Well this isn't much of a question but why were a bunch of claims on Pixelmon reset without giving proper warning to people who may have other people who based with them who claimed part or all of their base but don't play anymore but that person who is trusted still does. I had a claim that I was trusted on right next to my house which the person I was basing with claimed. There was a player who still plays but his friend obviously does no longer but claimed his base and now his entire base was regenerated back to its original state. Next time something like this does happen it would be kind if you gave a heads up that the claims with be regenerated. Thanks
If the person is trusted and they try to build in a claim about to reset the should get a msg.. this claim will reset in x days contact staff for a claim transfer.. Unless it Broke on pixel
this is a automated system now so after 2 weeks if the player doesnt request a claim transfer the claim automatically resets before hand it will warn other trusted players that they should request a claim transfer
But these claims were there for ages, how come all of a sudden they were just regenerated when it didn't do that before.
that im not sure of it may of only recently been activated or it may still be done by hand which means they will get no warning sr staff will just do it when there free
But if it was just implemented why didn't anyone get told that it was getting implemented so they could ask for a claim transfer.
well im not sure il tag @Junior Administrator so they can investigate Found out claim deleter is on pixelmon maybe the warning system messed up
Claim deleter just was forgotten. It was turned on. Please see the announcement secrion of the forum for it being announced the beginning of this year. It was just random fluke it wasnt on before.
Im confused, yes i understand that there was automatic claim deleter but why did it delete the claims now and not when it was turned on? Was it just turned on, because the player that I based with changed his name and since it is no longer in his player name only I could access it, it wasn't regenerated until now?
This still isn't solved . Why was the 2 week reset of claims just randomly enabled on Pixelmon, without any warning. It was not enabled before, so how are people suppose to know their claims will be deleted when it is just randomly enabled on a server over a year old. How are we suppose to know that claims are going to now be reset when it wasn't enabled before...
It was enabled, there was just a bug which caused the plugin to not load correctly. Before I realized that the warning were also not there it was already too late.