Done Chunks resetting?

Discussion in 'CrundeeCraft' started by Netjerenbau, Jul 25, 2016.

  1. Netjerenbau

    Netjerenbau Active Member

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    Local Time:
    5:16 PM
    Hi. I've been playing this a while but have been having the occasional bit of trouble with chunks seeming to go back in time about 10 minutes or so.
    It's happened a few times but the latest example I placed a small Big Reactor on the moon to power machines to collect oxygen from a nearby tree so I could refill my tanks.
    I then went to hunt skeletons for bonemeal thinking more trees = more oxygen.
    When I get back the tree is there as it's the first thing I planted but my machines & all but the back wall of my reactor have vanished.

    In a similar vein my main base's reactor has a capacity of 6 stacks of yellorium but if I walk away then even if it's turned off it'll eventually reset to 29%

    Is anyone else having similar trouble?
  2. F4lconwings

    F4lconwings Well-Known Member

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    6:16 PM
    May i just ask if these "rollbacks" happened shortly after unannounced servercloses, caused by crashes?
    If so, these are automatically set rollbacks, to prevent the server from crashing continuously.

    Sorry if you may be annoyed by them, but theyre necessary to prevent the server from loopcrashing.

    Hope this clarifys the problem.
  3. Netjerenbau

    Netjerenbau Active Member

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    5:16 PM
    They're not. I put a block or machine down, wander off to do something else and every now and then it won't be there when I get back.
    The moon is the most extreme example but there have been a couple of times it's happened on a smaller scale.

    I haven't noticed high lag or anything at the time but it does seem a lot like the server doesn't register what I've done every now & then.
  4. F4lconwings

    F4lconwings Well-Known Member

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    6:16 PM
    Did you think about these blocks maybe getting griefed?
    May you wanna give me some coordinates, that I or another staffmember can have a look at that?
  5. Netjerenbau

    Netjerenbau Active Member

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    5:16 PM
    The moon house I was using is at -2712, 66, -503 on the moon though as walking on the moon leaves footprints I don't believe it was griefing.
    My reactor that keeps emptying is at -2728, 44, -647 on the overworld, though as the only way to empty it would be to turn it on I'd have a load of power somewhere that I don't have. It's also in my claimed area so I don't think anyone can do anything to it.

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