Pixelmon "Wondertrade" Suggustion

Discussion in 'Archive (Suggestion and Feedback)' started by Mining_Canadian, Jun 2, 2015.


For or Against WonderTrade!?!

  1. For (I like the Idea lets inocorporate it)

  2. Against (I dislike the Idea lets not incorporate it)

  1. Slind

    Slind Founder

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    BetaPetey likes this.
  2. recaltotal

    recaltotal Well-Known Member

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    i think if the server was to be updated then this could be a good idea because at the current state the playerbase is low on the current version and everyone is breeding so wondertrade would be full of lvl 1 eggrejects

    if you look at some pixelmon servers that are currently on the latest version they are so full of players and mym is a good group known by alot of people now it would smash out filling pixelmon easy
  3. SirStudMuffin

    SirStudMuffin Well-Known Member

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    I agree, it would be best when we update
  4. LucidTheStick

    LucidTheStick Well-Known Member

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  5. snakeworm11

    snakeworm11 Guest

    I do like the idea, and even with the downside of everyone filling it with "egg rejects", some pokemon that people breed are rare and will be useful to other players. And maybe to avoid people filling it with useless magikarps, a certain timer between inputs, and a 1 pokemon species per player rule (if possible, i am not familiar with said plugin, just the actual feature in the games)
  6. SirStudMuffin

    SirStudMuffin Well-Known Member

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    Did you say "Useless Magikarps"?
  7. snakeworm11

    snakeworm11 Guest

    NO! nononononon magikarps arent useless.. plz dont kill meh muffin man
    F4lconwings likes this.
  8. mrminesheeps

    mrminesheeps Helper

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    now you're sounding like a guy i know from a pixelmon server i play haha. he would sometimes fill the wondertrade with nothing but shiny magikarp. i got 5 of them. yeah. xD
    profrags likes this.
  9. ZzConradzZ

    ZzConradzZ The Purple Cat

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    Not all Egg Rejects are bad. A person deep into breeding might want to trade there 50 95% eevees just for the fun of it :p
  10. Necro6300

    Necro6300 Well-Known Member

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    yeah but unless the server keeps at least 2-3 legandarys n a few shinys in there no one will use it as the only things of real value are legands n shinys everything else can be caught easily no one in the right mind would put a legand in there unless they have a few of them n even still unless there is a chance to get a legend there is no point in putting a legend in. I played on a server with this active but the only way it was working successfully was when an admin( or who ever was trusted with the maintenance of it) would spawn in random legendarys n put in the pool they kept a minimum of 3 legends in it at all times n that was only to keep people putting pokemon in to give them a chance at getting it
  11. filipnielsen0303

    filipnielsen0303 Well-Known Member

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    Lets not add too many new things to pixelmon? it's already buggy as hell why destroy the little we got ?
    Lawmonark likes this.
  12. Lawmonark

    Lawmonark Well-Known Member

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    I am not a fan of this plug in.

    It is better to have community driven trades using the trade machines.

    There are many reasons but the main one is.. you can get really good pixelmon, offering really low leveled ones.

    IMO: it breaks trading immersion
  13. RomaDaddy

    RomaDaddy Well-Known Member

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    just thought id chime in here, the wondertrade plugin can be setup to dump pokemon and regen a fresh list of trades on each server restart if needed. It can also be set up to not allow legendaries or shiny pokemon, or have them if you want a like 999.99% chance of it or something XD

    Not sure what all has been talked about with the plugin, but I have had a 1.8 server setup for the newest pixelmon version before. Its a pain to find the plugins that are not pixelmon related, such are perms and essential stuff like /home and whatnot. And from what I could tell, 1.8 hated most things optifine related lol (if your into that like I am, mmmm shader effects)
  14. Win_J

    Win_J Patron Tier 1

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    There's a way to limit the wondertrade - I've been one servers where they limit it once per day.
  15. Mining_Canadian

    Mining_Canadian Well-Known Member

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    so is this going to be implemented or do we still need more opinions...?
  16. coolgi3000

    coolgi3000 Logician of the gods

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    now if only there was a way to discourage people from putting low level and bad pokemon in the pool, like if it had a higher chance to pick a pokemon from the pool around the level of the pokemon that you entered, or if there was some kinda public shaming for anyone caught putting a low lvl pokemon or a magicarp in the pool :p
    yes i know that unless theirs an option in the config for the addon for that its not happening :(
  17. KiraVonDeaths

    KiraVonDeaths Well-Known Member

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    seems totaly legit.
  18. chugga_fan

    chugga_fan ME 4M storage cell of knowledge, all the time

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    considering that's exactly how wondertrade normally worked in the actual games though, bad pokemon in, bad pokemon out most of the time, except that one pokemon that's got PokeRus sometimes, you ain't gonna get anything good from the game's wondertrade

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