Done Stolen account, I can't change my name back for 19 days.

Discussion in 'Other' started by dayglo123, Aug 8, 2016.

  1. dayglo123

    dayglo123 Member

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    Someone has stolen my account. I am working with mojang to fix it, but I don't know if I can get all my stuff back. If I change my name back will I get my stuff back? Stupid idiot changed it to NITHEETHC. Help!!!
  2. LucidTheStick

    LucidTheStick Well-Known Member

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    Just click the gear then update username.
  3. crazylea

    crazylea Well-Known Member

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    Also be sure to chanse your password of your mojang account so the other person doens't have access to it anymore (that is if you don't know the person)
    ben_mkiv likes this.
  4. ben_mkiv

    ben_mkiv Well-Known Member

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    also change the password of your linked email address, and check if it didn't got changed in your minecraft profile.
  5. The_Icy_One

    The_Icy_One Procrastinates by doing work

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    And if you happen to use the same password on your email and your mojang account, don't do that.
  6. HelloKittyPhone

    HelloKittyPhone Well-Known Member

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    Basically, change your password every month or so. But I suggest you never make your passwords the same or repeating.
  7. DanPiTV

    DanPiTV Learning Omni-Tool

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    If people would finally make 12-16 long passwords, with .,! Numbers and letters and don't use some where else, you don't need to change it every month. Use a TwoFactorAuthorization everywhere you can. For the password, you could just right down a sentence, take the first letters of the words, put the numbers and ()!,. in and you are safe. If people would do that, we wouldn't have problems with stuff like brute force or guessing the password anymore. Next step would be encryption, but first follow the steps of a good password and 2FA :p
  8. crazylea

    crazylea Well-Known Member

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    password can always be figgered out i myself am in an ict study 'road' and i have to unlock passwords whit more then 30nummers and letters but it only takes like 5months but its always posible so change you password every so often. so the chanses are less to none
  9. DanPiTV

    DanPiTV Learning Omni-Tool

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    Not trying to be rude, but I am not quite sure what you mean and how you do that. A 30 digital letters and numbers has a lot of combinations and would take years to guess with a normal computer. That would also mean encryption is useless, if you'd be able to hack it in 5 months. Eventually wanna clear me up on this one?

    EDIT: Nvm, this is off topic and won't solve the problem.
  10. HelloKittyPhone

    HelloKittyPhone Well-Known Member

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    Or you could just make a new password every few months and write it down.

    If you feel like you've been hacked or whatever, go to this site Have I been pwned? Check if your email has been compromised in a data breach
  11. DanPiTV

    DanPiTV Learning Omni-Tool

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    Changing the Password from "paswwd123" to "paswrd321" every month wouldn't help much. Just kidding, you are right though, changing a safe Password to another safe Password is another layer of security, but I mean you would only Need it for Special stuff like your E-Mail account. Having one safe Password for mojang and some clever Security Question´s shouldn't get you in Trouble ;)[DOUBLEPOST=1470844277][/DOUBLEPOST]
    Not sure if ya already did, but this may be some useful Information for your Problem: Info - Regarding Name Changes | MineYourMind Community
  12. SirWill

    SirWill Founder

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    Please don't run a discussion in a support thread from someone else. Either create a conversation or a own thread under Community Talk.

    The more posts a support thread does have the more time it requires the staff member to read through it to find all relevant information about the issue.
    LunaBlossoms likes this.

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