the reason for hardly any lagg..
  17. aD0UBLEj

    aD0UBLEj Well-Known Member

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    Different type of lag, the list is server lag not fps lag.
  18. bcreative1979

    bcreative1979 Creator of "The Workshop 2.0" and "old man"

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    nice to know, you learn something new every day.. thank you

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