Is it possible to upgrade this pack to its 1.8 (version 4.3.0) varient so that there is a littlemore to collect and do? I feel like more people might play it. Spoiler: Added in 1.8.9 Version 4.3.0 Released July 25, 2016. Pokémon Added Nincada Added Ninjask Added Shedinja Added Lileep Added Cradily Added Feebas Added Milotic Updated Anorith model Updated Armaldo model Features Added a Grass Gym as a test Gym Added config setting for beds healing Pokémon Added config setting for Pokémon spawn tick rate Added config setting for Pickup rate Added config setting to display HP bars above Pokémon Added cries for Heracross, Joltik, Sudowoodo, and Wailord Added Prism Scale Made overhead text more descriptive for Pokémon and NPCs Re-added Root Fossils Updated cries for Aggron, Eevee, Gengar, Haunter, Regice, Regigigas, Regirock, Registeel, and Scyther Tweaks Added option to create shopkeepers that spawn outside of towns Added spawning rarity to the npcs.json file Allowed "Allow nicknames" config setting to be applied server-side Allowed forms to be defined with custom starter Pokémon in the config Changed some chat messages to battle messages when applicable Improved efficiency of Pokémon spawning Limited ranch block area of effect to at most three blocks above the ranch block Made the AFK handler scroll through text more slowly Made Thunder Stone tool effect override lower levels of Efficiency Merged config settings for external JSON files Reduced Gem recipes to require only one diamond /snapshot command now prints the positions of snapshotted NPCs to the console. Stopped aggressive Pokémon from chasing Pokémon inside ranch blocks Fixes Fixed battle freeze when leveling up Fixed bounding box sizes of several Pokémon Fixed crash when breeding Magby or Pichu Fixed command selectors displaying incorrectly with /endbattle and /pokebattle Fixed Eject Button causing the holder to switch out when a battle starts Fixed /endbattle command permissions Fixed /endbattle leaving wild Pokémon stuck when catching Pokémon Fixed faulty prismarine shard drop Fixed Forage not giving items after being used repeatedly Fixed held item duplication issue Fixed incorrect GUI font when a player has no Pokémon Fixed incorrect Pokémon name in boss Pokémon GUI in non-English languages Fixed inventory party rendering incorrectly with enchanted armor equipped Fixed Leftovers reviving fainted Pokémon Fixed Light Fire not triggering Fixed music discs appearing in chests as stacks of zero. Fixed NPCs counting as land spawns for Pokémon land spawn limit Fixed one incorrect external JSON file causing other files to not be loaded Fixed percentage-based damage and healing rounding down to 0 Fixed players continuing to move/jump after a battle starts Fixed residual damage not fainting Pokémon correctly Fixed Return dealing no damage Fixed running boots and evolution stone boots giving a speed boost when held in hand Fixed Sky Drop freezing battles Fixed some battle crashes Fixed some held item interactions with multi-hit moves Fixed statuses from status orbs damaging Pokémon on the same turn they are inflicted Fixed Unburden giving a premature Speed boost Fixed Wormadam's type not matching its form in battle Made residual held item effects occur before residual status effects Residual and start-of-battle effects now reflect turn order.
At the moment this is not possible to my knowledge as it has been brought up before. But I have no idea if anything has changed since then so as far as I know it is not possible to do,
While I would like to see this, currently there really is not point. The reason is, the 1.10.2 version was realeased earlier this week (Beta) and going from 1.8 to 1.10 would require a wipe anyway.... as of typing this Lucid is working on 1.10 vanilla server in which he is testing plugins... that later will be used for modded servers. As of right now, I think its best to just wait for 1.10. When that happens, I would love to help work on the pixelmon server.
Come be part of the testing community and help MyM prepare for the future. Testing Required - 1.10.2 Anarchy Server (Experimental) | Page 6 | MineYourMind Community